Danza in fiera. I dance for fun or strange dream of fame "
25 febbraio 2011 — pagina 18 sezione: FIRENZE
C'È MIGUEL che è piombato qui sul parquet del padiglione Rastriglia dal Sudamerica e aspetta che arrivi il suo momento nei campionati mondiali delle danze Argentina and the Caribbean. There are Lisa and Julia who instead are "always been passionate about Western and American saloon deep 'and then five years ago they set up a school in Florence Country Line Dance, that dance, I want to say that" you can not Texans do without leather and cowboy hat. "
Before they started, "the kind crazy just to the north, Veneto and Lombardy - they say - We now have 80-90 students, aged from 10 to 70 years." Then there are the usual throngs of teenagers chock lessons hip hop and jazz television, and even the kids who are hoping for a lightning career suggested by the talent show "how they got them," says Giuseppe indicating the stage to perform the ex- "Friends" and explains that "as soon as we go to Rome n'ho eighteen and auditioned me introduce myself." Do not expect to figure it out. From here on Sunday at the Fortezza da Basso is on stage "Danzainfiera.
its sixth edition, the most important Italian event dedicated to dance and dance is a mix of genres and atmospheres. A Shaker esperienzee different worlds spread over 65 thousand square meters, 14 pavilions, five stages and three runs in the scene where to send classical, belly dance, cheerleading, twirling, pole dance, samba, tango and contemporary art. Then stars and industry gurus. Yesterday, the event officially began at 19.30 with the opening gala by Maggiodanza, the company directed by Francis Gizzi, that meets the public today at 14. But lessons, competitions and exhibitions, training courses and workshops have gone by the afternoon. Needless to say, has recorded a full house at the pavilion Cavaniglia 17. On stage there was "The Black Souls", the preview of the musical product with the dancers and singers of the past editions of "Friends." "We come from Cagliari ',' us from Ancona," "I am from Milan," said Anthony, Louise, Mary, Laura Ilariae. About sixteen, who, thirty and forty years, all fans of Cassandra De Rosa, Isolotto born singer who landed at the studios of Maria De Filippi for the seventh edition of the talent, three years ago. A voice that has conquered even the mayor's cousin, Rebecca Renzi: "Now I follow her everywhere. I also went to Switzerland and Sicily.
I mean, just the snob in Florence a bit ', is beloved in the rest of Italy. Suffice it to say that 50 thousand subscribers to his fan page on the Internet. "
Today replicates. At 13 the boys of "Friends" are organizing a talk show in Hall Under 14 at 11.30 Kledi Kadiu meets the public at Spadolini. Then the schedule includes a show of indian and bollywood dance, dance film "Millennium" (at 14), with lessons burlesque Roxy Rose (17 hours), the national competition in a Musical (at 17) and auditions for dancers and singers . Among the curiosities: ethnic dances (at 15), the exhibition of samples roller skates (16.30) and a cheerleading lesson to be followed closely knit baseball or football. And do not forget the pom-pon.
http://ricerca.repubblica.it/repubblica/archivio/repubblica/2011/02/25/danza-in-fiera-balli-piu-strani-per . html
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