REPORT evening of the sixth episode of Friends 10
If I miss something during the writing of this report, it is because my pc
a) is brain-injured
b) has a monitor that acts as both a desktop from TV ("brilliant" idea of \u200b\u200bmy father UU) .. so either I'm on TV or PC, do the two things together is a bit 'difficult
c) thanks to Elvira (who passed me the link) I saw the episode .. but with streaming that crashed every two to three: D Tranquilli, however, Francis was not me I'm lost ehehehehehe;)
We come to us and we begin .. the end of scorsa puntata XD
Monica nel precedente resoconto ha scritto:
“…Inizia il gioco delle nomination e il primo nome fatto e' quello di Debora che si esibisce sulla variazione di Bayadere. Molto brava ed infatti ottiene voti favorevoli dalla giuria che la reputano meritevole di restare nella scuola. Dopo cio' Maria sospende giustamente tutto in quanto Giulia, che aveva ballato contro Debora per dimostrare che quest'ultima non era meritevole di restare nella scuola, ha avuto un malore a causa della febbre. […] nome del ragazzo della squadra blu che dovra' lasciare la scuola si sapra' domenica prossima all'inizio della puntata quando ci sara' la coda di questo quinto serale”.
E "tail" of the fifth episode of the evening we lived like this:
Elvira writes:
tell me that comes
monitor writes:
fingers crossed
Roberta writes:
but quiet ...
monitor writes:
and 'absurd but I'm excited
Elvira writes: I also
Elisa writes: I also
Elvira writes:
the dancers I like blue
monitor writes:
no but they want them to die?
Elvira writes:
I like ..
first hour unless
(The news output of Deborah, we got between the head and neck UU)
Elvira writes:
monitor writes:
and 'absurd absurd
Elisa writes:
Roberta writes:
but I do not really guide?
I passed the desire
Elvira writes:
Elisa writes:
monitor writes:
absurd beyond belief
Absurd, absurd ... we were right to call me on face book, that word many times during the course of the evening we returned utileXD ..
because friends always something absurd!
Elvira writes:
I'm really sorry too
was one of the best for me in there
with denny
Elvira writes:
also because then it makes me think of Cassandra
unjust as this
this program may be repeated every year
monitor writes:
let alone
coincidentally three episodes from the end as then
And who forget that the episode of Friends ... 7. ... UU.
losers to make these games here, just the program itself, especially in terms of credibility! (And plays not just in favor of the show)
Perché non è possibile che Francesca con un “no” ricevuto da Dondoni, al momento dei “si/no” alla domanda “merita di rimanere” sia ancora dentro e Debora con tre “si” sia uscita!
Misteri della vitaXD…Starci a pensare troppo è controproducente.
Subìto il colpo dell’uscita di Debora inizia la sesta puntata a sfide singole.
Come prima sfida, esce CANTO. Virginio e Annalisa si sifdano sulle note dei Queen “Somebody to love”…e senza troppi giri di parole dico che…. “ma che dessero delle canzoni adatte…certi artisti nemmeno vanno toccati”..secondo meU.U Cioè Annalisa è brava, Virginio, per quanto non mi trasmetta una benemerita, anche… ma stiamo parlando dei Queen porca paletta…Mah! E poi Maionchi(che in genere adoro) e Platinette dietro le quinte avranno bevuto qualcosa sicuro..perché si sono sperticate in complimenti senza ne capo ne codaU.U Va beh…
Tra i due vince Virginio!
Seconda sfida, BALLO.. “Coda di Silvia”….(la parola coda ritorna spesso ahahaha)..Una sfida di danza classica, che in teoria avrebbe dovuto ballare Giulia per i bianchi contro Denny dei blu
(sorvolo su Maria che durante la dimostrazione dell’esibizione commentava i giri di Josè O.o).
Ho detto “in teoria” perché Giulia, riscontrato un problema to foot, unable to get into the point, it refuses to perform despite the proposal of dancing on the half-Cannito, something which is wrong (for the history of the "toss and turn omelets ... and given the hours 13:34 to turn them into a true pan, then eat it, it would not hurt: D) \u200b\u200bwas "accused" the Celentano .. in some cases I would say "holy woman" XD You have no idea how he had incacchiata Elvira ahahahahaha I can not bring the exact phrases ahahahaha ... but one that encompasses the whole thing:
Elvira writes:
'm disgusted that program and then
Elvira writes:
cmq now send an email to friends
protest votes
I want to see
obvious that the votes have to put
When Elvi in \u200b\u200bthe fourth part is to be afraid: D
... Giulia's place is taken by Vito, so the challenge was between him and Denny. Of the latter I say to make him dance along with Anbeta loses and pocoXD .. It lacks a bit 'of athleticism. It's my favorite dancer from among those remaining, but uncertain situations appear to "disappear" .. shame! Anyway
Denny manages to win!
sifda Third, PART. In "How togheter" .. Francesca challenge e Virginio. Su questa sfida ho proprio poco da dire, se non che Francesca è stata la peggioreU.U Ha avuto un atteggiamento sbagliato poi quando la Maionchi le ha fatto un discorso “importante” – prima bisogna avere padronanza della propria voce da fermi, e poi ci si può muovere sul palco – (discorso che condivido)..Francesca ha detto si “farò tesoro delle sue parole” ma poteva evitare di ridere come a dire “va bene, poi tanto faccio quello che voglio”XD..Posso anche sbagliarmi, ma a me ha dato quell’impressione!
Virginio, ormai lodato da tutti (e non capirò mai il perché)..vince la sfida!
La quarta sfida vede come protagonista “sullo sfondo” il nostro Francesco; per me e posso dire di parlare a nome della altre anche, può far parte di un passo a tre, a quattro, a due..quello che si vuole, non guarderò mai gli altri, ma solo lui. Perché anche quando la coreo non ha una bellezza propria (e quella di Cannito di domenica non era…come dire…mmmh…eccezionale)…a renderla accettabile è la sua presenza. Che sia fermo, che si muova, lui c’è. La sua presenza nell’insieme di passi è sempre tangibile..c’è sempre quel qualcosa (un movimento, un’espressione del volto) che attira lo sguardo verso di lui.
Vederlo poi “arcobalenoso”…è stato divertente :D…La parola, ho controllato (For pure personal care hahaha) not in the dictionary esisteXD cmq ... But we understand the sense of what I mean ???... Rainbow = true = rainbow colors set of 7 = Among those: D
A native (?) Colored that with a barrel (also the object nominatoXD overflight. ... now to fly over things here .. it's better if I take a patent pilotaU.U) ... ... hunts qualcunoXD
And I stand in line to be hunted by someone like Fra ahahahaha especially after seeing a nice smeared all over his close-up, where to stand out were his green eyes *___*
Meanwhile, we warmed up on msn nn little eheheh:
monitor writes:
or holy mother
Elvira scrive:
ma balla solo amilcar
andiamo bene
moni scrive:
ma che e' sta roba?
e soprattutto che fanno loro tre?
moni scrive:
ma devono farmi un primo piano di fra conciato cosi'
che spreco
Elvira scrive:
ma io so schifata
Elisa scrive:
si vedono i suoi occhi verdiiii
moni scrive:
poi un'ora x ripulirsi
Elvira scrive:
that have done the dance of the three bat
Elisa writes:
but palleeeee
are almost 11 and we're still the fourth round
Elvira writes:
and we saw Among
with the bat in my hand I feel a great night
Roberta writes:
are satisfying UU elvi
monitor writes:
the absolute best
Elisa writes:
hours club that pulls in all
Roberta writes:
vai vai gli facciamo compagnia..però con la faccia dipinta di nero...per la rabbia
o direttamente ci mettiamo un passa montagna
Elisa scrive:
siii robyyyy ahahahah
Di Vito e di Denny ho prooooooooprio poco da dire, anzi nulla eheheheheheh XD
La sfida la vince Denny!
La quinta sfida, non è stata una vera e propria sfida, ma piuttosto una esibizione. Annalisa, giudicata la migliore di tutti gli altri, bianchi compresi, si è esibita su un suo inedito “Questo bellissimo gioco” (che devo dire non è niente male, soprattutto come testo) a televoto comunque aperto! Molto brava, c’è little to say, then it pushes the chorus I like even more!
The sixth challenge, DANCE "Paradise Circus" ... remarkable song, good for my ... Denny gustiXD against Julia. I shall say one thing ... this guy is to admire him ... he will do all the choreography now on. It is not the first time it happens that one team is left with a dancer (see Between his time>. <)..però quando accade, il ragazzo o ragazza in questione …è da ammirare, perché un cantante anche se rimane da solo, non spenderà mai le stesse energie di un ballerino, a fine serata c’è il rischio che si debba raccogliere con un cucchiaino U.U. Denny in alcune cose mi è piaciuto e continua a piacermi, spero bene per lui..come ha sperato che vincesse Elvira, domenica seraXD…cosa che purtroppo non è avvenuta. La sfida l’ha vinta GiuliaXD Elvira scrive:
sorry but tonight have reached the bottom
2 years ago oh my God that moved him even
tonight but really ....
Roberta writes:
each year, the pit becomes deeper
seventh round, SINGING, Francesca against Virginia in the "Open Arms" ... beautiful song by Gary Go to ... "... Say I Say I am ... am ... Say I am wonderful." . lalalalala (the only song I know these three words for the other ahahahaha .. I'm going to sound eheheh) carucciaXD That other song on Sunday was not just an evening of Frank, there's nothing to do! ... He won Virginia.
eighth test, Denny and Vito were challenged in a classic solo, and here I leave about Eli ehehehehe
Elisa writes:
mooooooooolto well denny
Roberta writes:
here I was going to ask a technical comment eli
Elisa writes:
very good and very accurate
I trust the opinion of Elisa, though he eventually won Vito UU ... bah!
ninth round, hand, "Today I am," Britt (song chosen by the record) ... in which Anna had a good test .. since then I have one that also sets up as one holds a single note or sings one syllable, I really liked the way he "pulled" that 'I' finaleXD Virginio mediocre, without shame, without praise>. <….anche se alla fine la vince lui la sfida!
and now we come to serious matters, finally! Tenth challenge, DANCE, Denny against Vito! Choreography by Portal, and the contemporary. And if you say contemporary, Francesco say! *___________* The tune of "Alors On Danse" ... he danced, and took you with him following every movement, every pose, in every fold of his body that is modeled .. first elastic, then segmented, then back elastic ... walked, stopped, then off again ... and "Then we go to forget all the problems ... So let's dance," says the song ! Yes ...
Roberta writes:
no really I do not watch the others not to damage the eyes
monitor writes:
but not between what was sensual?
Elisa writes:
was exceptional ... and sensuality of a intensitààà-taking fiatoooo
monitor writes:
very true eli
Roberta writes:
want to talk about the song?
I adored throughout last summer
Elisa writes:
adorooo tuttooo
monitor writes:
very good for framing
Elisa writes:
but what has really been to frame precisoooo eccezzionaleee
(Elvira as usual not to bring "evil" ... if not then seen immediately ahahahahaha could not commentareXD)
And my little head has already framed this performance broke it hung "in the living room": D
The contemporary, says Moni, may not like it, because if we trivially define a style "strange", but if you feel like at least a little, 'you can not fail to say that Francis is grand; in posture, expression, underlining the tempo of the song, in being on the scene. You know that he is one with the dancing, because he loves him with every cell of his body. The body sometimes sinuous, sometimes hard and life force that emanates sensuality. And looking at him you wonder .... "Caper, but because they do not dance more in this style? Why have so far excluded the simultaneous ?...".. I understand that Portal was left without pupils, but selfishly I think between, and what we persiU.U ... ..>_> ... oibò
Elisa writes:
very good better than denny loooong vito
monitor writes:
also for me and remember that Vito had already 'done while denny had to learn it from scratch Roberta writes:
I have to force myself not to compare them is out of place ...
here give me a reason to keep them
monitor writes:
roby denny is not there when the school did this choreography
portal had not yet entered
while Vito was from 'One week in early
then had to teach them totally
and it' was a big here too because if
denny and 'was able to do it, and make it so', is only due to the presence Fra
otherwise would not have done it as evidence, since there is no Portal 'more'
I would have to judge among them as he prepared to choreography is
Elisa writes:
assolutamenteee exceptional. denny .. and very good to have absorbed all the advice of Brother
If anything were to see Frank live, "swear" that I just do not bow down before me I see it ... (and then never to rise again from the ground with embarrassment ahahahahah ) ... A great
!! The challenge
Denny won it:)
view of the time it was made at this point I abandoned programmaXD my mates on msn and I continued to follow the program lying in bed with pen and diary in her lap (if you do not sign me as things ... I could not write all these things Ciufolo ahahahahaha).
Eleventh challenge, SINGING, Francesca in "Call Me" (Blondie) against Virginia in "That place that does not exist" (Negramaro) .... I repeat the evening "no" to Francesca. Between the two he won Virginia. If you do not say anything about it is because obviously I was not left their mark.
Incredulous I sat up in bed, when I saw the twelfth challenge: first decent choreography since Garofalo and friends ahahaha. It is decent, because they could make out as the first trial, that is, a prime-time ... who knows when they happen again: D.. I've been pleasantly surprised, especially as he danced Denny, in defiance Giulia. Maybe she will have been cleaner, etc. .. but he will not be disappointed at all, although the choreography was a little 'hip hop so much! Danny Bravo!
But the challenge has won GiuliaXD
Thirteenth challenge, the last, Anna saw against Virginia on a song chosen by journalists (or better than one, DondoniXD) "Snow on the Sahara" by Anggun, Anna song for me he sang better than Virginia. So
finisce la serie di sfide singole della sesta puntata, che non vedrà eliminati.
Da ora in poi nel corso delle puntate, verranno decretati i vari finalisti.
La squadra che ha vinto è stata la squadra bianca, come ovvio che fosse dopo la vittoria in quasi tutte o cmq nella maggior parte delle sfide singole.
A Vito, Virginio e Giulia non è restato altro che giocarsi l’accesso alla finale.
Maria prima ha fatto entrare una scatola rossa contenente una maglia della finale, di colore nero, poi ha fatto esibire i tre ragazzi “ballo,canto,ballo” Chi tra di essi avrà ricevuto il voto più alto, da parte delle commissioni di canto e ballo (che in questo momento della trasmissione sono chiamate a rispondere alla domanda ..pincopallino “merita di andare in finale?”XD)..indosserà la maglia, e avrà il titolo di “primo finalista” di Amici 10.
In breve….alla fine delle tre esibizioni, chi ha avuto una votazione maggiore è stata GIULIA, la quale d’ora in avanti, fino alla finale, sarà esclusa dal televoto, e sotto l’ala protettrice di Garrison farà solo esibizioni in coreo che più le si addicono!XD
Posso ben dire che si è raggiunta l’apoteosi dell’ingiustizia, se si ripensa all’uscita di Debora. Ma non voglio finire questo resoconto polemizzando…alla fine come ho detto ieri ad Elvira, non serve a nulla arrabbiarsi, in fund we are talking about friends ... we could not expect anything different!
kiss and hug to all
A prestoooooooooooooooo
Ps: for the series are very fast ... I wrote this guide in more than two hours: D ... If you can affect, I have not eaten "turned over the omelette, but pasta sauce for the first slice and fry for secondoXD ... Of course I was writing the journal esibizone of between at least 5-6 times ... eheheheheheh is for this reason also, that it took me so long ihihihihihihihi
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