Guido Calvi. For the members of the CSM, the continuous exchange between pm and journalists' detrimental to the formation of evidence. " And the disclosure of wiretaps in real time is "a shame".
On the pages of the Corriere della Sera reported Luciano Violante, the perverse relationship between information and justice, the publication of indiscriminate wiretapping and acts covered by the confidentiality of investigations. He therefore urged all concerned to find a balance between confidentiality of investigations, ensuring the privacy and public right to know. Intervention, the former chairman of the House, which could animate a debate on the left about the reasons for a real guarantee, breaking stereotypes e pigrizie intellettuali troppo a lungo coltivate. L’ex magistrato non è il primo né l’unico, nel suo schieramento, a porre con forza il valore delle garanzie giuridiche e costituzionali contro la spirale giustizialista in corso dal periodo di Mani Pulite. Il tema appassiona da tempo Guido Calvi, avvocato e per anni parlamentare del Pci dei Ds, oggi consigliere laico del Csm. Calvi individua l’«anomalia» italiana nell’attenzione ossessiva politica e dei media alla fase preliminare dell’attività giudiziaria: un fenomeno che porta la stampa a pubblicare contenuti completamente estranei all’inchiesta, privi di qualunque rilevanza penale e oggettiva, con grave danno per i cittadini e per le stesse indagini.
is a process of "legal barbarism" in media coverage of interception and judicial?
is good not to use exaggerated expressions. The Code of Criminal Procedure of 1989 was strictly regulated in the manner of interception. One essential tool of investigation to discover serious crimes, has since been subject to abuse and uses distorted by some judges. It often has come to involve and discredit the privacy of people completely unconnected to the investigation. Another agency was then carried by newspapers, which have spread abnormally in their content, violating the dignity and image of many citizens. I do not believe that there is a the duty of the journalist to publish everything. And, convinced supporter of freedom of the press, I believe that those who divulge intercepted and should have a strong culture of jurisdiction.
What is the way out of the perverse relationship between information and justice? There
the limits of the criminal libel suit, even though they are very weak for the damage suffered. I remember in 1996, along with Salvatore Senese, presented a draft law. That text was based on the absolute inviolability of interceptions and discipline in their use. Required the destruction of conversations unrelated to the investigation and the publication ban until the end of the preparatory stage. Provided then responsibility for the prosecutor and severe fines for journalists, in the event of breach of confidentiality. But the proposal, which received broad support, he remained on paper. This is the great responsibility of politics, which should anticipate and control the phenomena, rather than scream when touched his agent, or enact laws despicable as does the current government. I wonder why Silvio Berlusconi has never found the time to pass a civil remedy is guaranteed on this issue.
Today we got to the publication of text messages in real time without objective significance.
That's the point, the real shame of this country. The attention of the press, and politics is all focus on interceptions, compared to the crucial and decisive moment which is the process. The proof of this result is represented by the story of Calciopoli: After the hype for the dissemination of interviews of suspects, no one has followed the trial with due care. And another expression of incivility is made up of the trial held earlier in the tv. Do you think the United States, where the photographer can not even get into court, and hearings are shown in the pictures. What we are experiencing is a hellish season, which not only violate the rights of citizens have also damaged the same investigation, the authenticity of evidence. Which is likely to be influenced by their symbiotic relationship, from an exchange of documents between judges and journalists, which goes far beyond the media circuit-court "Clean Hands". As the investigation of the prosecutor in Milan, then I wonder what was the urgency to discover and publish the papers, because the prosecutor asked the court immediately.
of Edoarpo Petti, Friday, February 11, 2011
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