wandering through the immense vastness of the web I found this "old" news. Very interesting for those politicians who still speak of confltto interest of others and never see the other, much more than a huge mountain.
G8 free, no thanks

They should save 327 million. They would have been able to devote more public money to burn on construction sites, developments and follies. In addition to the mission allowances and special assignments for the structures of Guido Bertolaso \u200b\u200band Angelo Balducci, now under investigation for corruption: the head of Civil Protection on the loose, the former project supervisor in jail since Feb. 10. They would, perhaps, avoided yet another photo of Italy, a country very rotten in the expenditure process. Because what has been done on the island of La Maddalena, with the excuse of the G8, we could build it without spending a penny from the state and the region of Sardinia.
This is the story of a private French-Italian project that would transform the Arsenal big tourist attraction. A project approved by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding July 29, 2004, the government of Silvio Berlusconi, by the ministry of defense industries. And trashed January 18, 2008, the government of Romano Prodi, with a letter from the head office of the Minister of Defence, Arturo Parisi. That day, a Friday, the general corps of the alpine, Biagio Abraham, tells the French-Italian consortium that "the hypothesis explored in the recent past with this company by the Agency's defense industries are regarded as overtaken by events and, therefore, no longer be prosecuted. "
The "events" are the choice to surrender the property to the Arsenal Sardinia and the decision to hold the G8, then transferred by Berlusconi and Bertolaso \u200b\u200bL'Aquila almost at the end of business on the island of La Maddalena. The private consortium Development Sardinia in 2009 presents a claim for damages al ministero della Difesa e al dipartimento della Protezione civile: 50 milioni di euro per i progetti, le relazioni, le fidejussioni e il lavoro prodotti. La richiesta, inoltrata come "atto stragiudiziale di diffida e messa in mora", verrĂ riformulata nei prossimi giorni con l'avvio di una causa civile. Un nuovo seguito giudiziario per le opere della Maddalena, su cui grava anche la sentenza del Tar del Lazio dopo la decisione dell'ufficio di Bertolaso di assegnare la gestione dell'Arsenale alla Mita Resort della presidente di Confindustria, Emma Marcegaglia. Un contratto scontato a 31 milioni una tantum versati alla Protezione civile e appena 60 mila euro all'anno di canone alla Regione Sardegna per 40 anni.
Il progetto preliminare della cordata French-Italian from the first page shows the difference between what the state and the region, and spared what would have rather spent and will continue to lose until 2049. Interest Development Sardinia, involving the French company specializing in sword construction of ports, it is the 600 berths Arsenal. They can make the first page is written, the chapter 'The marina' in the financial dossier of the project coordinated by the architect Luigi Cosseddu: "The construction will involve the allocation of berths with total return of € 126,254,194 excluding taxes and allocated 2006 to 2008. " There may be those revenues in the first two years of Mita Resort in front of Emma Marcegaglia of expenditure for 40 years for the grant of 33 million 400 thousand euro (31 million one-off and annual fees of € 60 000).
"In 2004 we asked the Department of Defense grant for thirty years and all of port facilities," says Serafino Cosma Musu, representing French-Italian project in Sardinia: "In return, the company undertook to finance and rebuild the 'Arsenal, including barracks, untouched by the plan for the G8 and the waterfront. In addition to the facilities of the marina, we would make hotels, residences, apartments, shops and shipbuilding area for yachts and sailboats plus a portion reserved for the Navy military. Only for the construction of the port area was expected to spend 42 million. The experience of our partners in France has shown that when managed well, the concessions of berths in marinas and real estate industries can pay off investments over long periods also challenging like ours. "According to the memorandum of understanding would be the new Arsenal was managed by a joint venture made up 80 percent from Sardinia and Development to 20 percent by the defense industries, with capital of 100 million. And a clause: "At the end of 30 years in the availability of Arsenal return 'Agency defense industries in the state of affairs in which they find, including the works ".
When the Prodi government decides to bring the G8 to Mary Magdalene, the project shall be adjusted to new needs. The price of these would be well past 586 to 694 million, also from private. "The total cost of our project is superior because it affects the whole of the Arsenal area and not just the part that overlooks the marina, as was done for the G8. We did not do anything for free: we would have won in thirty years of management leases, concessions, real estate market. But the state would have a better result at no cost. A comparison can be done with construction costs per square meter. Our men, even assuming a 20 percent increase for the ' Emergency G8 no longer than two thousand euro per meter. " The system Bertolaso-Balducci Instead, the urgency with an estimated increase of public money paid to businesses by 57 percent. And a cost per square meter that deserves some further investigation: € 4,345.
The project, then rejected, also provides for the hiring of all employees of the military Arsenal lost their jobs. It reveals that at the time when the management of contracts for the G8 is entrusted to the Head of Civil Protection, in addition to the French-Italian there are four other projects: "Among these, the group Colony Capital, owner of the Costa Smeralda, the group of 'Aga Khan, who wanted to resume talks with Mary Magdalene the tour stopped in Sardinia ... appears more complex the project by the regional council (an aquarium, research institutes, however, low-profit) and the Group Ligresti through the Lombard real estate (construction and sale of assets, but of uncertain guarantee of profitability over time, at least for the economy of the island). "All projects but they have some flaws: do not use public funding of emergency ordinances, are unseen and therefore can not be allocated to friends of friends.
Fabrizio Gatti
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