...così c'è scritto nel titolo, but only limited edition # 7 of Friends (which we did know) it seems a bit simplistic, since it is now is a professional program for two years now ... parteXD Okay
not always be to point robby: D
Here's the interview:
" Date: February 11, 2011. Author: Laura Boni
" If I stop dancing when chiederssero answer: When I will stop living "(R. Nureyev)

Swan Lake. One of the most important ballets and iconography of classical dance is the true protagonist of The Black Swan - Black Swan, Natalie Portman's new film with its focus on the world of ballet. The film nominated for five Oscars, including Best Picture and Best Actress, will be released in Italy on February 18. To interpret this film, the actress has had to fall completely in the role of Nina, a sweet and delicate ballet dancer who has been entrusted with the daunting task of interpreting the dual role of the white swan and black swan. To get better in the world of ballet, we interviewed Francesco Mariottini, dancer friends in the seventh edition of the popular TV program, broadcast in 2008.
In the movie, the protagonist always dreamed of dancing Swan Lake. You have a "ballet in the drawer," a piece or a part of interpreting dreams?
One summer night, I could not sleep and I've been listening to music, I always listen to music when I have time, and always, inevitably, the music ends up becoming choreography in my head. That night I listened to the soundtracks of famous movies. And one I was deeply impressed by its haunting beauty: the soundtrack of "Schindler's List, which tells the theme of the film" Shoah ". That will be the music of a pas de deux, dancing coreograferò sure that sooner or later, with a good partner.

In the movie, the protagonist must be interpreted in Swan Lake is the lovely and innocent white swan that seductive and dangerous Black Swan. You know the white swan we see on TV but there is also a more "black" in your character?
My character is enough sunlight and are always willing to listen to others and lend a hand, then of course I like everyone I have my moments, "blacks", which usually come when I realize that others often do not satisfied with what's on, but always want more and at one point someone even think that you'll be willing to "do the pad, by changing the availability and courtesy for stupid ingenuity. In those cases I really angry, but I do not become as dangerous as the "Black Swan", no, I literally disappear for days, I do not find it anywhere, even on the phone ... I need to recharge the batteries alone, before returning to "believe in the next" and be "the usual white swan."
You did ballet for years before specializing in modern dance. What are your favorite aspects is that of one of the other?
classical dance is without doubt the foundation of all, is what gives you the first and self-perception then, even the smallest part of the body, teaches you how to handle every single muscle, such as determining the strength, how we can sustain it long enough, slip out without any effort. The ballet is what are the foundations for a house. The aspect I love most of the classic is the rigor and professionalism that you instilled as a teenager, and also offers the possibility to acquire the technique needed to perform well every type of performance. But technology alone dance, in my opinion, is not enough, but I believe that the sheer virtuosity is closer to the gym or the circus. Dance is more, when I experienced the neo-classical and contemporary then I discovered I liked and the reason is that both are successful, much of the ballet, to relate feelings and emotions that are always inside the human being. Here, for me, "Dance" is the union of undisputed technical skills and expressive energy, emotional intensity.

Your body is your main working tool, I think it must be exhibitionists to be dancers?
must separate the person from the character dances on stage. In real life you do not need to be exhibitionists, but I believe that modesty and humility, combined with the tenacity, to help grow and move forward in their careers. On the contrary, when you're on stage you have to feel "suffers from exhibitionism, very good and beautiful, so only transmit emotions to the public and also you have to" big dance ", because people need to feel that you are to dominate the stage and not the other way.
Is there anyone in show business (even a non-dancer), whose career you admire or that inspire you in particular?
There is a choreographer that I admire in a particular way and to whom I'd like to play one day, if possible, some work, and Jiri Kilian (Netherland Dance Theatre). He has combined an excellent the physicality of ballet dancers with the lightness and musicality of modern dance. He "challenged" very often the laws of nature, spending months to create a choreography. Has created an experiment that has produced works of exceptional beauty and originality.
We've already seen last year at the cinema, you also attended an acting course. It 'an experience that you liked and you'd like to repeat?
Sure, I enjoyed the experience of a live film set and I love acting, although I still have to study, so do not rule it out in my future, but my first love is dance. " Clap clap clap
clap clap clap clap clap clap .... the soundtrack of Schindler's List by John Williams .... clap clap clap clap clap ....*____________*
Excellent choice between no doubt about it:)
It 's been days that I am implementing a work of persuasion so that I accompanied my cousin to the cinema to see The Black SwanXD ... "From the trailer is a little bit afraid," she said <_<...U.U..oibò.
I really like how Francis responded to the third last question, has always been my way of thinking about: )
And I'd say it was great .. when he explained why his moments come BLACKS ..
"Among go go go": D
For the series: "I was clear ?"...
Kisses and hugs to all
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