Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Gay Crusing Area Miami

The secret agreement between Di Pietro and the Greens

  Former everything and those who do not want to do as long as you keep it nuilla nature leaving their fate to the people decided to unite their destinies ... election.

There is an agreement, until now secret, between IDV and Verdi.

signed by Antonio Di Pietro and Angelo Bonelli with lieutenants Silvana Mura and Francesco Borrelli, provides lists common policies to ward off the hegemony of the Democratic Party on the Pier Luigi Bersani center and advanced Nichi Vendola.

In comune anche i referensdum contro il nucleare e il sostegno ai recipsroci candidati sindaci. 
A cominciare da Luigi De Magistris a Napoli. 

Dimenticano i lor signori che gli italiani non sono fessi!

  [ Fonte ] 


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