REPORT evening of the fourth episode of Friends of 10 by Monica:)
We are on the fourth episode, now in the middle 'evening, and we are still here to comment on the performances of new boys. This time it was just me, Eli and Elvi front of the television because they had other commitments too important study. We miss you girls !!!!!!! Robyyyy, aiutoooooo, and now how do I make a record as good as yours? I'm not capaceeeeeee. Your fault, it is all your fault 'cause you're too good, too much. Anyways
', roll up our hands and try to write something. Ready
away and instead of 'begin with the usual symbol there' s a program called out very, very funny.
February 3 was the birthday of Rudy Zerbi e chi poteva fargli una sorpresa se non Diana? Molto divertente questo momento, una Diana in stile Marilyn Monroe che esce da una torta gigantesca accompagnata da 4 cuochi speciali. Chi non vorrebbe averli nella propria cucina dei cuochi simili? Jose', Amilcar, Stefano ma soprattutto il nostro Francesco che ci si ripresenta in una versione gia' vista. Heiiii, famoso cuoco Gigi, non ti abituare troppo in questi panni che noi ti vogliamo vedere ballareeeeeeeeee. Scherzi a parte davvero un siparietto piacevole, molto brava Diana, si vede che e' perfetta per fare i musical e sono sicura che sara' bravissima anche nella prossima avventura che iniziera' il 9 febbraio, ossia “Mai dire Amici” in compagnia della Gialappas.
Ma veniamo alla puntata proper. After this time it starts with the usual playful acronym that now, I am not 'here to describe and, after the customary greetings, he jumps to the beginning of the challenge, white and blue.
first test: first duet song .... and this week, unlike the past where the guests of honor were all young singers is of age 'of that career, students were asked to perform together singers already 'established for years and years. Virginia begins performing in duets with Ornella Vanoni "Endless." Beautiful song, difficult, Virginio sings quite well. And after Virginia 's time for Anna to duet with Mario Biondi on the song "I've Got You Under My Skin." Another song difficult. Anna is also good, but her first that Virginia, were in obvious awe, and then were a bit 'intimidated, overwhelmed by the personality' of the two big scary doubt that the two boys.
SECOND TEST: dance ...... or rather, so to speak dance 'cause I believe sincerely that we have not seen' dance, but something else. I really do not understand why 'we should turn down these things,' cause sometimes if the women seek. Yes, 'cause we go often to objects, we pass to those that serve only to entertain people and also mainly because of ourselves. The sensuality 'and' one thing, vulgarity 'is another. Ben is the sensuality ', are the first to love, but not a sensual woman and 'a certain woman who rubs up of men, one for me and' other and I'm sorry that Julia did not understand that. And it 'I'd better stop here otherwise be heavy. Although this pseudo ballet unfortunately there was also our beloved Fra I'm not going to comment because for me it was not a ballet. Dance and 'something else and I want to see dance Among the really do not do things by night! Of course him, so 'as all the professionals present to friends, they can not refuse to do these things too, but I am thoroughly convinced that they first ask themselves the' cause of certain attitudes, 'cause you want to pass everything' to dance , and would like to perform in choreographed real dance, dance with the d maiusola. For the record I just say that having this test have made Julia, who wanted her, and Deborah.
THIRD TEST: song ........ second duet. It 's the turn of Antonella singing with Francesco Renga. I admit that among the guests this evening and 'my favorite, definitely. The two sing "A beautiful day." Unfortunately, Antonio comes from days of high fever and can not be 'said to have sung some good. Gia 'she has the disadvantage of trying to "yell" and every song I do not understand why' as the great singer and not 'the one that achieves the tone' more 'high in my opinion but what it does reach the heart of the people passing their emotions, in this situazione questo suo vizio si e' accentuato, o forse e' risultato ancora piu' evidente e “pesante” anche perche' era in coppia con Renga. Fatto sta che secondo me e' uscito un duetto piuttosto brutto da sentire. Contro Antonella si e' esibita Francesca che ha duettato con Loredana' Berte' cantando “Non sono una signora”. Non mi ha esaltato nemmeno questo duetto, ma meglio dell'altro sicuramente.
QUARTA PROVA: ballo......e dopo la pseudo coreografia voluta da Giulia e' il momento della coreografia voluta da Debora. Le due ragazze devono esibirsi sulla coda dello “Schiaccianoci”. Prima della prova delle due allieve assistiamo ad una precisazione di Elisabetta Terabus nei confronti di Cannito che la domenica first he said was definitely wrong about him but not by the merits of the controversy because I hate controversy. The good performance of the girls even though the best of Debora although not more 'to baseline levels. Surely the knee problems in the first place, but all the discussions, are sending in crisis. Despite this' is always pretty clean, with very fine lines and see that love the classic. Giulia quite well who performed with joyful 'bringing out his figure, but less accurate and Debora technique in my opinion.
FIFTH TEST: song ..... Annalisa against Antonio, wanted to challenge Zerbi. Beautiful but difficult to sing the song that should the two girls. "Even a man "not only has difficulty in Mina 'singing but also challenges' interpretation for two girls of their age' can not have some experience of life that people describe. Add to this, that and not sing Mina 'easy for anyone. Mina and 'Mina. Anyway I liked both, have tried to immerse themselves in the lyrics, they tried to make sense of words and interpret them, and tried to use their vocal abilities in the best way for 'the song pleasing result. Brave even if both a statement of merit, in my opinion, goes to Anna that this song has touched me, and 'managed to get me feeling positive. Seemed to feel it and you really and 'let it go to his inner emotions.
SIXTH ROUND: tap dance ...... the two boys. The test and 'willed by Vito and the choreography and' was created by a cane on Stravinsky's music, just "Firebird". I admit that I 'liked a lot. A choreography fast, powerful, musical, hard-hitting and with many accents. Not easy to do. Start the Denny dance very well in my opinion and in fact receives great compliments from Mrs. Terabus. Vito rather lose a bit 'too bad' cause with a physicist who was supposed to be easier than Denny. Without a doubt he danced better than Denny.
SEVENTH ROUND: song ...... and 'the turn of Virginia against Francesca. The two guys have to exhibit in "I deny", ie unpublished Francesca. The song 'was selected by Virginia as a result of choice made by Francesca on the Sunday before and this has created other controversies that have overheated minds bringing Frank to become nervous and therefore also wrong to "his" song. Much better than the execution of Virginia even if I just do not like this song.
eighth round: two-step dance ....... Celentano's "love me". Beautiful choreography, not the one shown Saturday but pleasant. The dance for Julia Denny for blue and white. You see that and 'more' at ease because Julia 'is not a classic but choreography and' more 'on the modern. It 's definitely the kind that is better able to Giulia quite at ease. Well even though Denny and 'less credible. Definitely more 'technical and less clean but declined the part. Maybe for a boy is 'even more' difficult than a woman. The girl becomes a woman before a boy becomes a man.
NINTH ROUND: unpublished song ....... Anna and Antonio. Antonella starts singing "in the immense '" and it' the time of Anna singing "Winter." There were songs that struck me immediately, I feel more 'times to express an opinion, of course only ever be passionate and then maybe even wrong. Between the two songs, such as text, I prefer to Antonella. Between the two performances frankly neither me excited. We say that personally I have said nothing. For my tastes are both songs that should be sung with more 'sweetness, but strictly personal opinion of course.
TENTH ROUND: dance ....." Nine ", choreography danced by Vito Garrison and Denny. Well I would say both. A choreography is not hard, pretty and fun, but certainly with little difficulty ', more humorous than anything else, but I would say well done to both. And here we finally revised Between that and 'super fun to be a director. You could see just how much he enjoyed, what they liked and what role identifies herself in the shoes of director. One sees that looked good the director of her latest movie!!
And with this exhibition ends the challenge is for teams that won the blue with 51% of the vote.
The boys of the blue team must do as they want to eliminate white pupil and as a first name to make Antonella. Disquisition on what song to sing and eventually Antonella performs in "Million Dollar Bill." Performance that does not strike me at all but surely this evening has recorded his greeting precarious. For Francesca sings the blues which I think is half disaster. The judges, however, judge Antonio deserves to stay in school even though the wire. Another name and another dress. It 's the time of Virginia who sings "All my time." Good performances by Virginia. For the blue performs Anna sings well too her. The Committee also saves Virginia and saw that Julia had immunity 'is not that Vito.
His dress and 'a pas de deux created by male Cannito the tune of "Enjoy the Silence". Beautiful choreography, and I 'liked and I liked both guys even if it' clear that Vito is more 'at home. Denny seems afraid to do the steps that are not in fact own fluids. Whatever good you both. Denny more 'elegant and technical Vito and more' fluid and physical. Vito is also saved by the committee and then return to the situation of the previous two installments and in which 'had to resort to a vote in order to exclude the guy who scores the most' down. Following this, 'to let the transmission and 'that is followed by Antonella Jurman as having no more' students prefer to go forward.
What to say in conclusion?
E 'was an episode a bit' heavy frankly, where there have been things that I have not liked at all but I prefer to fly 'cause I already' mentioned above, even if there 's just that I did not like to. I'm just saying I see a lot more 'performances of a certain thickness because' only way 'kids can demonstrate what' really worth and grow as artists. I realize that my and 'a vain hope, having seen the evidence of these days for the next evening but' more 'stronger than me. It 's a shame to diminish so' not only professionals but also the children.
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