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Mastella alla gogna, il governatore no
Per la medesima fattispecie di reato la legge si or apply it "interprets", depending on the origin of the suspect politics. In this bleak finding comes after you compared the findings on health in Bari (where the Democratic Party involved and where the governor comes out battered Nichi Vendola) with the investigation on health in Campania, which has engulfed the couple Mastella. Two weights, two measures, two different decisions of the judges: Puglia for politicians committed to manage and take every piece of the health sector, the risk is a reprimand or a little more, to Clemente Mastella and his wife, Sandra Lonardo, however, the trial becomes automatic. Yet both in Bari to Naples The bone of contention is the same: seats and chairs, the appointment of primary pressure on local health managers.
Read and believe. Take what happened to the former Keeper of the Seals, who a few days ago he found himself in front of the Neapolitan court preliminary hearing to defend against charges related to matters deemed to be illegal, in many ways similar, if not identical, to those who come out here and there in the order that called for the arrest of Senator Albert German. The accused Mastella, in fact, found himself in the process to fill a position incomprehensible. In the voluntary statement issued to the preliminary hearing judge, the father angrily defended himself Udeur e sarcasmo negando d’aver fatto pressioni nei confronti di un direttore generale per far diventare primario un determinato medico. Non solo. Mastella ha dimostrato di non avere la più pallida idea di chi fosse quel medico, di non averci mai parlato, insomma, di non averlo mai conosciuto, nemmeno per interposta persona. Lo stesso direttore generale, oggetto della presunta concussione, ha negato di aver ricevuto telefonate o pressioni dal politico di Ceppaloni. Non solo. Nel corso dell’udienza s’è scoperto che quel primario non poteva esser stato destinatario di interessamenti e raccomandazioni politiche perché… primario già lo era. Per una non notizia di reato, nemmeno supportata da uno straccio di intercettazione, Mastella è ancora appeso alla decisione del gup. Mentre nei confronti di Vendola - per dire – l’archiviazione è arrivata ieri nonostante la fastidiosa mole di intercettazioni che portò i carabinieri a ipotizzare numerosi episodi di concussione (anche tentata) «per aver imposto nel maggio 2008 ai direttori generali delle Asl e di differenti presidi ospedalieri pugliesi le nomine dei direttori amministrativi e sanitari, nonché di primari di strutture operative complesse al fine di rafforzare la presenza della propria coalizione politica nelle istituzioni».
A leggere bene l’ordinanza del gip, il doppiopesismo col caso Mastella appare smaccato. «La prassi politica dello spoil system era talmente prevailing induce Vendola, while supporting the appointment of a Director-General his protege, even changing a law to overcome, with a new law to usum delphini, the obstacles interposed the norm. " In response to the German who was present as his protege does not qualify, Vendola said: "O Holy Virgin, but we can not change the law?". Although the government argued that the Apulian yesterday that sentence was 'caused' the passage of expertise from State to State, we dare not imagine what would have happened to any Mastella had hypothesized that, in the interception, one attempt at a law prefabricated personam. In another trial of former Keeper bribery has been questioned for appointment of Benevento Asia that "extorted" Bassolino, never questioned, said to be political in nature. At the trial's main Mastella prosecutors have come to equate the Udeur in a criminal organization because, in a systematic way, the recommendation was still a concussion. In short, there is bribery and extortion. Vendola comes to think about changing a law to advise his protégé, not risk anything. Gianfranco Fini, who recommends the mother-in-law to the executive Rai Guido Paglia, either. Mastella denies that he had lobbied to name a primary unknown primary already was, is alla gogna. Da anni.
Read and believe. Take what happened to the former Keeper of the Seals, who a few days ago he found himself in front of the Neapolitan court preliminary hearing to defend against charges related to matters deemed to be illegal, in many ways similar, if not identical, to those who come out here and there in the order that called for the arrest of Senator Albert German. The accused Mastella, in fact, found himself in the process to fill a position incomprehensible. In the voluntary statement issued to the preliminary hearing judge, the father angrily defended himself Udeur e sarcasmo negando d’aver fatto pressioni nei confronti di un direttore generale per far diventare primario un determinato medico. Non solo. Mastella ha dimostrato di non avere la più pallida idea di chi fosse quel medico, di non averci mai parlato, insomma, di non averlo mai conosciuto, nemmeno per interposta persona. Lo stesso direttore generale, oggetto della presunta concussione, ha negato di aver ricevuto telefonate o pressioni dal politico di Ceppaloni. Non solo. Nel corso dell’udienza s’è scoperto che quel primario non poteva esser stato destinatario di interessamenti e raccomandazioni politiche perché… primario già lo era. Per una non notizia di reato, nemmeno supportata da uno straccio di intercettazione, Mastella è ancora appeso alla decisione del gup. Mentre nei confronti di Vendola - per dire – l’archiviazione è arrivata ieri nonostante la fastidiosa mole di intercettazioni che portò i carabinieri a ipotizzare numerosi episodi di concussione (anche tentata) «per aver imposto nel maggio 2008 ai direttori generali delle Asl e di differenti presidi ospedalieri pugliesi le nomine dei direttori amministrativi e sanitari, nonché di primari di strutture operative complesse al fine di rafforzare la presenza della propria coalizione politica nelle istituzioni».
A leggere bene l’ordinanza del gip, il doppiopesismo col caso Mastella appare smaccato. «La prassi politica dello spoil system era talmente prevailing induce Vendola, while supporting the appointment of a Director-General his protege, even changing a law to overcome, with a new law to usum delphini, the obstacles interposed the norm. " In response to the German who was present as his protege does not qualify, Vendola said: "O Holy Virgin, but we can not change the law?". Although the government argued that the Apulian yesterday that sentence was 'caused' the passage of expertise from State to State, we dare not imagine what would have happened to any Mastella had hypothesized that, in the interception, one attempt at a law prefabricated personam. In another trial of former Keeper bribery has been questioned for appointment of Benevento Asia that "extorted" Bassolino, never questioned, said to be political in nature. At the trial's main Mastella prosecutors have come to equate the Udeur in a criminal organization because, in a systematic way, the recommendation was still a concussion. In short, there is bribery and extortion. Vendola comes to think about changing a law to advise his protégé, not risk anything. Gianfranco Fini, who recommends the mother-in-law to the executive Rai Guido Paglia, either. Mastella denies that he had lobbied to name a primary unknown primary already was, is alla gogna. Da anni.
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