Pm smell of revenge.
ono convinced to finally correct the history and eliminate the anomaly Berlusconi. The offensive has all the characteristics of a final assault. It is legal. It is cultural. It is ideological. The Jacobin party of the judiciary is the arm, but now also led to the political movement of reference that goes beyond the Democratic Party and DiPietro is a movement that has no representation in Parliament and aims to be the square intelligentsia forcaiola anti Cav. The name makes it clear that any action against Berlusconi is legal, is morally justified, "self-defense." It is a way to make the world understand that, faced with an exceptional situation, the existence of the Knight, you can trample democracy, human rights, fundamental freedoms and even suspend the Constitution. In short, the square is sovereign and her executioner, through its representatives, which can separate good and bad in Italy. Everything that is done against the bad guys is not only legitimate, but even a duty. Who should stay in the gray area becomes a de facto collaborator. The goal is reminiscent of Savonarola: eradicate the evil, that in this century took the form of Berlusconi. This is the thinking of the movement "legitimate defense." This is a game that threatens to forever change the destiny of our country. At this point we need to understand if the parties 'democratic', primarily the Democratic Party, if they feel they become tools in the hands of fundamentalists. Unfortunately, just listen Rosy Bindi, who married but silenced in full to Santoro his thesis Annozero to understand that the situation is really compromised. Who are the leaders of this movement?
A triumvirate of tribunes who have long considered democracy a waste of time. I'm Michele Santoro, Barbara Spinelli, Marco Travaglio. Postponed the event of February 13 before the Milan court, the formal christening of the new movement is done with a letter of arrogant superiority, a sort of substitute to the void of the parliamentary opposition.
to this situation of 'go-ahead fundamentalists "has arrived, in fact, after the sinking of the plan on Fini distrust of 14 December. There's antiberlusconiani have convinced themselves that would not be easy to drop the majority.
Nor have they found the support of Napolitano, who according to the plans of the Republic's founder, Eugenio Scalfari, would be the deus ex machina of a government public health.
An executive chosen by engineers with no popular legitimacy, a sort of commissioner of democracy, unable not to vote for Berlusconi. The failure of distrust and then to the Ministers Calderoli Bondi, the birth of parliamentary group leaders, the weakness of Finian, have puzzled antiberlusconiani who found themselves in a sort of impasse. How to topple the legitimate government of the Knight without numbers in parliament without the support of voters and the maneuvers of the Quirinal? This is where the political opposition, has made the choice wicked to sell his soul to the party of Pm. From this moment on, everything became possible. Berlusconi to be dropped even if it damages the future of Italy. The offensive has been delegated to the attorney. The Boccassini has put on the trail of his prey. He built a war machine of interceptions and now has found the support of the press executioner, that is reinforced with daily reports and papers classified. The goal has never been the process, since the crimes of which he is accused Prime Minister still lack a fundamental element. There are no victims. There would be no extortioner extorted and a rapist of minors without violence.
The important thing is rubbish Berlusconi urbi et orbi, in Italy and abroad. Okay Micromega that compares Berlusconi to fascism and even the cult of Franco-German TV stations, such as art, that interview that saint's son Ciancimino to peddle a Knight Mafia. As once again revealed Bindi: I do not care if Berlusconi is guilty or innocent. It hits the premier and his men. They send the police to strip a journalist from the newspaper and to search houses and newsrooms. It prosecutes foreign minister, Franco Frattini, abuse of office and communicating in real time is investigated.
Her crime? Have revealed what everyone knows, including Rome prosecutors, but that only Fini continues to deny: the house of Monte Carlo is his brother, Giancarlo Tulliani. The password is: discredit the PDL, his boss, his men, his ministers and even the area newspapers. There is no shame. The attack it openly.
In '94, after Tangentopoli, the PM had his hand in the country and have never digested that Berlusconi has changed the story they wanted to write. Have restored the country to democratic normality is unfortunate that the Knight must serve. The prosecutors wanted revenge. And this time will not prisoners.
Salvatore Tramontano
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