Sunday, February 27, 2011

Desktop Internet Slow But Everything Else Is Okay

Tortora, dopo 22 anni ecco un’altra ingiustizia

Quando avremo in this our Italy plagued by a small caste of officials and politicians justice worthy of the name?
When we have real politicians capable of representing the best of the Italians who deserve to be managed wisely and in the interest of all and the few friends of friends.

Here is a story that could only happen here in Italy!

Journalists Jannuzzi and De Gregorio (now Senator PDL) sentenced to pay 280 thousand euro to the former judge who inquired tv face, then acquitted. Guilt? Process have told horror.

Twenty-seven years after the arrest of Enzo Tortora second civil chamber of the Court of Naples ordered Lino Jannuzzi and Sergio De Gregorio to pay, jointly and severally with each other, the sum of € 150 thousand, plus interest calculated from the 1991 (around € 280 thousand) in favor of George Fountain, the investigating judge who handled the investigation of Tortora and had then resigned from the judiciary at odds with the CSM, which had opened disciplinary proceedings on him and the two pm process and Lucio Di Pietro Felix of Persia (court then came to nothing) and now is a lawyer in Naples. In this capacity, Fontana had già querelato Lino Jannuzzi in sede penale, ne aveva ottenuta la condanna e ne aveva già riscosso un risarcimento di diversi milioni di lire. Sergio De Gregorio, attualmente senatore del Pdl, è stato cronista giudiziario de Il Giornale di Napoli, di cui Lino Jannuzzi è stato direttore, e in occasione della morte di Enzo Tortora, stroncato dal cancro il 20 maggio 1988, aveva scritto un articolo su Tortora, su Fontana e sul processo. Per quell’articolo l’autore e il direttore del giornale sono stati condannati oggi, ventidue anni dopo.
Enzo Tortora fu arrestato alle quattro del mattino, mentre dormiva all’Hotel Plaza di Roma, venerdì 17 giugno 1983. Fu brought to the police station and was detained there until eleven, despite being hit by heart failure, before moving to Regina Coeli: the time required for the spreading news of his arrest and before the police would gather a crowd of journalists and photographers .
The warrant for conspiracy to die Camorra had been issued by Naples prosecutors on the charges from two 'sorry', and Giovanni Pasquale Barra Pandico. Pasquale Barra, said, "'or animal", is a vicious murderess, famous for killing Francis Turatello in prison, for having kicked his chest ripped open and ripped the heart and then eat it. John Pandico 'or crazy, " declared mentally unstable and paranoid, entered and left the asylums court, he shot his father, poisoned his mother, set fire to his girlfriend, has made a killing in the town hall of his country, he shot the mayor and the guards and killed him employees who were slow to hand over the birth certificate.
the big haul
Based on the statements of these two "repented", 855 arrest warrants were outstanding and that "Black Friday" was arrested along with 412 suspected Camorra Tortora (the other four hundred were already in prison.) But 87 of them will be freed because they were arrested by mistake, 'the same name. " However, most of those arrested are people unknown and unknown. But the operation is presented by investigators from the outset, and inflated by the majority of compliant journalists, as a 'crusade', the 'war on the Camorra, "dealt a mortal blow to the" new mafia Organized by Raffaele Cutolo. But investigators
accredit the voices, always amplified by journalists who have fallen in the network characters 'unexpected'. When will pull the sums you will see that Codest 'Sleuth' is reduced to a handful of mediocre people, four or five on four hundred arrested. The only person known and well-known and 'unexpected' among those arrested is Enzo Tortora, and this is the root of his misfortunes and aggressive which is unleashed against him. And that is why the 'crusade', the historical "process, the Camorra," inevitably ends up as the trial of Enzo Tortora, and as such will be experienced, discussed and remembered. After six months
arrest Tortora was confronted with two new "repent": Gianni Melluso, said, "Cha cha cha," which tells of having delivered a parcel of cocaine Tortora on street corners in Milan, and Villa Andrea, that is introduced into the interrogation room with his head covered with a black hood and said he saw Dove in Milan for lunch and dinner with Francis Turatello, of which Villa was a bodyguard. Mano a mano che si va avanti, e tanto più che mancano sempre più i riscontri, aumenta il numero dei «pentiti» che accusano Tortora. Alla fine se ne conteranno una ventina.
Michele Morello, il giudice che ha scritto la sentenza con cui in appello Tortora verrà poi assolto, ha severamente censurato il sistema con cui i nuovi «pentiti» venivano ammaestrati. Si procedeva così: si prendevano i presunti «affiliati» indicati da Barra o da Pandico o da Melluso, e li si rinchiudeva nella stessa caserma, la famosa caserma Pastrengo, dove erano rinchiusi Barra, Pandico e Melluso, e la notte si lasciavano aperte le porte delle celle, in modo che i nuovi arrivati potessero "Fraternization," and maybe booze to feasting with those who had indicated, and these could "reason" and educate people and convince them to acknowledge Tortora. The newspapers of those days you could read quietly for Melluso, "John the Beautiful", the barracks had been set up like a bachelor pad with girls and champagne.
Tortora was questioned only after weeks of solitary confinement. In all asked him three times. At the first interrogation bring out the history of doilies, a racketeer held, Domenico Barbaro, sent from prison to Tortora, because they show the viewers of 'Portobello', some embroidered doilies by himself in cella. Ma i centrini si persero nei meandri della Rai e non furono mostrati in video. Spuntano allora delle lettere di Barbaro a Tortora in cui il camorrista si lamenta: rivuole indietro i centrini o li vuole pagati. Secondo gli inquirenti è la prova del traffico di stupefacenti: i «centrini» starebbero per «cocaina». Si scoprirà alla fine che le lettere a «Portobello» per conto di Barbaro le ha scritte Pandico, che è stato Pandico a combinare con Barbaro il trucco della trasformazione dei centrini in cocaina e poi a raccontare la storiella agli inquirenti.
Al secondo interrogatorio gli inquirenti si presentano a Tortora, dopo qualche mese, con in mano una «prova schiacciante» della sua affiliazione alla camorra. Nella address book seized Joseph Puca, said, "'or Japan," one of the most ferocious killers of Cutolo, they found the name of Enzo Tortora with two phone numbers. Leading the questioning the investigating judge is personally Giorgio Fontana, whose honor was offended by Sergio De Gregorio article in the newspaper directed by Lino Jannuzzi in the death of Tortora. But a day comes in gets a lady, my name is Cato the Assumption, he says, and the woman Puca, you have this address book seized at the home of Puca is not his but mine, you can control, there are the numbers of my relatives and my friends, and those two numbers where you read 'Enzo Tortora, "I wrote, the handwriting is mine, 'Enzo Tortona. Caserta is a friend of mine, the prefix is \u200b\u200b0823, try calling. At the first interrogation
doilies exchanged for cocaine, the second interrogation have read "Dove" to "Tortona", the third interrogation as a witness takes the Neapolitan Inquisition Melluso Gianni, a thug, a thief in the suburbs, which has already racked up quite a bit 'convictions for fraud and theft, generally failed.
is on the basis of "repentant" like these and stories told by them that, after seven months of hearings and 225 hearings, 17 December 1985, two years after the blitz Black Friday, the judges in Naples Enzo Tortora sentenced to ten years and six months in jail.
Less than a year later, September 15, 1986, Dove was acquitted on appeal with the full formula. With him were acquitted 131 other defendants, that the 102 acquitted at first instance are 233 and 70 acquitted in the second section rose to over 300, not counting the 87 'namesakes' arrested and released: They are almost three quarters of the great haul.
Eight months later, on May 18, 1987, the Supreme Court will complete the work, confirming the acquittal of Dove and the other 131 and canceling some more 'convictions. Meanwhile
Tortora was nominated by the Radicals in the European elections, when was still under house arrest, and was elected with 800 thousand votes of preference, but had resigned, calling himself by the European Parliament authorized the arrest, had returned to Italy and had "delivered" to the police in Milan, in Piazza the Cathedral, on Christmas Eve.
One year after the ruling of the Supreme Court Tortora die, struck down by cancer, "In those horrible prison walls - will say in his last appearance on television from his bed in the hospital connected - I have detonated a bomb inside .. .. " It is May 20, 1988, and for the occasion, the police reporter Il Giornale di Napoli, directed by Lino Jannuzzi, recalled the vicissitudes of the process. Twenty-two years after other judges, also of Naples, have condemned the reporter and the director to pay.
also insulted da Morte Gianni Melluso
A was better. After the live slandered with impunity, began to slander the dead. In November 1992, four years after the death of Tortora, the weekly published an interview with People under the headline: "Gianni Melluso released from prison and insists Tortora was guilty." He says just like that, "I gave him drugs and he paid me." Tortora's daughters filed a lawsuit for slander. Two years after the publication of the interview and the complaint, the investigating judge of the court of civil and criminal Milano Clementina Forleo rejected the lawsuit, condemning their daughters to pay the costs of Tortora, and give reasons: "The acquittal of the Dove is just the truth of the case on the criminal act attributed to him and not the real truth of the historical fact that occurred."
Two months later, then-deputy public prosecutor in Milan, Elena Paciotti, which then will be a member of the CSM, chairman of the judges and finally MEP lists Pd-PDS, reject the application for opening procedure for this reason: "The acquittal of Enzo Tortora with full formula is not a consequence of the falsity of the statements considered by Gianni Melluso and other callers to run, but the withholding of the same inability to contribute valid evidence for the prosecution ... .
None of the "repentant" put the lie was indicted, tried and sentenced for defamation. None of the judges who handled the investigation has been prosecuted and punished by the CSM. Rather, they have all done a wonderful career. No compensation has been recognized as Enzo Tortora, or his heirs. Indeed, his daughters have had to pay the costs of the lawsuit made Melluso. Journalists (few) who have reported and denounced the misdeeds of the trial were sentenced to pay handsomely i magistrati «per avere offeso la loro reputazione». 

 [ Fonte ]

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Restando sul tema case...

Nella Bibbia c'è scritto:  " (...) ma non fate secondo le loro opere, perché dicono e non fanno".(Matteo 3.23)
Oppure: Fai quello che prete dice e non quello che prete fa.
This proverb is quoted by Celestine V I \u0026lt;> Silone.

House at a discounted price, check the Finocchiaro.
Senator PD has purchased an apartment in Rome by the case of notaries: 30% less on the actual value and without having the requirements.
the end there is also cascade Anna Finocchiaro. The leader of the Democratic Party in the Senate less than a year ago he bought an apartment of 180 square meters on the hill that rises above St. Peter's, behind Gregory VII in Rome. So far, nothing bad, because after 24 years to shuttle between the capital and his native Sicily is normal for the center of the poppy has chosen to make life easier. A bit 'too easy, though, as the apartment has spent € 745mila, please see the price rather than area and length (in addition, other 45 thousand euro for a garage). The investment at a special price, made for the daughters, who are buyers of the property, but beneficial for the senator and her husband Melchior Fidelbo, is fully part of the binder dell'Affittopoli (in this case vendopoli) Roman. Why to sell the house and garage was May 17 last, the National Fund of the notary, the last act of a campaign to sell your property.
First problem: Finocchiaro ha pagato poco più di 4.000 euro al metro quadrato, contro la media di circa 6.400 euro nella zona. Vale a dire, circa il 30% in meno rispetto ai valori di mercato. Capita, come sottolina oggi su Libero Franco Bechis, quando si compra dagli enti previdenziali.
Ecco il secondo problema: di solito, lo 'sconto' è riservato agli inquilini o a notai. Ma la famiglia Finocchiaro-Fidelbo non ha mai abitato in quella casa né risulta abbia legami parentali con alcun notaio. Tutt'al più, la Finocchiaro per carriera politica ha maturato ottimi rapporti di amicizia con l'ex presidente dei notai Gennaro Mariconda e, presumibilmente, con il direttore della Cassa che le ha venduto l'appartamento, Valter Pavan. Che, tra l'altro, bought an apartment in the same building.

[Source ]

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How To Make A Football Helmet For Costumes

Case regalate e prestiti: tutti i record Di Pietro

As always with pleasure the public says Filippo Facci, one of the few journalists, if not the only one who knows by heart the whole past of the former Di Pietro.

leader IDV protest to Trivulzio and smell nuoiva Tangentopoli. But it forgets its past ...

"Gaddafi!, Noriega!, Hitler!, Videla!, Dracula!, Nero!, Pilate!, Herod, Saddam!, Vanna Marchi!, Nazi!, Fascist!, Racist!, Piduista!, Anti-Semitic!, Mafia!, Rattlesnake. " To all the flying, mind you, it signals the presence of a madman screaming that goes in the direction of South London: it should be known of Antonio Di Pietro, a lawmaker of the Republic, the figure has already announced their movements through a special announcement: " Monday, February 28, at 10:30, will organize a protest outside the headquarters of the Pio Albergo Trivulzio. I'm going to testify that in 19 years I never gave up my civil commitment compared to what I think is the problem of Italy, the law. And to report that from the lessons of Trivulzio policy has not taken any education or change their behavior ( Sic! NDB) . Here
central to all flying: in light of that statement is therefore possible that the prophecy the path followed by Di Pietro said from now until February 28, rounds of monitoring will be organized accordingly taking into account the probable future stages: A

all flying
1) Passing the Roman Via Principe Eugenio, where Di Pietro in 2005 bought an apartment of 235 square meters (cost: € 1,045,000) and then rented to the Party for a figure who was going to meet and exceed the monthly mortgage, which meanwhile had turned: that is, the Di Pietro affittava ad Antonio Di Pietro che pagava coi soldi del finanziamento pubblico ai partiti. In concreto: Di Pietro, con il denaro pubblico del partito, cioè dei contribuenti, comprava casa per sé. In seguito ad articoli di stampa e interpellanze parlamentari che scopriranno l’altarino, il Di Pietro nel 2007 deciderà di vendere l’immobile a 1.115.000 euro.
2) Passaggio bergamasco via Antonio Locatelli, in pieno centro, dove il Di Pietro nel 2006 acquistò un appartamento di 178 metri quadri (costo: 261.661 euro, un incredibile affare regalato dalla cartolarizzazione degli immobili dell’Inail) per poi ancora affittarlo al partito Italia dei Valori, cioè a se stesso, che lo ripagò con soldi pubblici.
3) Passaggio milanese in via Andegari, angolo via Manzoni, presso lussuosa palazzina in affitto: il Di Pietro la ottenne dal Fondo Pensioni Cariplo nel 1991 con canone cosiddetto equo di 234 mila lire il mese, comprese le spese di ristrutturazione. L’appartamento fu poi passato al figlio Cristiano - procedura irregolare, perché il contratto proibiva ogni genere di subaffitto - e l’assegnazione ebbe luogo non solo ignorando la prevista graduatoria d’attesa, ma saltando di netto anche l’apposita commissione affittanze: questo grazie al cordiale appoggio dell’allora sindaco Paolo Pillitteri e del vicepresidente Cariplo Sergio Radaelli, già cassiere socialista.
4) Passaggio milanese in via Felice Casati, dove il Di In 2004 Peter bought an apartment of 188 square meters (cost: 614,500 euro) and soon after rented the party Italy of Values \u200b\u200bfor 2800 euro per month, which was going to meet and exceed the monthly mortgage, which meanwhile had turned: the Following the same pattern above. Di Pietro, the party with public money, ie taxpayers, buy a house for himself.

Here central to all bats, are taken into account that this path is likely to change: with the Di Pietro spoke generically of unorthodox behavior of the political class - ergo benefices and privileges of power gained from favorites - it is possible that the above-mentioned, before moving on to Trivulzio to sprinkle ashes on their heads, could also change their pilgrimage under the following reference: one hundred million without interest borrowed by the entrepreneur under investigation (then) Giancarlo Gorrini, money returned with cashier's checks cashed and then wrapped in newspaper shortly before resigning in 1994, another hundred million interest-free by the entrepreneur under investigation (then) Antonio D'Adamo, money returned in 1995 in a shoebox and dozens or hundreds of millions (unspecified amount) obtained for the payment of debt 'friend Eleuterio Rea (from Gorrini, D'Adamo and Maggiorelli Franco), a Mercedes Ce 65 million (from Gorrini) claims lawyer Giuseppe Lucibello per 20 milioni (cinquanta, secondo una sentenza bresciana) con i quali il magistrato si è poi comprato una Fiat Tipo bianca, soldi che sono stati restituiti con assegni circolari emessi nel maggio 1994 ma incassati in novembre; una Lancia Dedra la moglie (da D’Adamo); utilizzo stabile di una garçonnière dietro piazza Duomo (da D’Adamo) fino all’inizio del 1994; utilizzo di una suite da 5-6 milioni al mese, per almeno un anno e mezzo, al Residence Mayfair di Roma, dietro via Veneto (da D’Adamo) a partire dall’89; ottenimento di pacchetti di pratiche legali per la moglie di Di Pietro (da Gorrini); altre consulenze legali per la moglie (da D’Adamo) con contratti di consulenza totaling sixty-two million; use of the child, twice, to Maa (from Gorrini) luxury clothing boutique in the Tench, and Hitman Fimar of Milan (D'Adamo) with drop size 56, a mobile phone itself (D 'Adam) and then another name of his collaborator Stragapede Rocco (from D'Adamo): At least fifteen tickets Milan-Rome (D'Adamo), umbrellas, diaries, pens and various cartolame (from Gorrini) stock of socks knee (from Gorrini); travel by private jet for hunting parties in Spain, Poland and in the reserve accounts of John Asti (from Gorrini), a library designed to house Curno (acquired by D'Adamo).
In all bats, forse è meglio raddoppiare i turni di sorveglianza.

di Filippo Facci, 26/02/2011

Libby Libby Short Financial Accounting Solution

Mastella the pillory, the governor Vendola no

Possiamo dire d'avere una giustizia, equa, imparziale e corretta che funziona in Italia? Pare proprio di no!

Mastella alla gogna, il governatore no 

Per la medesima fattispecie di reato la legge si or apply it "interprets", depending on the origin of the suspect politics. In this bleak finding comes after you compared the findings on health in Bari (where the Democratic Party involved and where the governor comes out battered Nichi Vendola) with the investigation on health in Campania, which has engulfed the couple Mastella. Two weights, two measures, two different decisions of the judges: Puglia for politicians committed to manage and take every piece of the health sector, the risk is a reprimand or a little more, to Clemente Mastella and his wife, Sandra Lonardo, however, the trial becomes automatic. Yet both in Bari to Naples The bone of contention is the same: seats and chairs, the appointment of primary pressure on local health managers.
Read and believe. Take what happened to the former Keeper of the Seals, who a few days ago he found himself in front of the Neapolitan court preliminary hearing to defend against charges related to matters deemed to be illegal, in many ways similar, if not identical, to those who come out here and there in the order that called for the arrest of Senator Albert German. The accused Mastella, in fact, found himself in the process to fill a position incomprehensible. In the voluntary statement issued to the preliminary hearing judge, the father angrily defended himself Udeur e sarcasmo negando d’aver fatto pressioni nei confronti di un direttore generale per far diventare primario un determinato medico. Non solo. Mastella ha dimostrato di non avere la più pallida idea di chi fosse quel medico, di non averci mai parlato, insomma, di non averlo mai conosciuto, nemmeno per interposta persona. Lo stesso direttore generale, oggetto della presunta concussione, ha negato di aver ricevuto telefonate o pressioni dal politico di Ceppaloni. Non solo. Nel corso dell’udienza s’è scoperto che quel primario non poteva esser stato destinatario di interessamenti e raccomandazioni politiche perché… primario già lo era. Per una non notizia di reato, nemmeno supportata da uno straccio di intercettazione, Mastella è ancora appeso alla decisione del gup. Mentre nei confronti di Vendola - per dire – l’archiviazione è arrivata ieri nonostante la fastidiosa mole di intercettazioni che portò i carabinieri a ipotizzare numerosi episodi di concussione (anche tentata) «per aver imposto nel maggio 2008 ai direttori generali delle Asl e di differenti presidi ospedalieri pugliesi le nomine dei direttori amministrativi e sanitari, nonché di primari di strutture operative complesse al fine di rafforzare la presenza della propria coalizione politica nelle istituzioni».
A leggere bene l’ordinanza del gip, il doppiopesismo col caso Mastella appare smaccato. «La prassi politica dello spoil system era talmente prevailing induce Vendola, while supporting the appointment of a Director-General his protege, even changing a law to overcome, with a new law to usum delphini, the obstacles interposed the norm. " In response to the German who was present as his protege does not qualify, Vendola said: "O Holy Virgin, but we can not change the law?". Although the government argued that the Apulian yesterday that sentence was 'caused' the passage of expertise from State to State, we dare not imagine what would have happened to any Mastella had hypothesized that, in the interception, one attempt at a law prefabricated personam. In another trial of former Keeper bribery has been questioned for appointment of Benevento Asia that "extorted" Bassolino, never questioned, said to be political in nature. At the trial's main Mastella prosecutors have come to equate the Udeur in a criminal organization because, in a systematic way, the recommendation was still a concussion. In short, there is bribery and extortion. Vendola comes to think about changing a law to advise his protégé, not risk anything. Gianfranco Fini, who recommends the mother-in-law to the executive Rai Guido Paglia, either. Mastella denies that he had lobbied to name a primary unknown primary already was, is alla gogna. Da anni.

di Redazione  


How To Master Bat For Me

Articolo su Cassandra del 24 febbraio 2011

Cliccate sull'immagine per ingrandire e leggere l'articolo!

What Size Are Tawnee Stones

Danza in fiera. I dance for fun or strange dream of fame "

25 febbraio 2011 — pagina 18 sezione: FIRENZE

C'È MIGUEL che è piombato qui sul parquet del padiglione Rastriglia dal Sudamerica e aspetta che arrivi il suo momento nei campionati mondiali delle danze Argentina and the Caribbean. There are Lisa and Julia who instead are "always been passionate about Western and American saloon deep 'and then five years ago they set up a school in Florence Country Line Dance, that dance, I want to say that" you can not Texans do without leather and cowboy hat. "

Before they started, "the kind crazy just to the north, Veneto and Lombardy - they say - We now have 80-90 students, aged from 10 to 70 years." Then there are the usual throngs of teenagers chock lessons hip hop and jazz television, and even the kids who are hoping for a lightning career suggested by the talent show "how they got them," says Giuseppe indicating the stage to perform the ex- "Friends" and explains that "as soon as we go to Rome n'ho eighteen and auditioned me introduce myself." Do not expect to figure it out. From here on Sunday at the Fortezza da Basso is on stage "Danzainfiera.

its sixth edition, the most important Italian event dedicated to dance and dance is a mix of genres and atmospheres. A Shaker esperienzee different worlds spread over 65 thousand square meters, 14 pavilions, five stages and three runs in the scene where to send classical, belly dance, cheerleading, twirling, pole dance, samba, tango and contemporary art. Then stars and industry gurus. Yesterday, the event officially began at 19.30 with the opening gala by Maggiodanza, the company directed by Francis Gizzi, that meets the public today at 14. But lessons, competitions and exhibitions, training courses and workshops have gone by the afternoon. Needless to say, has recorded a full house at the pavilion Cavaniglia 17. On stage there was "The Black Souls", the preview of the musical product with the dancers and singers of the past editions of "Friends." "We come from Cagliari ',' us from Ancona," "I am from Milan," said Anthony, Louise, Mary, Laura Ilariae. About sixteen, who, thirty and forty years, all fans of Cassandra De Rosa, Isolotto born singer who landed at the studios of Maria De Filippi for the seventh edition of the talent, three years ago. A voice that has conquered even the mayor's cousin, Rebecca Renzi: "Now I follow her everywhere. I also went to Switzerland and Sicily.

I mean, just the snob in Florence a bit ', is beloved in the rest of Italy. Suffice it to say that 50 thousand subscribers to his fan page on the Internet. "

Today replicates. At 13 the boys of "Friends" are organizing a talk show in Hall Under 14 at 11.30 Kledi Kadiu meets the public at Spadolini. Then the schedule includes a show of indian and bollywood dance, dance film "Millennium" (at 14), with lessons burlesque Roxy Rose (17 hours), the national competition in a Musical (at 17) and auditions for dancers and singers . Among the curiosities: ethnic dances (at 15), the exhibition of samples roller skates (16.30) and a cheerleading lesson to be followed closely knit baseball or football. And do not forget the pom-pon.


SOURCE: . html

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Gay Crusing Area Miami

The secret agreement between Di Pietro and the Greens

  Former everything and those who do not want to do as long as you keep it nuilla nature leaving their fate to the people decided to unite their destinies ... election.

There is an agreement, until now secret, between IDV and Verdi.

signed by Antonio Di Pietro and Angelo Bonelli with lieutenants Silvana Mura and Francesco Borrelli, provides lists common policies to ward off the hegemony of the Democratic Party on the Pier Luigi Bersani center and advanced Nichi Vendola.

In comune anche i referensdum contro il nucleare e il sostegno ai recipsroci candidati sindaci. 
A cominciare da Luigi De Magistris a Napoli. 

Dimenticano i lor signori che gli italiani non sono fessi!

  [ Fonte ] 

Dragon Ball Episodes In Hindi

Monday, February 21, 2011

Make A Communication Board

February 22, 2011 The corner of four poetry!

Victoria Aganoor Pompilj , Italan poet (1855-1910)
Born in a noble family of Padua Armenian origin, was the seventh child Count Edward Aganoor and Giuseppina Pacini.
Raised in a family hard, given the changing and introverted father, Victor suffered throughout his life depression.
Educated at the behest of his mother, the priest and poet Giacomo Zanella, from an early age showed a particular propensity for writing and poetry.
too closed and shy, however, kept his secret writings for a long time. Extremely polite and pleasant outside, always hid his tormented character, and depression, which caused a long emotional dependence on his family.
Having sacrificed much of his life in the care of his mother and sister with a disability, the death of the former, si sposò con il nobile Guido Pompilj.
Nonostante tenesse molto alla propria fama di poetessa, l'ambizione primaria di Aganoor, come indicano sue lettere ad amici di famiglia, era quella di operare nella società sfruttando il ruolo di primo piano che le davano le sue origini prestigiose: sentì quindi la necessità di cercare un matrimonio che le desse l'opportunità di sfruttare al meglio le sue doti di intelligenza e capacità relazionali, che aveva sempre dimostrato nei salotti della sua cerchia di amici e conoscenti.
Guido, uomo misantropo e difficile, amò perdutamente Vittoria, ed ella lo vedeva come il suo unico conforto in un mondo di debolezza e corruzione.
Dopo le nozze, Vittoria cambiò il suo atteggiamento toward life, and published his first book of poems, eternal Legend (1900), which was enthusiastically received by critics. Considered by Benedetto Croce
a fresh and spontaneous writer (The literature of the new Italy), was for many years thought to be such by literary criticism, until the '70s, when his work was re-evaluated in light of an edition of its partial Letters: Victoria had always rejected the image of poet immediate and spontaneous writing and declared that "head" and not with the heart. In fact, his lyrics are fully included in the current literature of his time, and show echoes of Gabriele D'Annunzio, the twilight, the beloved Giacomo Leopardi, and friends Nencioni e Gnoli.
Il 9 aprile del 1910, all'età di cinquantacinque anni, fu ricoverata in una clinica a Roma, per sottoporsi ad un'operazione, legata probabilmente all'insorgenza di un cancro, ma morì improvvisamente, lasciando nello sconcerto tutti i suoi cari.
Il dolore provocato dalla sua scomparsa portò il marito a togliersi la vita; dopo aver sistemato velocemente gli affari di famiglia più urgenti, egli si sparò quel giorno stesso. Il gesto di Guido Pompilj conferì un'aura romantica al loro matrimonio e pose le poesie di Vittoria in ottica del tutto nuova, favorendone la divulgazione.

Di questa poetessa grazie alla raccolta di "Poesie d'amore dell'Ottocento e del primo Novecento" club of publishers - Milan (a book of my aunt in 1971, I "borrowed" from ehehehehehe my grandmother's house), I read this poem that I want to propose, from his first book of poems already mentioned:


We talk, but I know what you think

And you know what I think? Van
words and a thin layer of rice

it often masks the effect.

We speak ... But then another voice

sure you hear the sound, of a different accent

I think I also listen to the strange
eco ...
speak to both of the tombs. We laugh

also, laugh
strong, and shining in the eyes of joy
to live in a jiffy
end. In that abyss of core meanwhile

who then burst into tears?

(Eternal Legend)
Kiss and hug you soon:)

(for photos)
http://www. / live-a-Mansfield / character-illustri.html

(for biography)
http:/ /

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Formula For Aluminum Zirconium

The five days of Sanremo ... I think!

Every year is a must for me.
each year are told of all colors, string string .. but those who have not seen even one minute can be counted on the fingers of one hand, since they have had some crazy plays!
For all five episodes have been glued to the TV, with mobile phone in hand ... when I have a broken finger is because with my friends I have sent over 100 messages, we commented on everything from "conducting" the two real revelations : Luke and Paul, the songs look at the various singers who have raised and the more you have, and so forth.

begin to sum up this week "singing" speaking of things that I did not like me .. so now I raise the thought: D

The run in the first place!

I wonder: in six months they have started work, that if they did caper on stage did not even know where to stay? Oo .... Mystery! ... I understand the emotion, I understand the tension, I can understand everything the first two episodes .. but then you should start taking a bit 'the right pace or not? .. Okay ...

The foreign guests!

Dei "Take That" subject only sang the song "The Flood", the exhibition itself was blood from the ears ... thank goodness there are the songs recorded in place of UU
De Niro, I would have preferred another Robert, what in movies is a bit 'pale, young "for a long time" and that a diet a bit' special: D ... I hope in years to come! *_____*
Monica Bellucci was also there to promote the film "Manual of Love 3", but as my cousin pointed out to me in this film there are so many fine young actors eh eh eh who could be invited to her. In the end, I understand that the festival goes to world vision, but you always choose the best rates.
The claims that have been leveled, spread a veil .. UU.sono leaving out the usual cliches about Italy .. UU Originality, this unknown > _> ... From an author such as Federico Moccia, what could we expect? : D No ... the poor, there was only him to decide.
With so many authors have managed to do just that? ... Imagine if there was one .. XD
De Niro and Andy Garcia, were called to speak a little 'English / American Elizabeth; Miguel Angel Zotto Belen to dance, just to justify their presence at the festival!
The only foreign presence that bothered me were those of Eliza Doolitle, and Avril Lavigne, at least not out of tune live!
But if I think that there are around artists such as Muse, Green Day, Linkin Park, Coldplay, Florence and Machine, U2, REM, Witney Houston, Barbra Streisand (for his career before his last song ahahahaha), Aretha Franklin (the latter has rivevuto a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award ... .*_*).. and so on and so forth, a while 'I am hurt to see those who have risen this year on the stage of the Ariston! UU
... Me and my cousin, we will strive for next year to send an email to the RAI with a list of foreign guests that we would like to see: D ...
that have all money (sometimes our) well at least they used them!
In short, what has been called this lily is the outline, what ultimately should matter relatively little.

If the form has been patchy 'to be desired, the contents have nothing to say! Especially on the content of the scenes of Luke and Paul or Paul and Luke AMAZING !!!.. If the festival has worked in part is due to them  no doubt! Irreverent, ironic, funny, at times they also reflect the fact! I can not fail to mention the two new Late Hit ahahahahah "I sputtanerò" and "One in a thousand will be" ahahahahaha delicious parodies of two of the most popular songs by Morandi: In love and one in a thousand stand it; parodies in which we talked about politics, right, left. They have had a
all, even on SavianoXD

From a singer like Morandi, the "main dish" that no song could be ugly. This year I found a few songs that are not fully returned to my musical taste: that of the Patty Pravo and Anna Oxa! .. Just a common fact with regard to Oxa, and as a matter of false notes to Patty Pravo ! I was in agreement with their elimination ... as they agreed when they eliminated Al Bano, then just do not know with which "holy" was one of the two fished together with Tatangelo. BAH!

The songs that I liked the most were:
"My second time" by Max Pezzali; ok the song can appear similar to the other, but when one has his own style .. is it correct to seguirloXD He also is an artist who has some 'grown my generation, the 90s of the last millennium (so it seems to say many years down hahaha he must be) ... "How come" .. "They killed the spider man" ... "no regrets" ... etc. ... are songs that for many of us have been and continue to represent adolescence period of life that none of us over the course of time forgot!
"Three colors" of Tricarico, the song created for pure gold, but Caterina Caselli wanted for festival ... Blessed Caselli woman, has all my respect! This is a song I've heard by now, with his heart, because Tricarico, with his interpretation, I brought us .... straight to the corason. There have been a bad thing when it is passed to the end ... you have no idea! .. I agree with a journalist for the elimination she said "I do not understand the Italians" UU ... Since I attach some value to this song , I will listen to children's school, which despite my training is good and done, I stayed in touch by going to find from time to time. I believe that March 17 would be perfect! .. I'll try to write them also why the March 17 will not go to school, being children of seven years, I can not do great turns of phrase, I will base myself on the shape of the story! We will see what will come!
"Yanez" Davide Van De Sfroos; song linguistically distant from me, I understood the text just three words: Rimini, flip flops, pedal ... I said "summer talk": D ... But I managed to go beyond the words, because the pace is nice, it takes a lot. I liked it a feeling of joy. I think the radio to hear spessoXD
"The Alien" by Luca Madonia and Franco Battiato, Battiato in those few seconds of the song that made me sing come the goosebumps, his voice "old" I shook my heart in a grip of melancholy. Definitely evocative! Those seconds are enough to please me the canzoneXD
"still called love" by Roberta Flack; song for me has won since the second day since when I got comfortable with it. Listening to you just say that my eyes were clouded with tears, one is able to take the road down to the chin, the other remained on the board been able to stop taking a deep breath. A thing never happened before. It is ok, a thousand times I've cried while listening to music, but usually I cried because I thought my problems, to my regret, the tears on this song slipped away to the words that Flack used to send a good message of hope. Because I interpreted it the chorus, which I will head for days .. "Call me ... call me again love always love this damn .. that night will end ... but because we fill here, music and words ..." .. is full of hope that love there is the same for those young people who are struggling to find its place in the world, for workers or for anyone unable to make ends meet, for students who have defended the culture, for those ideas, an ideal.
Love is cross! It may seem rhetorical but I think not .. ripeterselo hurt. "What should this wretched night but finally, because we fill it, hence, music and words"
We believe that the problems, the injustices of life will end sooner or later.
is certainly a romantic vision, and who in spirit is a "decadent" storcerà the nasoXD
... I express a personal parry from a simple music-lover, not a pure expert in the field, but I defy you to find someone who says that the song is ugly! Even these can be counted on the fingers of one hand!

In these days I said to my friends: the list of my goals I want to achieve, I might add that going to follow a university lecture Vecchioni from simple uditrice !...: D Let's hope so! Meanwhile, I guess I will buy her album just "Call me love again!

is the first time I think the festival ends as I expected!
When the three songs that would play the final game, I heard shouting "Amandaaaa liberaaaaa is" ... for the anxiety I did not say a word for a quarter of an hour, minute, where in the flash I was reminded Filiberto the last year and the baby "panic pa pa panic, panic FEAR" ahahahahahaha
"it's good enough that I win the point I'm in fashion with Emma, \u200b\u200bbut Al Bano NO" to me ... shook my cousin is telling phrase. Same thought last year on Valerio, who was not my favorite because there was Mengoni
* _ * To be sure it is wrong to compare the careers of Al Bano, with that of Filiberto (I would say nonexistent) that the year Sanremo last centered on such as mayonnaise and bread nutellaXD But there was Vecchioni, if he won Al Bano was just the last straw. I'm sure I would not have slept the night ahahahaha
Luckily I have stayed quiet dreams, as the festival has won my favorite (as well as the critics' award "Mia Martini") XD

of young people say?
the winner, Raphael Gualazzi, you will definitely un mio limite, ma non mi è proprio piaciutoU.U Il Jaz non mi ha mai attirato più di tanto. Poi lui non è che sia tutto questo cantante, in alcuni punti sembrava un posseduto ;D…Alla notizia che ci rappresenterà all’EuroSong una mia amica in un messaggio ha detto “ok, è matematico, perdiamo” ahahahahahaha Personalmente avevo due altri preferiti: Roberto Amadè e Serena Abrami, che secondo me avranno due belle carriere, specialmente Amadè! La sua “Come pioggia” è proprio bella e poi lui ha una voce davvero interessante. La Abrami è stata fortunata perché il testo della canzone “Lontano da tutto”, lo ha scritto Niccolò Fabi, la sua vocalità non mi ha fatto impazzire, ma non si può dire che non sia brava!

Non mi sono certamente dimenticata di Roberto Benigni, se non l’ho citato, è solo perché vorrei dedicargli un post che vada al di là del festival, perché il suo intervento, giovedì sera, ha avuto un alto valore storico-sociale, che merita un commento a sé. Spero di elaborarlo celermente, anche se sulla mia velocità non prometto nulla. Per sicurezza, me lo sono registrato su dvd ihihihihihih quindi rivedendomelo avrò modo di riflettere per bene su quello che dovrò dire!

Tirando le somme di tutto, queste 5 giornate, o meglio serate..non sono state per niente “gettate al vento”!...La vittoria di Vecchioni was just the icing on the cake, which apart from some decoration blurred, it was really good!

Kiss and hug

Do Genital Warts Leak Clear Liquid?

Last piece of the triptych given the matter of Prosecutor vs. Milan Berlusconi


Guido Calvi

to Marco Travaglio " Done The Daily "
"Quello delle intercettazioni... uno strumento di indagine essenziale per scoprire reati gravi, è stato poi soggetto ad abusi e utilizzazioni distorte da parte di alcuni magistrati. E spesso ha finito per coinvolgere e screditare la privacy di persone completamente estranee alle indagini. Un ulteriore arbitrio è stato poi compiuto da parte dei giornali, che hanno divulgato in maniera abnorme il loro contenuto, violando the dignity and image of many citizens.
I do not believe that there is a duty for the journalist to publish everything ... The 'training of the test' ... likely to be influenced by their symbiotic relationship, from an exchange of documents between judges and journalists, which goes far beyond the media circuit-court "Clean Hands".
Who say? actual permanent service in a Berlusconi? No, the lawyer Guido Calvi, former parliamentary Ds, former defender Massimo D'Alema and other former communist leaders, hours lay member of the CSM share in Pd, interviewed by the reform on similar statements made to the Corriere della Sera by Luciano Violante (responsible institutions of the Democratic Party) to the applause of berluscones, Giuliano Ferrara of Il Foglio in the head. These things happen - they say - when the organ of self-government of the judiciary, rather than lawyers of repute and proven independence, Parliament parachutes lawyers from political leaders.

Marco Travaglio
In these days, another lay member, lawyer Matthew Brigandì, former lawmaker of the League, former defender Bossi, is suspected of passing secret documents to the Journal of the disciplinary proceedings on an old Ilda Boccassini. The Calvi case, quite different from the case Brigandì, Cashing in on the mailing list of judges, many of which require members who are judges of the CSM to demand explanations from fellow secular.
The CSM, in fact, not only should protect and not to discredit the judiciary with general accusations. But, being the depository of disciplinary power, should judge any violation of professional conduct of individual judges.
Now, the "abuses" of interceptions and "uses distorted by some magistrates' reported by Calvi are not only liable to disciplinary action: they are indeed crimes, just as the alleged "mutual exchange of documents between judges and journalists," which would constitute a violation of the secret investigation, the more serious as those committed by should protect that secret. The question - which is recurrent in the mail of many gowns - is simple: what evidence has Calvi judge that this or that "trade" secret papers with this or that journalist?
And, if it has, since it is the first and last names, perhaps in a bell'esposto holders of disciplinary action, cioè il ministro della Giustizia e il Procuratore generale della Cassazione? A quali casi concreti si riferisce? Se invece non ha prove e non fa nomi e non cita casi concreti, allora la sua intervista al Riformista è un'altra fascina di legna, l'ennesima, portata al fuoco della delegittimazione della magistratura. Come se ce ne fosse bisogno.
Lo stupore di molti magistrati, comunque, non riguarda soltanto lo sparare nel mucchio dell'avvocato dalemiano. Ma anche l'assenza di reazioni da parte dell'Associazione nazionale magistrati, dei leader delle varie correnti della magistratura associata e dei membri togati del Csm, così giustamente reattivi quando simili attacchi e insinuazioni partono from government circles. Moreover, in another step of the interview, if you take Calvi directly with the prosecutor of the case Berlusconi Milan-Ruby: "The Milan prosecutor's investigation, I wonder what was the urgency to discover and publish the papers, as the prosecutor asked the court immediately. "

Luciano Violante
And here seems to really dream: he can not, the counselor Calvi, the cards of the investigation (although only a small part) is known only because the prosecutor, as required by the law, had to ask permission to search the room for the offices of accountant Spinelli, equivalent to a residence of the President of the Council of Deputies to the junta and send the cards that explained the need to act.
Perhaps the "guaranteed" Calvi claimed that Parliament voted on an issue so crucial Italian politics for the knowledge of Italian citizens? The former attorney completes the work of D'Alema regretted not being able, when he was in Parliament, to pass legislation that would gag-pale, with regard to respect for the right and duty to record, including Mastella and Alfano ("Destruction of intercepting foreign to the investigation and the publication ban until the end of the preparatory stage ... responsibility for the pm and severe fines for journalists in the event of breach of confidentiality").

Berlusconi Ruby
But also because "Silvio Berlusconi has never found the time to pass a civil remedy and guaranteed on this issue. " But yes we have tried, rather we are trying again with the Counter-Alfano, the CSM (the one preceding it, which fortunately did not sit still the lawyer Calvi) has called for investigations and devastating for the freedom of the press.

Matteo Brigandi
As for what happens abroad, Calvi says that "in the U.S., the photographer can not even enter the classroom and the hearings are represented by drawings" may not know that the newspapers in the U.S. two years ago, they published the intercepts of the governor of New York, Spitzer engaged in around a ring, and those of Illinois Governor Blagojevich, who was arrested because he tried to sell to the Senate seat vacated by Obama. All this long before we celebrate with the design process instead of the photographer.
But on this conception of caste, let us say Stalinist right and duty to inform the PD effluent in the CSM, surprising even the silence of the Order of Journalists and the Federation of Printing . No wonder that last summer but the center would prefer a truly independent Calvi a lawyer and liberal as the late Vittorio Grevi. He so, respects the freedom of the press and impervious to the mess-ups.

[Source ]

Klonnopin Side Effects

Also from Dagospia carry the news that if true, is the p, says a lot about the methods of the Prosecutor of Milan! Here's how to act


Chiocci Gian Marco and Massimo Malpica for Il Giornale
Twenty-two face to face with the judges in a span of just over a month. Prosecutors in Milan have met Ruby, last summer, with a frequency impressive: almost once every two days. But this harvest of statements, only five minutes are the official records of the investigation, one that sees Silvio Berlusconi indicted for extortion and immediate with ritual prostitution. The other 17 is yellow.
berlusconi ruby \u200b\u200bmubarak
Dalla procura filtra una mezza conferma: le dichiarazioni raccolte da Ruby sarebbero in effetti ventidue in tutto. E di certo, nel centro di accoglienza per minori di Sant'Ilario, a Genova, diretto da Gigliola Graziani, i magistrati milanesi sono stati di casa, tra giugno e agosto. Ruby, infatti, lascia la casa di Michelle Conceicao Santos Oliveira, la brasiliana a cui l'aveva affidata Nicole Minetti, il 5 giugno 2010. Quel giorno le due donne litigano, interviene la polizia e Karima alias Rubacuori viene portata via.
On June 23, will be entrusted to Kinderheim Genoese, being St. Hilary 53. The first questioning the "official" is dated July 2. The last two, as is known is that of August 3, in Milan, where the young Moroccan offers versions rather inconsistent and varied.
Among others, two reports of summary information is written on 6 and July 22. But the surprise, of course, is that in the margins of these acts there is a sea of \u200b\u200bwords and matches the content of which is currently completely unknown.
Berlusca ruby \u200b\u200bnadia
Ruby Vanity Fair
That is where lies the "smoking gun" of the Milan prosecutors? It says at least 17 'talks' between the PM (especially Peter oven) and the guest of the center Liguria. If records are still unknown, it is quite a surprise package for the President of the Council.
Ma Luca Giuliante, avvocato di Ruby, interpellato sul tema non cade dalle nuvole, anche se la vede diversamente. «A me non risulta che ci siano stati 22 interrogatori, ma solo cinque, uno dei quali doppio. So però che ci sono state numerose visite da parte del pm, che però non mi sono mai state meglio specificate».
Visite? Per il legale è difficile definirle in altro modo: «Non ne conosco il motivo, però che ci siano state visite, non mediate dalla redazione di un verbale, è un dato che non mi sorprende».
The hypothesis that the plot twist in view of the process in early April is hidden in those rendez-vous, therefore, does not hold on Giuliante, which excludes the formal nature of meetings between the Ligurian girl and investigators. Because "if there were records and had not been secured we would be facing a very serious abuse, as there is a provision of the Code of Criminal Procedure, which speaks of the thoroughness of investigations."
But then, the frantic shuttling between Milan and Genoa, which was the point if the rumors were not put in writing? "I have a feeling that there are verbal, but a series of visits conversational nature, variously justified," continued the defender of Ruby.
Ilda Boccassini by Corriere
To speak of 'bunga bunga', to read together a diary of the girl? "If you ask me what we talked about I do not know, but if it turns out that there has been talk of Mr Berlusconi, it would not surprise me," cuts through the lawyer. He, of course, in these meetings was not there. And no lawyer has assisted the young.
Yet Ruby legal assistance he needed. Not only because it is at the first stop (the famous night in police headquarters) for allegedly stealing from Catherine Pasquini, that after the row with the Brazilian roommate Michelle Oliveira, the Moroccan - the injured party to the proceedings against the Prime Minister - had been found on the rump with a complaint by former friends.
was, in fact twice "suspect" in pectore ", and therefore even if not charged, it would be appropriate to ensure legal aid before it sat in front of the judges 'interviews' or 'interrogation' them to be. Moreover, being a minor (item whose knowledge, uncertain in the hands of Berlusconi, but could not escape the investigators), or should always be assisted by a relative (but there was none) or - and certainly the Milan prosecutors will be able to confirm that it is been done - by a person for her comfort, a psychologist or social worker.
Whatever the nature of those meetings, without question, seems to have occurred. And so already the news than was previously known is striking: for what purpose they want to nail one of Berlusconi pm from late June and July was commuting between Milan and the hill of St. Hilary to meet Ruby?

[Source ]

Angel Lola Luv Parents

some Italian public prosecutor.

From site Dagospia carry quant'esso writes on the issue of Moroccan girl Ruby.

Any comment is superfluous to note, once again, acting as some prosecutors who feel (self-) invested with powers of salvation.


Gian Marco Chiocci - Massimo Malpica per Il Giornale

Ruby Heartbreaker, still a minor, in one of his first interrogation tells pm (see the article as a result of the Republic, NDD) of having sex with the star of Real Madrid Cristiano Ronaldo. He made his name and not only because it adds detail. He claims to have met him on the night between 29 and 30 December 2009 at the Hollywood nightclub in Milan, that he had exchanged with the players' mobile phone numbers. To have it revised to dinner a few nights later, and be over in bed in a luxury hotel in Milan at the end of January.

A night 'in a suite on the fifth floor, "only to discover that he was gone, leaving a note, rather rude ("I hope that when I do not think you're in the room '), and 4 thousand euro in cash. It is not over here.

Ruby on record shows that it still met the Portuguese sample, by chance, a couple of weeks after the disco The Club, and having publicly quarreled, throwing him a glass of champagne along with money from the "Night 'in € 500 notes. A scene that has given the eye. And, as we learn more about Ruby to magistrates in Milan, Ronaldo would have affected the same.

So much so that last June, when the two meet by chance again (in front of the restaurant Ibiza Corso Garibaldi in Milan), he apologizes: "I thought you were a girl like all the others, which I tried only money." And the words, swears Ruby, Cristiano Ronaldo to follow the facts, accompanying it make amends in the community, where "even the nuns have seen it and are curious," completes the Moroccan girl.

The episode tells the Republic, is in the minutes. Those same reports in which, as you know, Ruby never says he had sex with Berlusconi. Yet the prime minister, on charges of child prostitution (as well as concussion) was indicted with immediate ritual, even if the alleged victim does not confirm. While "the judges - said the newspaper directed by Ezio Mauro - were unable to control" the story of Ruby, which would cover the Portuguese footballer. ( History identical already happened at the time of clean hands when that same attorney could not check that end he made a billion pounds over the seat of the shops PCI dark when the financiers found the seals broken and empty cabinets! Prosecutors Milan did not ask for the arrest of the Secretary that no one inquired on the theory dipietresca could not know! )

That, of course, the accusations of the girl are all to prove, it is difficult to understand the absence of any feedback from the investigators to the story, true or false, by putting black and white girl. Especially considering with how much zeal, however, have supported the allegations against the prime minister even though in the absence of such explicit statements.

was expected the "smoking gun" the proxy, hidden somewhere in the folds of the minutes of the proceedings or investigation. But many of the "revelations" end up getting the opposite effect, adding confusion to the overall picture of the allegations. For example, there is one detail related to cases of extortion, that two last week it was revealed by the fact newspaper, newspaper certainly not close to the premier, and casts a different light on the events of that night in May at the police headquarters in Milan, one of Berlusconi's call to liberate 'the nephew of Mubarak. "

And the detail that their concerns lie, which was attributed to the prime minister from different parties. Even Ruby, one of his verbal ¬ there, although when I was interviewed for the defensive investigations, the girl argued that the idea of \u200b\u200bpretending to be the nephew had been Nasser's Egypt. Well, the fact he went to collect the memories of Ester Fraga, a woman from Messina, which had to Ruby gave him a job two years ago.

The relationship between the two is finished with a double complaint (the Moroccan accused of theft, forced prostitution of the Sicilian), but among the things that Mrs. Fragata said there is a very relevant "(Ruby, ed) told me even then to be the nephew of Mubarak in the presence of my friend, the architect Bernardo." Look, here is therefore that more than a year before the streets of Ruby and Berlusconi cross (because the 'first instance' Arcore Ruby, according to the proxy, is in February of 2010), the 'false kinship' was already in the sample of girl.

And as for the legal implications of the double reporting of Messina, to shed light should come from the process, which will open next Wednesday. Ruby, in his controdenuncia, in addition to accuse the owner of the spa induction into prostitution, also quotes a friend of the woman who had tried to involve her in a game with the red light of the dice whose faces suggested sexual acts to be performed. She had refused. But man, the state, despite the words of Ruby is not even investigated.

Colaprico Piero, Giuseppe D'Avanzo and Emilio Randacio for La Repubblica

And finally cries. Laughs and cries angrily after. "What a shame!" Ruby says, during the interrogation (it's July 2, 2010). Ruby is looking for a handkerchief to wipe his tears, and also wants to reassure the public prosecutor: "You know, it is good that you felt like to cry "and the social worker, who sits beside her, loving whispers," Ruby, do the hard, but you're still a child ...".

is this "girl" that Emilio Fede will lead to Arcore. It is this "little girl" who wants to enter Lele Mora in his stable. And they are the simple words of Ruby to show that the "nights of the Dragon" trample even those who are helpless like her, she along with "whores" , the "girls of the favelas", the "gypsy".

Ruby, Karima, but what life has brought you to seventeen years to cross the threshold of Arcore How many people, all older and much more you, you are surrounded and accompanied and flattered with the worst intentions? How, according to the indictment, the Prime Minister?

Read filigree adolescence failure of Ruby is therefore necessary to explain that those scenes are not Arcore "between decent people," as telling the prime minister goes with the video message to the promoters of freedom. "I've got a family, it's not like I have, but it is as if there were," says Ruby in his verbal interrogation. "I was in Morocco up to 9 years, then my father, who had immigrated to Italy, has called us. He had an accident at work, got fired, did not give him the clearance and had to arrange ... Finally he reached a little 'its balance finding a job in Randwick, in a wallpaper shop.

is an old-fashioned father, linked to Islamic traditions, severe. It is also violent. Outside His world does not know the words to educate or persuade: "In Morocco, he was also an imam in Italy and I struggled to attend school. I did make the averages, when I wanted to enroll in high school did not agree. "

is an understatement, disagreement. And conflict.'s Father beats her, repeatedly, without measure. It occurs when Karima goes to catechism. Some people think that she have "a true faith, so they told me:" You should take steps that are important for the life of a Catholic, that would be baptism, communion and confirmation ...". I turned to my father, I and he asked for consent, frying potatoes, pulled me on a pan of boiling oil. " There is a family day that these girls should be protected, that these values \u200b\u200bshould be concerned. And then there are Letizia, Patrizia D'Addario and poor Ruby-Karima.

Listen his own voice the years of a stolen youth serves to frame the huge disparity between those who had nothing and who could offer her everything, as material goods, but without the minimum human solidarity. Ruby would need a better education and perhaps another time. Rather has been marked by the blows of his father. "His belt, eh, how many he's had to buy if they are broken so many on my back. .. The back, you know, get used to it after a while '... You become like a donkey, you get used to the barrel ".

Prosecutors photograph these marks on the arms of the girl who they say ass. They question and pales. Here's another episode, one that leads Ruby outside his house for ever: "One day I come home late and daddy fills me with blows, his belt buckle had broken even, then continued with the power of light. The next day I go to school, there is physical education within the last, to change my own. I lift my shirt and joined a friend, you see his back and screams. "Shut up, please, I say. But she also goes by the teacher and the teacher wants to see: "No, I fell from the scooter," I try to say. "You do not have the scooter," he says. In the end I admit ... ".

And so ended the hour of gymnastics," the time to get into school, I found the police the principal's office. "Arcore possible that no one has seen these scars?
Unfortunately, at this intervention of the police does not follow a real help. Ruby is back home, argues with his father, who tells her: "Escitene. And she comes out. He steals a handbag from a car to pay the first night in a hotel and find their way. A few hours later, has already caught by the police of the same small town and starts the chain of community.

"They took me the first time at Mondo X, a community of drug addicts. I was the only female with forty men, in Calabria and in addition toxic, with timetables absurd. The job was digging the land, move the rocks and cut wood. " After six months, Ruby runs away and returned to Sicily. Go to Catania: "In Town", and does not have 14 years. Find a kind of house to disco Capannine: "I was still with a suitcase and a guy sees me and says, 'You're a beautiful girl," I told him: "You have made the discovery of hot water." He says: "Would you work with me?". "
Ruby gets a job as a "selector", "the girl who makes cash or has a list of clubs. Then this gentleman, who has many nightclubs, he said," Look, I am your host at my house ". The first night I slept with him in his room, I was not even touched with a finger, even if it is clear that the man, aged 46, points to something else," Look, even if you are 13 years old, seeking to the father, though - he tells her the next morning - I can not, sei una ragazza con le sue curve, preferisco allontanare la tentazione da me. Io ho apprezzato la sincerità, mi sono detta: "Va bene, questo è un uomo"".

Errore: i complimenti non richiesti arrivano sempre. "Mi piacerebbe sprofondare nel tuo seno", dice. E qualche mese dopo, aprendo l'armadio del bungalow dov'era ospite, Ruby trova proprio il suo principale. É nudo: "E quando l'ho trovato nell'armadio della mia stanza, gli ho dato un pugno, gli ho fratturato lo zigomo sinistro". In cambio non una denuncia, ma una proposta: "Ti do i soldi, perché mia figlia è in politica, non voglio che si macchi il suo nome e neanche il mio".

Meanwhile Ruby, which can not be stopped, he met and attended a boy of 24 years, which would even take it into foster care by his family: "You are small, and you should come with me, talk to my parents. " That's right, Ruby is small. His attempts to make ends meet often cross the police. "They send me to Villa Sant'Anna, Messina, a nursing home for psychopaths."

But smaller, more?, Asked the prosecutor. "More, more," Ruby repeated, adding: "I have found, after a month, with a 60-year-old molested me while I slept. I filled my suitcase, I went to the door, "goodbye. will be a long time before the police are not aware of this escape (" Ruby, out of the car, look you know, they tell a checkpoint, months later), as she enters and leaves the premises , look for work, lives with what he calls his "boyfriend", and is delivered in two other communities and, on the night of 28 December 2009 decided to leave Sicily. Milan awaits.

A call Ruby Milan is a beautiful girl. He has little more than three decades. Ruby knows that work together in a clothes shop in Catania, "The Suspenders". With her, also spoke of the beauty contest, who won and where he participated, quello dove "Emilio Fede e Fiorello erano nella giuria", c'è "Miss Venere" a Capo Sant'Alessio, c'è sempre qualche pigmalione, ma alla fine che può fare in Sicilia?

  "Non ho salutato neanche il mio ragazzo, perché lui non era d'accordo che salissi a Milano... alla stazione Centrale mi aspetta la mia amica Simona, mi porta a casa sua e alla sera mi dice: "Vestiti elegantemente, dobbiamo andare per il lavoro". "Ma scusami, se è un lavoro di commessa, mica il colloquio lo fanno all'una di notte?", rispondo io".

Ruby, senza documenti e minorenne, is found in one of the most luxurious hotels in the heart of Milan. Exceeds the reception and her friend Simon said: "We have to go into the room." Ruby grows his amazement and says that, in the hallway, in front of room 333, one learns that the friend is not offering a job to job. It is to escort. And he rebels: "I took his head against the wall Did I split, and I left. I had 80 euro in my wallet, I went to Hollywood to dance, because in any case feel from Sicily:" The Hollywood The Hollywood "."

When at 4 am coming home of the 'friend not a friend "(words of Ruby) is the suitcases outside the door and there's no way to return. "I sat in the square, I did not know where to go, passing an old man on a white car, and said:" Need help?. "I told him:" Go marpione cabbage. "And he goes," No I wanted to see if you needed help "."

is a constant for Ruby, someone goes and helps, always free. Also for good, she says. First "led me to his house, he had a studio, and he told me:" You're alone you, I do not wish, you can be my niece, not my daughter, I will stand by a friend until you find a accommodation ". And then he finds a job as a waitress and dancer to Masquenada, Viale Piceno.

that judges are not fools. Already on July 27, before the last interrogation, they found that Ruby was really Arcore. And a couple of witnesses already heard, had confirmed that the minor told around meeting Silvio Berlusconi. Nor is it a secret that when there is an "anxiety-involvement," a fragile person, especially a child, can implement what psychologists call the "displacement". It attributes to others what has happened to themselves, it makes concrete what officers call a "defense mechanism of the ego." It helps.

Così si aiuta Ruby, che ne ha viste e vissute troppe. Per esempio, nelle sue peripezie milanesi incrocia la vita di Michelle Coiceincao, la brasiliana che, la sera del 27 maggio scorso, chiama per prima Silvio Berlusconi quando apprende del fermo della ragazza in questura. È lei che ospita Ruby nel suo appartamento milanese: ma "Michelle esercita la prostituzione in forma molto riservata", svela ai pm la ragazza.

Ed è Michelle a proporle "di prostituirmi al suo posto", con patti chiari fin da subito: "Mi ha detto che a lei sarebbe andata la percentuale più alta e che avrei potuto appoggiarmi a una certa Magda". La raggiunge in un appartamento a Milano 2, the door opens and "came out from one room to a girl I learned to call Juanita, of Mexican origin who said he had 17 years and has called by name Magda.

Juanita came out the room completely naked with a naked man back and he said he had finished the service. At this point the man, about 70 years to me directly "asked for a report," offering me € 4000, which would have given more than a thousand Magda. The customer took the hand of the girl making me see that Mexico had given her a Rolex Daytona gold studded with diamonds worth € 40 000. In saying this, the customer said he would do such a gift me too, because he wanted to "taste my lips Arab". "

Listening to her claim seems Karima Ruby-basic honesty and pride adolescence. Perhaps what is most interesting to hide their shame, "shifting" some facts, or perhaps altering them.

There is an episode that the judges could not control, but is contained in the minutes. Concerns one of the most famous footballers in the world. We hear how the girl: "I have never accepted payment for sex. I did it only with the guys I liked. The only time I've been paid for sex was when I met the footballer Cristiano Ronaldo.

was the evening of December 29, 2009 and after being in the hotel and before that my friend Simone I put the bags outside the door, I went to Hollywood and there I was stopped by Ronaldo, the which had a table in the private room. It made me compliments and we exchanged phone numbers. Until then I did not know he was a footballer, but I learned a few nights later when we met at the restaurant and many were asking him for autographs.

He knew my age and we met again several times at the restaurant. About three weeks later, we decided to make love and we met in a luxury hotel, where he was staying. According to his instructions, I had to go straight to his suite on the fifth floor. I did not, as I did not even now, the documents, but no one has asked questions. The relationship we had both fallen asleep. When I woke up in the morning, I have not found more in bed. On the bedside table was a note: "I hope that when I do not think you're in the room. The money will find them close to the bag." Indeed, there were 4000 euro and I left crying. "

Confuses one player for another? Maybe, the fact is that Meeting other states: "By chance I saw Ronaldo in the club two weeks after" The Club ", where I had gone to dance. He was in a private room with other people, I took a glass of champagne and Did I pulled in my face. Then, in front in all, I emptied the bottle on the head, I threw him the 500 notes, the bouncers intervened and took me by force out of the room. I saw him again by chance in June, before he went to the withdrawal of the world. I was on my way to the community - Ruby says - and he was standing in front of the local Ibiza restaurant in Corso Garibaldi. As soon as we crossed, he apologized for his behavior: "I thought you were a girl like all the others who tried da me soltanto soldi". Accettate le scuse, mi ha accompagnato fino all'istituto, e anche le suore lo hanno visto, e si sono incuriosite".

Ecco dunque come si descrive Ruby. È questa ragazza difficile, confusa, amareggiata ma mai sconfortata, in fuga, scappata di casa, che entra ad Arcore. Sembra la storia di una piccola fiammiferaia nella versione postmoderna dello show business. è la storia di una ragazzina che a 13 anni comincia a guadagnarsi il pane in una discoteca e che infine si imbatte in uno che - come tanti altri uomini entrati nella sua vita - può prometterle e permetterle la cosiddetta svolta: la tua vita cambierà, le dice Silvio Berlusconi.

And it takes very little because this desolate life changes for the better. But this change in the reconstruction of pm is subject to a toll: the "bunga bunga, sex, short of the miraculous that gathers around the guitar Apicella. Between February and May, Ruby will go the weekend with Silvio Berlusconi, 74, who promises to "change her life." She did not offer a job or good education or an education. Will change her life, she said, but if it accepts to strip naked in the "bunga bunga." This is the girl who will then have to "make mad" and "will be covered in gold" to say nothing. But the prosecutors had already spoken.

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