Quando avremo in this our Italy plagued by a small caste of officials and politicians justice worthy of the name?
When we have real politicians capable of representing the best of the Italians who deserve to be managed wisely and in the interest of all and the few friends of friends.
Here is a story that could only happen here in Italy!
Journalists Jannuzzi and De Gregorio (now Senator PDL) sentenced to pay 280 thousand euro to the former judge who inquired tv face, then acquitted. Guilt? Process have told horror.
Twenty-seven years after the arrest of Enzo Tortora second civil chamber of the Court of Naples ordered Lino Jannuzzi and Sergio De Gregorio to pay, jointly and severally with each other, the sum of € 150 thousand, plus interest calculated from the 1991 (around € 280 thousand) in favor of George Fountain, the investigating judge who handled the investigation of Tortora and had then resigned from the judiciary at odds with the CSM, which had opened disciplinary proceedings on him and the two pm process and Lucio Di Pietro Felix of Persia (court then came to nothing) and now is a lawyer in Naples. In this capacity, Fontana had già querelato Lino Jannuzzi in sede penale, ne aveva ottenuta la condanna e ne aveva già riscosso un risarcimento di diversi milioni di lire. Sergio De Gregorio, attualmente senatore del Pdl, è stato cronista giudiziario de Il Giornale di Napoli, di cui Lino Jannuzzi è stato direttore, e in occasione della morte di Enzo Tortora, stroncato dal cancro il 20 maggio 1988, aveva scritto un articolo su Tortora, su Fontana e sul processo. Per quell’articolo l’autore e il direttore del giornale sono stati condannati oggi, ventidue anni dopo.
Enzo Tortora fu arrestato alle quattro del mattino, mentre dormiva all’Hotel Plaza di Roma, venerdì 17 giugno 1983. Fu brought to the police station and was detained there until eleven, despite being hit by heart failure, before moving to Regina Coeli: the time required for the spreading news of his arrest and before the police would gather a crowd of journalists and photographers .
The warrant for conspiracy to die Camorra had been issued by Naples prosecutors on the charges from two 'sorry', and Giovanni Pasquale Barra Pandico. Pasquale Barra, said, "'or animal", is a vicious murderess, famous for killing Francis Turatello in prison, for having kicked his chest ripped open and ripped the heart and then eat it. John Pandico 'or crazy, " declared mentally unstable and paranoid, entered and left the asylums court, he shot his father, poisoned his mother, set fire to his girlfriend, has made a killing in the town hall of his country, he shot the mayor and the guards and killed him employees who were slow to hand over the birth certificate.
the big haul
Based on the statements of these two "repented", 855 arrest warrants were outstanding and that "Black Friday" was arrested along with 412 suspected Camorra Tortora (the other four hundred were already in prison.) But 87 of them will be freed because they were arrested by mistake, 'the same name. " However, most of those arrested are people unknown and unknown. But the operation is presented by investigators from the outset, and inflated by the majority of compliant journalists, as a 'crusade', the 'war on the Camorra, "dealt a mortal blow to the" new mafia Organized by Raffaele Cutolo. But investigators
accredit the voices, always amplified by journalists who have fallen in the network characters 'unexpected'. When will pull the sums you will see that Codest 'Sleuth' is reduced to a handful of mediocre people, four or five on four hundred arrested. The only person known and well-known and 'unexpected' among those arrested is Enzo Tortora, and this is the root of his misfortunes and aggressive which is unleashed against him. And that is why the 'crusade', the historical "process, the Camorra," inevitably ends up as the trial of Enzo Tortora, and as such will be experienced, discussed and remembered. After six months
arrest Tortora was confronted with two new "repent": Gianni Melluso, said, "Cha cha cha," which tells of having delivered a parcel of cocaine Tortora on street corners in Milan, and Villa Andrea, that is introduced into the interrogation room with his head covered with a black hood and said he saw Dove in Milan for lunch and dinner with Francis Turatello, of which Villa was a bodyguard. Mano a mano che si va avanti, e tanto più che mancano sempre più i riscontri, aumenta il numero dei «pentiti» che accusano Tortora. Alla fine se ne conteranno una ventina.
Michele Morello, il giudice che ha scritto la sentenza con cui in appello Tortora verrà poi assolto, ha severamente censurato il sistema con cui i nuovi «pentiti» venivano ammaestrati. Si procedeva così: si prendevano i presunti «affiliati» indicati da Barra o da Pandico o da Melluso, e li si rinchiudeva nella stessa caserma, la famosa caserma Pastrengo, dove erano rinchiusi Barra, Pandico e Melluso, e la notte si lasciavano aperte le porte delle celle, in modo che i nuovi arrivati potessero "Fraternization," and maybe booze to feasting with those who had indicated, and these could "reason" and educate people and convince them to acknowledge Tortora. The newspapers of those days you could read quietly for Melluso, "John the Beautiful", the barracks had been set up like a bachelor pad with girls and champagne.
Tortora was questioned only after weeks of solitary confinement. In all asked him three times. At the first interrogation bring out the history of doilies, a racketeer held, Domenico Barbaro, sent from prison to Tortora, because they show the viewers of 'Portobello', some embroidered doilies by himself in cella. Ma i centrini si persero nei meandri della Rai e non furono mostrati in video. Spuntano allora delle lettere di Barbaro a Tortora in cui il camorrista si lamenta: rivuole indietro i centrini o li vuole pagati. Secondo gli inquirenti è la prova del traffico di stupefacenti: i «centrini» starebbero per «cocaina». Si scoprirà alla fine che le lettere a «Portobello» per conto di Barbaro le ha scritte Pandico, che è stato Pandico a combinare con Barbaro il trucco della trasformazione dei centrini in cocaina e poi a raccontare la storiella agli inquirenti.
Al secondo interrogatorio gli inquirenti si presentano a Tortora, dopo qualche mese, con in mano una «prova schiacciante» della sua affiliazione alla camorra. Nella address book seized Joseph Puca, said, "'or Japan," one of the most ferocious killers of Cutolo, they found the name of Enzo Tortora with two phone numbers. Leading the questioning the investigating judge is personally Giorgio Fontana, whose honor was offended by Sergio De Gregorio article in the newspaper directed by Lino Jannuzzi in the death of Tortora. But a day comes in gets a lady, my name is Cato the Assumption, he says, and the woman Puca, you have this address book seized at the home of Puca is not his but mine, you can control, there are the numbers of my relatives and my friends, and those two numbers where you read 'Enzo Tortora, "I wrote, the handwriting is mine, 'Enzo Tortona. Caserta is a friend of mine, the prefix is \u200b\u200b0823, try calling. At the first interrogation
doilies exchanged for cocaine, the second interrogation have read "Dove" to "Tortona", the third interrogation as a witness takes the Neapolitan Inquisition Melluso Gianni, a thug, a thief in the suburbs, which has already racked up quite a bit 'convictions for fraud and theft, generally failed.
is on the basis of "repentant" like these and stories told by them that, after seven months of hearings and 225 hearings, 17 December 1985, two years after the blitz Black Friday, the judges in Naples Enzo Tortora sentenced to ten years and six months in jail.
Less than a year later, September 15, 1986, Dove was acquitted on appeal with the full formula. With him were acquitted 131 other defendants, that the 102 acquitted at first instance are 233 and 70 acquitted in the second section rose to over 300, not counting the 87 'namesakes' arrested and released: They are almost three quarters of the great haul.
Eight months later, on May 18, 1987, the Supreme Court will complete the work, confirming the acquittal of Dove and the other 131 and canceling some more 'convictions. Meanwhile
Tortora was nominated by the Radicals in the European elections, when was still under house arrest, and was elected with 800 thousand votes of preference, but had resigned, calling himself by the European Parliament authorized the arrest, had returned to Italy and had "delivered" to the police in Milan, in Piazza the Cathedral, on Christmas Eve.
One year after the ruling of the Supreme Court Tortora die, struck down by cancer, "In those horrible prison walls - will say in his last appearance on television from his bed in the hospital connected - I have detonated a bomb inside .. .. " It is May 20, 1988, and for the occasion, the police reporter Il Giornale di Napoli, directed by Lino Jannuzzi, recalled the vicissitudes of the process. Twenty-two years after other judges, also of Naples, have condemned the reporter and the director to pay.
also insulted da Morte Gianni Melluso
A was better. After the live slandered with impunity, began to slander the dead. In November 1992, four years after the death of Tortora, the weekly published an interview with People under the headline: "Gianni Melluso released from prison and insists Tortora was guilty." He says just like that, "I gave him drugs and he paid me." Tortora's daughters filed a lawsuit for slander. Two years after the publication of the interview and the complaint, the investigating judge of the court of civil and criminal Milano Clementina Forleo rejected the lawsuit, condemning their daughters to pay the costs of Tortora, and give reasons: "The acquittal of the Dove is just the truth of the case on the criminal act attributed to him and not the real truth of the historical fact that occurred."
Two months later, then-deputy public prosecutor in Milan, Elena Paciotti, which then will be a member of the CSM, chairman of the judges and finally MEP lists Pd-PDS, reject the application for opening procedure for this reason: "The acquittal of Enzo Tortora with full formula is not a consequence of the falsity of the statements considered by Gianni Melluso and other callers to run, but the withholding of the same inability to contribute valid evidence for the prosecution ... .
WIPED THE LAST None of the "repentant" put the lie was indicted, tried and sentenced for defamation. None of the judges who handled the investigation has been prosecuted and punished by the CSM. Rather, they have all done a wonderful career. No compensation has been recognized as Enzo Tortora, or his heirs. Indeed, his daughters have had to pay the costs of the lawsuit made Melluso. Journalists (few) who have reported and denounced the misdeeds of the trial were sentenced to pay handsomely i magistrati «per avere offeso la loro reputazione».
Twenty-seven years after the arrest of Enzo Tortora second civil chamber of the Court of Naples ordered Lino Jannuzzi and Sergio De Gregorio to pay, jointly and severally with each other, the sum of € 150 thousand, plus interest calculated from the 1991 (around € 280 thousand) in favor of George Fountain, the investigating judge who handled the investigation of Tortora and had then resigned from the judiciary at odds with the CSM, which had opened disciplinary proceedings on him and the two pm process and Lucio Di Pietro Felix of Persia (court then came to nothing) and now is a lawyer in Naples. In this capacity, Fontana had già querelato Lino Jannuzzi in sede penale, ne aveva ottenuta la condanna e ne aveva già riscosso un risarcimento di diversi milioni di lire. Sergio De Gregorio, attualmente senatore del Pdl, è stato cronista giudiziario de Il Giornale di Napoli, di cui Lino Jannuzzi è stato direttore, e in occasione della morte di Enzo Tortora, stroncato dal cancro il 20 maggio 1988, aveva scritto un articolo su Tortora, su Fontana e sul processo. Per quell’articolo l’autore e il direttore del giornale sono stati condannati oggi, ventidue anni dopo.
Enzo Tortora fu arrestato alle quattro del mattino, mentre dormiva all’Hotel Plaza di Roma, venerdì 17 giugno 1983. Fu brought to the police station and was detained there until eleven, despite being hit by heart failure, before moving to Regina Coeli: the time required for the spreading news of his arrest and before the police would gather a crowd of journalists and photographers .
The warrant for conspiracy to die Camorra had been issued by Naples prosecutors on the charges from two 'sorry', and Giovanni Pasquale Barra Pandico. Pasquale Barra, said, "'or animal", is a vicious murderess, famous for killing Francis Turatello in prison, for having kicked his chest ripped open and ripped the heart and then eat it. John Pandico 'or crazy, " declared mentally unstable and paranoid, entered and left the asylums court, he shot his father, poisoned his mother, set fire to his girlfriend, has made a killing in the town hall of his country, he shot the mayor and the guards and killed him employees who were slow to hand over the birth certificate.
the big haul
Based on the statements of these two "repented", 855 arrest warrants were outstanding and that "Black Friday" was arrested along with 412 suspected Camorra Tortora (the other four hundred were already in prison.) But 87 of them will be freed because they were arrested by mistake, 'the same name. " However, most of those arrested are people unknown and unknown. But the operation is presented by investigators from the outset, and inflated by the majority of compliant journalists, as a 'crusade', the 'war on the Camorra, "dealt a mortal blow to the" new mafia Organized by Raffaele Cutolo. But investigators
accredit the voices, always amplified by journalists who have fallen in the network characters 'unexpected'. When will pull the sums you will see that Codest 'Sleuth' is reduced to a handful of mediocre people, four or five on four hundred arrested. The only person known and well-known and 'unexpected' among those arrested is Enzo Tortora, and this is the root of his misfortunes and aggressive which is unleashed against him. And that is why the 'crusade', the historical "process, the Camorra," inevitably ends up as the trial of Enzo Tortora, and as such will be experienced, discussed and remembered. After six months
arrest Tortora was confronted with two new "repent": Gianni Melluso, said, "Cha cha cha," which tells of having delivered a parcel of cocaine Tortora on street corners in Milan, and Villa Andrea, that is introduced into the interrogation room with his head covered with a black hood and said he saw Dove in Milan for lunch and dinner with Francis Turatello, of which Villa was a bodyguard. Mano a mano che si va avanti, e tanto più che mancano sempre più i riscontri, aumenta il numero dei «pentiti» che accusano Tortora. Alla fine se ne conteranno una ventina.
Michele Morello, il giudice che ha scritto la sentenza con cui in appello Tortora verrà poi assolto, ha severamente censurato il sistema con cui i nuovi «pentiti» venivano ammaestrati. Si procedeva così: si prendevano i presunti «affiliati» indicati da Barra o da Pandico o da Melluso, e li si rinchiudeva nella stessa caserma, la famosa caserma Pastrengo, dove erano rinchiusi Barra, Pandico e Melluso, e la notte si lasciavano aperte le porte delle celle, in modo che i nuovi arrivati potessero "Fraternization," and maybe booze to feasting with those who had indicated, and these could "reason" and educate people and convince them to acknowledge Tortora. The newspapers of those days you could read quietly for Melluso, "John the Beautiful", the barracks had been set up like a bachelor pad with girls and champagne.
Tortora was questioned only after weeks of solitary confinement. In all asked him three times. At the first interrogation bring out the history of doilies, a racketeer held, Domenico Barbaro, sent from prison to Tortora, because they show the viewers of 'Portobello', some embroidered doilies by himself in cella. Ma i centrini si persero nei meandri della Rai e non furono mostrati in video. Spuntano allora delle lettere di Barbaro a Tortora in cui il camorrista si lamenta: rivuole indietro i centrini o li vuole pagati. Secondo gli inquirenti è la prova del traffico di stupefacenti: i «centrini» starebbero per «cocaina». Si scoprirà alla fine che le lettere a «Portobello» per conto di Barbaro le ha scritte Pandico, che è stato Pandico a combinare con Barbaro il trucco della trasformazione dei centrini in cocaina e poi a raccontare la storiella agli inquirenti.
Al secondo interrogatorio gli inquirenti si presentano a Tortora, dopo qualche mese, con in mano una «prova schiacciante» della sua affiliazione alla camorra. Nella address book seized Joseph Puca, said, "'or Japan," one of the most ferocious killers of Cutolo, they found the name of Enzo Tortora with two phone numbers. Leading the questioning the investigating judge is personally Giorgio Fontana, whose honor was offended by Sergio De Gregorio article in the newspaper directed by Lino Jannuzzi in the death of Tortora. But a day comes in gets a lady, my name is Cato the Assumption, he says, and the woman Puca, you have this address book seized at the home of Puca is not his but mine, you can control, there are the numbers of my relatives and my friends, and those two numbers where you read 'Enzo Tortora, "I wrote, the handwriting is mine, 'Enzo Tortona. Caserta is a friend of mine, the prefix is \u200b\u200b0823, try calling. At the first interrogation
doilies exchanged for cocaine, the second interrogation have read "Dove" to "Tortona", the third interrogation as a witness takes the Neapolitan Inquisition Melluso Gianni, a thug, a thief in the suburbs, which has already racked up quite a bit 'convictions for fraud and theft, generally failed.
is on the basis of "repentant" like these and stories told by them that, after seven months of hearings and 225 hearings, 17 December 1985, two years after the blitz Black Friday, the judges in Naples Enzo Tortora sentenced to ten years and six months in jail.
Less than a year later, September 15, 1986, Dove was acquitted on appeal with the full formula. With him were acquitted 131 other defendants, that the 102 acquitted at first instance are 233 and 70 acquitted in the second section rose to over 300, not counting the 87 'namesakes' arrested and released: They are almost three quarters of the great haul.
Eight months later, on May 18, 1987, the Supreme Court will complete the work, confirming the acquittal of Dove and the other 131 and canceling some more 'convictions. Meanwhile
Tortora was nominated by the Radicals in the European elections, when was still under house arrest, and was elected with 800 thousand votes of preference, but had resigned, calling himself by the European Parliament authorized the arrest, had returned to Italy and had "delivered" to the police in Milan, in Piazza the Cathedral, on Christmas Eve.
One year after the ruling of the Supreme Court Tortora die, struck down by cancer, "In those horrible prison walls - will say in his last appearance on television from his bed in the hospital connected - I have detonated a bomb inside .. .. " It is May 20, 1988, and for the occasion, the police reporter Il Giornale di Napoli, directed by Lino Jannuzzi, recalled the vicissitudes of the process. Twenty-two years after other judges, also of Naples, have condemned the reporter and the director to pay.
also insulted da Morte Gianni Melluso
A was better. After the live slandered with impunity, began to slander the dead. In November 1992, four years after the death of Tortora, the weekly published an interview with People under the headline: "Gianni Melluso released from prison and insists Tortora was guilty." He says just like that, "I gave him drugs and he paid me." Tortora's daughters filed a lawsuit for slander. Two years after the publication of the interview and the complaint, the investigating judge of the court of civil and criminal Milano Clementina Forleo rejected the lawsuit, condemning their daughters to pay the costs of Tortora, and give reasons: "The acquittal of the Dove is just the truth of the case on the criminal act attributed to him and not the real truth of the historical fact that occurred."
Two months later, then-deputy public prosecutor in Milan, Elena Paciotti, which then will be a member of the CSM, chairman of the judges and finally MEP lists Pd-PDS, reject the application for opening procedure for this reason: "The acquittal of Enzo Tortora with full formula is not a consequence of the falsity of the statements considered by Gianni Melluso and other callers to run, but the withholding of the same inability to contribute valid evidence for the prosecution ... .
WIPED THE LAST None of the "repentant" put the lie was indicted, tried and sentenced for defamation. None of the judges who handled the investigation has been prosecuted and punished by the CSM. Rather, they have all done a wonderful career. No compensation has been recognized as Enzo Tortora, or his heirs. Indeed, his daughters have had to pay the costs of the lawsuit made Melluso. Journalists (few) who have reported and denounced the misdeeds of the trial were sentenced to pay handsomely i magistrati «per avere offeso la loro reputazione».