Carry as Piero Sansonetti wrote on Reformist journalist certainly not right as the head, which clearly tells us what should (or should) be the new Italian scandal: the P4!
Wanted criminal investigation P4
JH Woodcock. Pm A well-known for the media echo of his inquiries. Reading the newspaper the charges against Bisignani Masi is to have advised against Santoro. So what?
At the time of the First Republic gergo politico era difficile da leggere. Dovevi conoscerlo se volevi capire il senso vero di una nota politica o anche di un editoriale. Se non conoscevi il gergo politico, e leggevi un articolo - poniamo - di Giovanni Spadolini, non capivi niente. Se qualcuno ti chiedeva: cosa hai letto? Rispondevi: «Boh».
Ieri ho letto tutti gli articoli che riguardavano l’inchiesta giudiziaria sulla “P4”. Tutti. Soprattutto, naturalmente, quelli del Fatto Quotidiano, che su questi argomenti giudiziari è sempre il giornale più informato. Vi giuro che non ho capito letteralmente un’acca. Niente, zero. Se uno adesso mi chiedesse: «Ma cos’è la P4?» Risponderei: «Boh». E se mi chiedesse di dire What is the crime of which they accused the defendants of P4, repeat: "Dunno." And then if I prayed just to list the names of the accused, I would mute scene for the third time. I understand only one thing: the name of the investigating judge. His name is Henry John Woodcock.
Who is it? It is a very famous judge. Not because his career has failed to condemn many people do, but for exactly the opposite reason: it is almost never condemn anyone could do. If one receives a notice of warranty Woodcock, in general, take note: he knows that will most likely be acquitted.
But here the problem is not Woodcock. Of magistrates who love the show that most investigations, there are several around, it's not shocked. The problem is the short information that you created, for the reason that most of the Italian press has now accepted a subordinate relationship so deep, total, in respect of certain sectors of the judiciary, that they are unable even to ask (in front in a tissue): What's it say? It then communicates to the readers, with titles in full-page, information is completely empty. By active work of destruction of journalism and freedom of information.
If the newspapers decided to use the formula "P4", automatically communicate to readers that you are talking about a huge thing. Because it refers to the possibility that you are repeating the "mechanism" between the end of the seventies and the early Ottana was triggered by P2 Licio Gelli, a secret Masonic lodge. Probably
journalists who write about P4 are young and do not know what was the P2. It was the aggregation of a group of formidable power - built on the power of several politicians, businessmen, soldiers, journalists - who was following a political agenda defined (called the "Renaissance Plan") and that this would oppose the policy of the government in power, who were all domain Democrat and were based on a strong programmatic collaboration with the Italian Communist Party. The political system
Italian, then, was locked, and it was virtually impossible to imagine a country without the Christian Democrats in government. The group of P2 (which was a secular group, but to the right of the Christian Democrats) had discovered this secret system of the lodge to affect the power and try to resist - just right - the Christian Democrats not undermine the government.
who was part of the P2? A couple of ministers, a couple of party secretaries, the president of RAI, Silvio Berlusconi, a dozen of Italy's most powerful businessmen, some of the great judges, other general of the Army, Navy and Carabinieri, some heads of services secrets, various publishers, some newspaper editor (such as Courier della era ma non solo...), diversi altissimi dirigenti del Partito socialista italiano e altra gente così.
( Sansonetti dimentica, come tutti del resto, di nominare fra gl'iscritti alla P2 Maurizio Costanzo, uno dei pochi iscritti rei confessi che affermò di essersi iscritto alla P2 per ricavarne vantaggi professionali!, NdB )
Chi fa parte, invece, della P4? Luigi Bisignani. Chi è Bisignani? L’imputato. Per che cosa? Per avere dato dei consigli a Mauro Masi contro Michele Santoro. È un reato? Non è detto - scrive Il Fatto - però è una cosa molto grave inquitenate. E dove sta la segretezza di questo complotto? That no one knew that Masi was recommended by Bisignani. How come no one knew? Because no one knew existed Bisignani. Woodcock, after careful investigation, he discovered the existence of Bisignani and automatically, he revealed the plot. But the P4, P2 as the plotting against the government and Parliament? No. And those who plotted against? Against Michele Santoro.
How can you comment on a story so ridiculous? I am reminded of an expression only effective, but vaffanbicchiere!
Piero Sansonetti
JH Woodcock. Pm A well-known for the media echo of his inquiries. Reading the newspaper the charges against Bisignani Masi is to have advised against Santoro. So what?
At the time of the First Republic gergo politico era difficile da leggere. Dovevi conoscerlo se volevi capire il senso vero di una nota politica o anche di un editoriale. Se non conoscevi il gergo politico, e leggevi un articolo - poniamo - di Giovanni Spadolini, non capivi niente. Se qualcuno ti chiedeva: cosa hai letto? Rispondevi: «Boh».
Ieri ho letto tutti gli articoli che riguardavano l’inchiesta giudiziaria sulla “P4”. Tutti. Soprattutto, naturalmente, quelli del Fatto Quotidiano, che su questi argomenti giudiziari è sempre il giornale più informato. Vi giuro che non ho capito letteralmente un’acca. Niente, zero. Se uno adesso mi chiedesse: «Ma cos’è la P4?» Risponderei: «Boh». E se mi chiedesse di dire What is the crime of which they accused the defendants of P4, repeat: "Dunno." And then if I prayed just to list the names of the accused, I would mute scene for the third time. I understand only one thing: the name of the investigating judge. His name is Henry John Woodcock.
Who is it? It is a very famous judge. Not because his career has failed to condemn many people do, but for exactly the opposite reason: it is almost never condemn anyone could do. If one receives a notice of warranty Woodcock, in general, take note: he knows that will most likely be acquitted.
But here the problem is not Woodcock. Of magistrates who love the show that most investigations, there are several around, it's not shocked. The problem is the short information that you created, for the reason that most of the Italian press has now accepted a subordinate relationship so deep, total, in respect of certain sectors of the judiciary, that they are unable even to ask (in front in a tissue): What's it say? It then communicates to the readers, with titles in full-page, information is completely empty. By active work of destruction of journalism and freedom of information.
If the newspapers decided to use the formula "P4", automatically communicate to readers that you are talking about a huge thing. Because it refers to the possibility that you are repeating the "mechanism" between the end of the seventies and the early Ottana was triggered by P2 Licio Gelli, a secret Masonic lodge. Probably
journalists who write about P4 are young and do not know what was the P2. It was the aggregation of a group of formidable power - built on the power of several politicians, businessmen, soldiers, journalists - who was following a political agenda defined (called the "Renaissance Plan") and that this would oppose the policy of the government in power, who were all domain Democrat and were based on a strong programmatic collaboration with the Italian Communist Party. The political system
Italian, then, was locked, and it was virtually impossible to imagine a country without the Christian Democrats in government. The group of P2 (which was a secular group, but to the right of the Christian Democrats) had discovered this secret system of the lodge to affect the power and try to resist - just right - the Christian Democrats not undermine the government.
who was part of the P2? A couple of ministers, a couple of party secretaries, the president of RAI, Silvio Berlusconi, a dozen of Italy's most powerful businessmen, some of the great judges, other general of the Army, Navy and Carabinieri, some heads of services secrets, various publishers, some newspaper editor (such as Courier della era ma non solo...), diversi altissimi dirigenti del Partito socialista italiano e altra gente così.
( Sansonetti dimentica, come tutti del resto, di nominare fra gl'iscritti alla P2 Maurizio Costanzo, uno dei pochi iscritti rei confessi che affermò di essersi iscritto alla P2 per ricavarne vantaggi professionali!, NdB )
Chi fa parte, invece, della P4? Luigi Bisignani. Chi è Bisignani? L’imputato. Per che cosa? Per avere dato dei consigli a Mauro Masi contro Michele Santoro. È un reato? Non è detto - scrive Il Fatto - però è una cosa molto grave inquitenate. E dove sta la segretezza di questo complotto? That no one knew that Masi was recommended by Bisignani. How come no one knew? Because no one knew existed Bisignani. Woodcock, after careful investigation, he discovered the existence of Bisignani and automatically, he revealed the plot. But the P4, P2 as the plotting against the government and Parliament? No. And those who plotted against? Against Michele Santoro.
How can you comment on a story so ridiculous? I am reminded of an expression only effective, but vaffanbicchiere!
Piero Sansonetti
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