Making sterile polemics unit of Italy after a century and a half I think one of the biggest nonsense that a politician can do Italiot.
But is it!
At worst there is no end (you can also read Fini, nothing would change).

Leaving aside these fantasies, the reality is one: we are geographically only a physical territory, annexed the islands, and 150 years we are also politically, unfortunately!
But ... should not leak memory.
Let me point out three interesting books available in bookstores later this month of March.
The first: " Polentone . How and why the North has been betrayed (even damaging the South)" by Lorenzo del Boca (Piemme, 304 pgg.17.50 €)
the second: " Terroni , tutto quello che è stato fatto perchè gli italiani del Sud diventassero meridionali" di Pino Aprile (Piemme, 308pgg, 17.50 €);
il terzo: " Sangue del Sud ", di Giordano Bruno Guerri (Mondadori, 297 pgg. 20,00 €).
il terzo: " Sangue del Sud ", di Giordano Bruno Guerri (Mondadori, 297 pgg. 20,00 €).
Tutti e tre descrivono molto bene le illusioni, le delusioni e le cose spaventose che furono fatte a noi meridionali e che tuttora vengono omesse nei libri di storia..
Quindi per non dimenticare è molto meglio ricordare a chi è servita truly united Italy.
menmonico For this exercise I suggest reading two papers, the first of Lorenzo del Boca, and the second leg of the second coertina of Terroni.
menmonico For this exercise I suggest reading two papers, the first of Lorenzo del Boca, and the second leg of the second coertina of Terroni.
The South has been massacred by the Piedmontese who stole everything was possible and the North found itself downgraded.
governoi Austrian Under the Venetians paid 11 pounds in fees for first class services. Once "liberated", as taxes rose to 31 without benefits. Those who wanted a united Italy?
The Milanese rebelled against the Austro-Hungarian administration, but no one thought of becoming a subject of Turin. In 1859, the Lombardy and Piedmont allaorgò was appointed Minister Gabrio Casati, one of the leaders of five days. That shortly after he resigned.
had envisioned a state that gave auton IMIA in all reality, but instead he chose the piemontesizzazione: new citizens were inundated with thousands of items of legislation repealing their uses.
Sicilians Garibaldi and The Thousand greeted with enthusiasm, but did not mean independence from Naples agree to become citizens of Turin.
Benedict Ricasoli, Florence, Tuscany wanted autonomy.
Marco Minghetti, Bologna, self-government for the Romagna.
all disappointed.
For ottan'anni PCI argued that nationalism was "fascist", not a value.
Today they laugh communist fervor of the heirs who distribute bracelets tricolor and the Secretary of the PD Pier Luigi Bersani, Bologna, which wraps the flag around his neck.
What is to be celebrated this 150th anniversary. But all heads of state, institutional, curators and museums, not claim an extra dose of enthusiasm.
Terroni is a book about the South for the South and its conclusion that, if one hundred fifty years have failed to solve the problem, it means that you do not wish to resolve .
As the author says, the two Germanys, but divided by a different vision of the future, the Cold War and a wall, in twenty years are back to being one.
Why we did not happen?
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