Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Ecco la barzelletta del secolo... e se non lo fosse è l'ulteriore prova che una parte degli italioti è masochista all'ennesima potenza.

"I can not even go into the streets. People recognize me and ask me back, come back. Monday morning I was in Mantua and went to morning mass, to avoid being approached. But in that case a group of faithful elders surrounded me and asked me to come back to lead this country. " This is what Romano Prodi said in an interview with Famiglia Cristiana. ( drove a left-democratically, as a gift for two factories Lirette, putting new taxes, giving more power to prosecutors and by specific laws for their friends. And so on, without forgetting the choice of the euro! )
Replying to the question whether it is necessary that a politician takes a decent moral conduct, Prodi said: "The politician must be judged by the facts. But among i fatti c’è prima di tutto l’esempio. L’esempio di un politico incide sui comportamenti quotidiani di tutti. Profondamente. Ancora più oggi, anche in virtù dei mezzi di comunicazione, il comportamento personale è sempre più un comportamento pubblico». Prodi, pur senza nominarlo, ironizza con monsignor Rino Fisichella, che dopo la bestemmia da parte di Berlusconi aveva detto che andava «contestualizzata». «Fin da ragazzo, mi è stato insegnato da autorevoli uomini della Chiesa che non si può agire con la morale a seconda delle situazioni. Quando sento dire che certi atti dipendono dal contesto mi chiedo: cos’è cambiato dall’insegnamento che ho avuto a oggi? Conservo ancora gli notes of those teachings. "

has come 'long' time to see a woman ascend to the Palazzo Chigi. "In fact - said the former prime minister - I'd say it's strange that this moment has not come yet. We have a woman president of Confindustria, the secretary of the CGIL woman, we had more of a woman Speaker of the House. Sooner or later it will come. Think about what Germany was far from having a woman chancellor. "

Romano Prodi claims for itself the role of having "customs clearance" Gaddafi in Europe, presiding at a time when the European Commission, but remember that it did not sign the treaty of friendship with Prime Minister with the Libya, because they are too 'burdensome' for Italy, and in any case would not accept "humiliation" that the Colonel then gave us. Prodi calls on Italy and Europe to support the democratic classes that we are making in North Africa, also to avoid the risk of 'biblical exodus' at the moment there are no signs, but Prodi urges' to be prepared. "

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