8 Marzo...una falsa giornata internazionale della donna?..
turning a little to cool a bit on the internet the memory of what happened in 1908 in respect of "Women's Day" ... I found this article de LaRepubblica of March 6, 1987, written by journalist Susanna Nirenstein
" THE YELLOW '8 March '... MA That date 'a false history.
ROMA.Abituatevi all' idea that the 'March 8th is a lie, a scam innocent, a false history. Do you believe that International Women's Day remember the famous fire that killed 129 American workers closed by the owner of a textile mill in New York (or Chicago)? No way, that 'there is no fire, there is no record that the registers. But you sure that you choose that date was Clara Zetkin in Second Conference Socialist International 1910 in Copenhagen? Missed that too. Motion of the alleged Zetkin there 'is no trace. Yet, women are ready to swear and avid readers of newspapers, that 'there are photographs and documentation episode: no, we can now answer with certainty, that fittings are not, wrong attributions, lightness of militants too enthusiastic.
March 8 is not really an invention. Dismayed and amused themselves by revealing the existence of a yellow "March 8" unexpected are two investigators, two feminist history, and Marisa Tilde Capomazza Shade, editors of a book published by Utopia and puzzling titled as duty March 8, stories, myths , rites of International Women's Day. Two days before the fateful date, and is already arming banners, megaphones are pulled out from the drawers, convene conferences and meetings, hushed by the revelation so far left more frightened and amused also conducting Now D, radio broadcast on Rai 3, who yesterday devoted an episode to the news. Yet the remarkable discovery was made almost by accident. It was the late seventies, the party was rife, it extended the participation, there was those who did not want to be aware of its historical reasons, to regain a sense of tradition as they write Capomazza and Shadow. And so the two girls get down to business. Now, however, they are faced with confusing data, handled, fabricated. As the first story of the historical background of the International Women's Day, released on 1 March to 49 out of Propaganda, Communist bulletin boards for basic as well as to attribute the authorship of the party at Clara Zetkin writes: "From this day 39 years in women around the world claim their rights because it 's March 8, 1848 the women of New York demonstrations for political rights and be able to say their word on issues of peace and work. " First confusion, the authors say, if you had to go back that far because they forget the participation of women in the French Revolution? And why is not mainly about the famous burning of the mill? The editor you will be wrong, we meet the researchers, corrige come out wrong somewhere. But the wait is in vain. Workers in New York are absent from any paper or document consulted. Marisa found the tilde and cited only three years later, the weekly of the Communist Party Fight and suddenly even on a tiny little book of 'Udi 4 cm to 6, which is 100 thousand Communist women pinned on his chest with the bouquet of mimosas (ah, even the Mimosa is a recent invention, after the war: a flower chosen by the Roman poor, and available to characterize the party). From that year history of success in a March 8 is a continuous rise: In March 1954 the story of the workers killed by the flames in the American shoe becomes a comic book published by the weekly working CGIL, in '56 is changed even in a picture story that purports to be a true reconstruction with names, dates, places. But then we now know that a corrected version could not exist because that 'fire, so as to strike' 8 March 1848 cited by Propaganda, not happened. You just have to turn to Clara Zetkin, note Capomazza stunned and Shadow, consult the text of the motion, a text that appeared on the 'newspaper of the German socialist August 29, 1910. 'S March 8 there' is no trace. For most of that resolution that the General Public on its regular Zetkin was never passed by any Socialist Conference. A march of 1917 it seems that the 'hypothesis of a day delle donne non piacesse affatto ai suoi compagni di partito che la giudicarono un' inaccettabile commistione con la borghesia internazionale. Che cosa abbiamo festeggiato allora fino ad oggi? Che cosa si preparano a ricordare le 50 manifestazioni che le ragazze della Fgci hanno indetto in altrettante città italiane sabato mattina (la loro parola d' ordine però riguarda la legge per l' introduzione dei temi della sessualità nella scuola) e le molte altre che le donne hanno indetto per il pomeriggio del 7 e la mattinata dell' 8? Forse, un corteo russo del 1917 a cui parteciparono molte rivoluzionarie, ma chissà. A questo punto ogni ipotesi è lecita. Comunque dicono le autrici, che la festa continui."
Nella mia carriera as a student I studied some of the so-called "false history" .. one more, one less that you want siaXD ... It is certain that the party who attaches a certain meaning today, reading this, perhaps, there will be a little evil .
But historically false, at times, serve to change society and the history of the world (better) ... People have to give a hand to events every now and then is not it? .. Eh eh eh
If this is the International Day created out of nothing really, (and I stress IF .. because the journalists and researchers can sometimes make mistakes), however, can not remove the high symbolic value: it is to remember the achievements of social, political and economic conditions of women, and discrimination and the violence to which they are yet declared in many parts of the world! Already
So ... ... I wish all the same!!
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