I read up on the facebook page Edy this message:
Force Edy only Tell Happy birthday may seem trivial, but when the cards come from my heart a simple "Happy Birthday" has a special meaning. That's why I say just cards, but from the depths of my heart, so that this is for you an unforgettable day and the beginning of innumerable ... Honourable days full of love and serenity.
Happy 4th Birthday Edy

Then I connect here on the blog and read the chat at the top, which I assume is this message of yesterday:
"Hello, March 2 tomorrow (ie today) is the Edy's birthday, takes 4 years .. I wanted to ask if you can make a donation to the fund or download "A song for Edy", or if you have not registered to their page (on facebook) .. join is called the "Edy" .. You can also turn the page if you want. THANKS TO ALL "
I can do that then refer you to some posts (on this little blog) where we talked about Edy:
http:/ / cosa-bolle-in-pentola.blogspot.com/2010/06/aiutaci-sostenere-la-ricerca.html
http://cosa-bolle-in-pentola.blogspot.com/2010/12 / httpwww.html
There are others, but these are the most important where you can find all the different coordinates to download the song and wanted to know something more than this baby!
The fanspage Edy is this:
The site of the Parent Project
Link to the fund for Edy:
few days ago on TV, I saw a spot on Raidue of Parent Project .. I am very happy !..:)
Me and my other friends, we tried to send an email with various programs in the history of Edy (last year like this year) we hope to take us into consideration! We know that television offers greater visibility .. and there is more visibility, more people will help Edy and many other children in the same conditions.
To make a donation to the Fund Friends of Edy:
bank account
UBI Banca
IBAN: IT38P0542803208000000005281
(payable to Parent Project Onlus - reason: Fund Friends of EDY)
Edy noi siamo con te, lo saremo sempre!
Tanti, tantissimi auguri :)
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