Carry as written by journalist Perna confirms what I say all along: the memory must be in first place, or we may make us take the piss.
D'Alema bogeyman who forgets his sins
Attacks Cav for ruby \u200b\u200band Gadhafi, however, the role of the scourge backfires: the mission Arcobaleno Pugliese health, his name checked in many scandals and Foreign Minister walked Beirut with Hezbollah.
Making eyebrows is typical of Massimo D'Alema. Sometimes it is very rude. A Ballarò, with the director who dared to keep him Sallusti testa, esplose nella celebre invettiva: «Vada a farsi fottere, bugiardo mascalzone ». I modi da lanzichenecco nell’ex capo della diplomazia stupirono e si cercarono spiegazioni. Ne bastava una: è maleducato di natura. Prevalse però l’idea della frustrazione poiché all’epoca (maggio 2010) l’ex premier ed ex ministro degli Esteri era un ex in tutto e politicamente nulla. Oggi Max ha lo strapuntino di presidente del Copasir, sigla da consorzio agrario che indica però il Comitato parlamentare per la sicurezza della Repubblica. Portato per indole a montarsi la testa, il nuovo impiego ha rinfocolato in Max il connaturato complesso di superiorità. Si è autoproclamato Lord Protettore del Paese contro il Berlusca e fa la mosca zèzè sulla pelle del tiranno. Dopo il caso Ruby ha preteso che il Cav comparisse al Copasir per giustificare i festini. Che c’entra la sicurezza nazionale, direte voi? Non c’entra, è solo ipocrisia. Max ha dato a intendere che si preoccupava per l’incolumità del Berlusca - lui che lo annichilirebbe all’istante se gli garantissero l’impunità messa a rischio dalla sua dissennata condotta. In realtà voleva solo emulare i magistrati dando in pasto al pubblico la vita privata del Mostro. Il Cav, che non è scemo, manco gli ha risposto. Allora, D’Alema si impancato is on the events in Libya and accused of having done the Berlusca Gaddafi's doormat. At the time, Max could tell me this or readers. But you-excuse me, President, confidence - that you, as Foreign Minister went hand in hand to Beirut with Hezbollah leader, need to shut up and fly. Especially as the Cav, smoothing spotless, favored the national interest while you were doing just dandy with the Lebanese with the anti-Zionists. And you really believe to be in conditions to get into the chair? For years, you stick in embarrassing situations and then pretend to fall out, however, and do not know anything. Now I'll refresh your memory. In these hours, you are involved in the scandal health in Puglia. Your close friend, former Regional Minister for Health, now a senator pd, Alberto German, risking prison, while you're trying to hide it from all, by parliamentary immunity. At stake is your leadership Puglia. In addition, the employer health, Gianpaolo Tarantini, who seemed just a diner bunga bunga Cav, is increasingly one of yours. You denied this, but he's a raging river. She says she used to go together to the sea, and friendships that you have made dinner for you when you strafogato election. In short, it seems that you, the infamous health Pugliese, who knows how long. Gauze and a scalpel is your old passion. Remember when you took money on the sly in 1985 by Francesco Cavallari, the Tarantino era? During an intimate dinner in your pocket you put twenty million. He knew only ten years later to admit in front of the public prosecutor Alberto Cavallari married. The confermasti then too and married - now that you could not pursue amnesty for supervening - praised your "fair statement." Nice of him that cuteness for cuteness, a couple of years later he became a senator of the PDS. You have another one on the rump that seems similar: the paradoxical Rainbow Mission of 1999. Were you at Palazzo Chigi dichiarasti war on Serbia, the only one in which Italy has participated since 1945: this have on his conscience. The bombings in Kosovo, provoked a sea of \u200b\u200brefugees. Then, of a typical crocodile, you have tried to compensate with a caravan of aid - Operation Rainbow, in fact, that soon proved to be a source of robberies, at least according to prosecutor from Bari, Michele Emiliano. Indignasti you from your par, "Scandal invented. Maneuvers to lower the kitchen. " But the prosecutor arrested in droves your friends and companions, the companions of the CGIL, etc.. Then, suddenly, Emily left the investigation to run for mayor of Bari in 2004, was elected the head of a leftist coalition that was owned by you. You really have a great judges on appeal, dear Max. And not only on the two cited pm. In fact, 12 years have passed and there was only one day of the trial. Still a sforzetto and prescribe. Think of the anger that Cav - ignoring your recipe - in two and a half months has been packaged and sent for trial on Ruby. Then there is the amazing story of climbing Telecom by 'Po', Colaninno whose scion is with you in the House - and members. And you were prime minister now innamorasti of these "Captains Courageous." To facilitate their boarding forbade the then (and now again) to, Bernabe, groped for countermoves. Remember? Thou didst lacking a quorum at the meeting by requesting that he wanted to Treasury and Bank of Italy not to participate. Mario Draghi, who was then the Ministry, was incredulous and demanded a written order from you. I did. The famous Guido Rossi (one of your parish), to condemn the interference, coined an immortal definition of your premiership, "Palazzo Chigi is the only merchant bank where you do not speak English." Obviously, it's cruel self-interest but remained voices, and that was all. Telecom was never one of the first and is still buried under a mountain of debt. Come on, confess, Max: have nose for business, you. Five years ago, you were home of an entity and you paid a pittance. "I do a fair rent for half the parliamentary party," you said. We are still six million and one of them to spend on rent: one-sixth of revenue, a pittance compared to the national average. And you, gall, even dared to complain? You've been crying poverty even when you bought the second boat, the Icarus II, 18 meters. Before you said it was shared. Then you had made the loan. Then he had inherited. Finally I had had the discount. The game of three cards. Want to know all of your opponents, but when things affect you, changing meters. Like when you cried on the phone with Consorte «facci sognare, vai» e poi ti sei fatto dare l’immunità dal Parlamento Ue per evitare l’uso legale della registrazione. Rimproveri al Cav di «difendersi dai processi anziché nel processo »e poi seiil primo a rifugiarti nell’impunità? Ti fai cascare il baffo se si parla di regolare le intercettazioni e poi ricorri al trucco per azzerare la tua? Max, fallo per pudore: taci.
Making eyebrows is typical of Massimo D'Alema. Sometimes it is very rude. A Ballarò, with the director who dared to keep him Sallusti testa, esplose nella celebre invettiva: «Vada a farsi fottere, bugiardo mascalzone ». I modi da lanzichenecco nell’ex capo della diplomazia stupirono e si cercarono spiegazioni. Ne bastava una: è maleducato di natura. Prevalse però l’idea della frustrazione poiché all’epoca (maggio 2010) l’ex premier ed ex ministro degli Esteri era un ex in tutto e politicamente nulla. Oggi Max ha lo strapuntino di presidente del Copasir, sigla da consorzio agrario che indica però il Comitato parlamentare per la sicurezza della Repubblica. Portato per indole a montarsi la testa, il nuovo impiego ha rinfocolato in Max il connaturato complesso di superiorità. Si è autoproclamato Lord Protettore del Paese contro il Berlusca e fa la mosca zèzè sulla pelle del tiranno. Dopo il caso Ruby ha preteso che il Cav comparisse al Copasir per giustificare i festini. Che c’entra la sicurezza nazionale, direte voi? Non c’entra, è solo ipocrisia. Max ha dato a intendere che si preoccupava per l’incolumità del Berlusca - lui che lo annichilirebbe all’istante se gli garantissero l’impunità messa a rischio dalla sua dissennata condotta. In realtà voleva solo emulare i magistrati dando in pasto al pubblico la vita privata del Mostro. Il Cav, che non è scemo, manco gli ha risposto. Allora, D’Alema si impancato is on the events in Libya and accused of having done the Berlusca Gaddafi's doormat. At the time, Max could tell me this or readers. But you-excuse me, President, confidence - that you, as Foreign Minister went hand in hand to Beirut with Hezbollah leader, need to shut up and fly. Especially as the Cav, smoothing spotless, favored the national interest while you were doing just dandy with the Lebanese with the anti-Zionists. And you really believe to be in conditions to get into the chair? For years, you stick in embarrassing situations and then pretend to fall out, however, and do not know anything. Now I'll refresh your memory. In these hours, you are involved in the scandal health in Puglia. Your close friend, former Regional Minister for Health, now a senator pd, Alberto German, risking prison, while you're trying to hide it from all, by parliamentary immunity. At stake is your leadership Puglia. In addition, the employer health, Gianpaolo Tarantini, who seemed just a diner bunga bunga Cav, is increasingly one of yours. You denied this, but he's a raging river. She says she used to go together to the sea, and friendships that you have made dinner for you when you strafogato election. In short, it seems that you, the infamous health Pugliese, who knows how long. Gauze and a scalpel is your old passion. Remember when you took money on the sly in 1985 by Francesco Cavallari, the Tarantino era? During an intimate dinner in your pocket you put twenty million. He knew only ten years later to admit in front of the public prosecutor Alberto Cavallari married. The confermasti then too and married - now that you could not pursue amnesty for supervening - praised your "fair statement." Nice of him that cuteness for cuteness, a couple of years later he became a senator of the PDS. You have another one on the rump that seems similar: the paradoxical Rainbow Mission of 1999. Were you at Palazzo Chigi dichiarasti war on Serbia, the only one in which Italy has participated since 1945: this have on his conscience. The bombings in Kosovo, provoked a sea of \u200b\u200brefugees. Then, of a typical crocodile, you have tried to compensate with a caravan of aid - Operation Rainbow, in fact, that soon proved to be a source of robberies, at least according to prosecutor from Bari, Michele Emiliano. Indignasti you from your par, "Scandal invented. Maneuvers to lower the kitchen. " But the prosecutor arrested in droves your friends and companions, the companions of the CGIL, etc.. Then, suddenly, Emily left the investigation to run for mayor of Bari in 2004, was elected the head of a leftist coalition that was owned by you. You really have a great judges on appeal, dear Max. And not only on the two cited pm. In fact, 12 years have passed and there was only one day of the trial. Still a sforzetto and prescribe. Think of the anger that Cav - ignoring your recipe - in two and a half months has been packaged and sent for trial on Ruby. Then there is the amazing story of climbing Telecom by 'Po', Colaninno whose scion is with you in the House - and members. And you were prime minister now innamorasti of these "Captains Courageous." To facilitate their boarding forbade the then (and now again) to, Bernabe, groped for countermoves. Remember? Thou didst lacking a quorum at the meeting by requesting that he wanted to Treasury and Bank of Italy not to participate. Mario Draghi, who was then the Ministry, was incredulous and demanded a written order from you. I did. The famous Guido Rossi (one of your parish), to condemn the interference, coined an immortal definition of your premiership, "Palazzo Chigi is the only merchant bank where you do not speak English." Obviously, it's cruel self-interest but remained voices, and that was all. Telecom was never one of the first and is still buried under a mountain of debt. Come on, confess, Max: have nose for business, you. Five years ago, you were home of an entity and you paid a pittance. "I do a fair rent for half the parliamentary party," you said. We are still six million and one of them to spend on rent: one-sixth of revenue, a pittance compared to the national average. And you, gall, even dared to complain? You've been crying poverty even when you bought the second boat, the Icarus II, 18 meters. Before you said it was shared. Then you had made the loan. Then he had inherited. Finally I had had the discount. The game of three cards. Want to know all of your opponents, but when things affect you, changing meters. Like when you cried on the phone with Consorte «facci sognare, vai» e poi ti sei fatto dare l’immunità dal Parlamento Ue per evitare l’uso legale della registrazione. Rimproveri al Cav di «difendersi dai processi anziché nel processo »e poi seiil primo a rifugiarti nell’impunità? Ti fai cascare il baffo se si parla di regolare le intercettazioni e poi ricorri al trucco per azzerare la tua? Max, fallo per pudore: taci.
di Giancarlo Perna, 01/03/2011
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