RESOCONTO della settima puntata del serale di Amici 10 by Monica
Even if we try to make the loooong delay guide the seventh episode of the evening. Ok, rewind the tape of the evening in my mind and let's start! Seeeeee, right, and who remembers to include something beyond? We do so ', about the episode recorded, and that perhaps' better. It is decidedly better. Maybe so 'I can write something sensible even at a distance of more' than a week.
Ready away and starts with the usual greetings and the usual symbol of the rite. But changing a little every now and then is not it? I could do them well as they are the same old words! Anyways 'fly over and spend the challenge between the boys who are no longer' in teams but they are all against all, or rather against singers, singers and dancers against dancers. Before the challenge there
'performance by Julia, being already' in the final, does not take part in the race. Julia performs with the Ballet principal dancer of the Nationa Inglese, Arionel Vargas, in a choreography di Garrison di latino americano. Carina la coreografia e davvero molto bravo questo ballerino. Bene anche Giulia anche se la differenza s'e' notata in modo vistoso a mio parere. Ma ora veniamo alla gara.
PRIMA PROVA: canto.......Virginio contro Francesca sulle note di “Dedicato” di Loredana Berte'. Gia' non mi piace la canzone e quindi parto prevenuta, ma sinceramente non mi sono piaciuti nessuno dei due nonostante i complimenti della Maionchi e c.
SECONDA PROVA: ballo..........Passo a 4 di Garrison “Marrakech”. Demo dei professionisti. Coreografia cosi' cosi', che sinceramente non mi dice nulla, ma vedere Fra e' sempre un piacere immenso. Questo ragazzo mi lascia ogni volta senza fiato. Inizia Denny ed e' molto bravo, Vito invece mostra qualche piccola sbavatura in piu'.
TERZA PROVA: canto......Francesca contro Annalisa che cantano “I saved the world today”. Inzia Francesca che pur cantando meglio delle passate settimane non mi entusiasma per nulla. Annalisa la canta in modo migliore. Evito di commentare il teatrino che ne esce dopo l'esibizione perche' sono cose abbastanza assurde.
QUARTA PROVA: Ballo.....i ragazzi devono ballare un assolo di danza classica “Fiamme di Parigi”. Davvero parecchio difficile questo balletto ed infatti entrambi i ragazzi non lo ballano molto bene trovando difficolta' in diversi passi.
QUINTA PROVA: canto.....Annalisa e Virginio devono cantare “Careless Whisper. " Beautiful song and performance from both guys in my opinion, although neither has particularly impressed me.
SIXTH ROUND: ...... dance duet of Celentano. Officially 'a tango, but in reality' seems to me that it is only the music as the ballet and 'very different from the classic tango that we are used to seeing. It 's not a certain distance of two more' beautiful created by Celentano. Denny starts dancing with Anbeta and once again does not dance very well despite having to admit that it was not easy to swing as high as a dancer and as a result Anbeta many uncertainties arising from this in my opinion. Vito From this point of view and 'more' easy as it dances with Michael 'is definitely more' low and therefore more 'easy to lift. Among other things, Vito also has a more physical 'than Denny powerful and should therefore be more successful in the outlets. Denny himself has admitted that he is completely wrong and the final part of this honor him because 'not all admit it so' spectacularly. Vito dances better but even he is not 'that enthusiasm, at least not for me.
seventh round: Francesca singing ..... v. Virginia, have to sing "The World". I do not know if I really comment on, or prevent 'cause leaves a great disaster. Francesca totally wrong but also the Virginia shows great difficulties', especially at the end. Come to their rescue Vessicchio that informs you change the arrangement rendondo la canzone piu' difficile da cantare. Cio' non toglie che le esibizioni sono state brutte, per non dire di peggio.
OTTAVA PROVA: ballo.....passa a due di Cannito “Il corsaro”. Bella e difficile coreografia e divina Anbeta. I due ragazzi se la cavano abbastanza bene, soprattutto Denny secondo me, anche se qualche errore lo commettono entrambi. Ma qua c'e' il siparietto che mi ha fatto ridere a crepapelle anche ora che lo sto riguardando per fare il resoconto. Troppo micidiale la battutaccia di Platinette su Michela. “La bambina di io canto” penso che restera' parecchio nella mia mente!!!!! Pure Maria non riusciva piu' a smettere di ridere e la capisco.
NONA PROVA: canto...........Annalisa contro Francesca in “Because the night”. Canzone che sembra piu' il genere di Francesca ma a mio avviso la canta decisamente meglio Annalisa.
DECIMA PROVA:ballo......passo a due maschile della Celentano “In credits”. Direi coreografia molto veloce e anche difficile. Anche se pure qua scivola in un punto la balla decisamente meglio Denny. Piu' preciso e pulito.
UNDICESIMA PROVA: canto........Sulle note di “Come si cambia” si esibiscono Virginio ed Annalisa. Bravi entrambi,mi sono davvero piaciuti tutti e due. Un plauso in piu' ad Annalisa pero', che stavolta mi ha trasmesso emozioni.
DODICESIMA PROVA: esibisce solo Vito perche' sabato e' stato giudicato il migliore e quindi si e' earned the bonus of an exclusive test. Vito dances with Martina and Michael on the song "Sleep and Dreams" a choreography of Cannito. And here via the memories, the mind inevitably flies to friends 7 where the same notes dance 'One with Franceschina. What was it that a ballet with all the trimmings, one of the best ever made by Garrison, there's' own comparison between the two choreographies.
THIRTEENTH ROUND: singing .... the three singers performing in their unprecedented challenge. Francesca starts singing "I'm a liar," which as I have already 'actually said' is not an original but a cover rearranged. Performance is not too positive, with several false notes. Virginio sings "Eyes closed," a song written by he Department in collaboration with Xavier. I admit that I personally like this song even though I know for sure that not everyone thinks the same way. Beautiful words sung with such feeling perhaps because 'written directly, and then with a meaning more' personal. Anna sings "beautiful game". Nice but this too personally less than the previous one remains my favorite novel, not only between the three heard but in general between the unedited presented to friends 10.
And this show ends with the challenge between the boys. The three who received the most 'votes from home will contend access to the finals, performing in front of the outside panel. Before you know the names of the guys are open envelopes record companies. Universal chooses Anna and Virginia, Warner and Sony Anna Anna and Francesca. As a result of what 'Anna can' choose which label affect your cd while Virginia and Frances, having only one house that has chosen them, they are obviously tied to the proposal made. But let's get to the three that will contend access to the finals which are Anna, Virginia and Denny. Virginio starts singing "for you". Then and 'the turn of Denny who performs in a male duet with Jose' and finally Anna sings "It's Oh So Quiet." The jury determines that the best and 'state and Virginia, and then' the latter to reach the final Giulia. The others will have to wait another week to see who will be the other three finalists.
In conclusion of the evening I can say that it 'was an episode quite boring for my taste (except Platinette gaffes that have certainly made me laugh even if were not at all painless), and the light' was, as always, Fra, and I very much hope that Denny and Anna arrive in the final.
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