In cerca di UN libro, me ne sono tornata a casa con 10 eh eh eh
At my grandmother's house, I always find nice surprises.
Tengo there all my notebooks in elementary and secondary schools; in the boxes I locked in that room now uninhabited, the early years of my life!
As if life can rinchiudereXD ...
I needed a book for college, I knew I was lying on the bottom of a pile of other books, pamphlets, brochures, etc. stored in the cabinet room of the studio, so I went to take it before lunch.
Get in the house, as if every time you come back and become children, as if I were to go to say goodbye to his grandmother, who next to the brazier, knitting (I did a lot of shoes for the nights of wool ' winter) as she looked his favorite soap opera on TV!
"Hello Grandma, I am .."...
two kisses on the cheeks, and then the usual questions:
"all right?" ..
"Yes" ..
"how did it go today ?"...
"as usual grandma
Yeah .. it is always" as usual "in my life ... ..
I open the shutters of the window and the light floods the room, that most beloved of all, because there are my favorite friends, as well as plush toys and various means libriXD
of any kind then, from the many Mickey Mouse. . a major novels.
I'd live there, except that the house is a little damp, the plaster walls in some areas no longer exists and that is a little-so full of dust ... .. XD
On the other hand is from February of '98 that does not live there any more!
that there is much more dust than the last time I visited, I noticed from 5-6 consecutive sneezes I did when I opened the cabinet to take the book (I promised myself to go and clean One day, at least one room "sacred" XD): "Issues of Literary Criticism of Petrocchi and Giannantonio, the publisher Loffredo (Napoli) .. A book that belonged to my mother, who at the time of 1311 pages (it was printed in 1970) cost 3,500 lire. Price
that now we can find only in a dream, except that now the pounds are gone .. And then the other mia nonna me lo dice sempre, 1000 lire prima..potevano valere anche oro!
Prendo il libro con il pensiero di spolverarlo per bene una volta tornata a casa e faccio per uscire dalla stanza, quando passando accanto alla scrivania, il mio sguardo va a finire su un libro che per copertina ha una casa dal tetto rosso, dal cui comignolo, al posto di una nuvola di fumo, fuoriesce la scritta: "a cura di Gianni Rodari"; al posto della porta di casa c'è un disegno che ritrae una tartaruga che nuota in mare, con sopra una scimmia, in direzione di un'isola. Il titolo dalle lettere tutte di un colore diverso è:"ENCICLOPEDIA DELLA FAVOLA" (- Editori Riuniti)
"Ah che bello!" mi sono detta.."ecco dov'era finito!"
This book will be looking for a few months, I read a few pages to the children of the school where I did my internship for college ... but I could not find it because it was looking at my house and not here by my nonnaXD
E ' from elementary school that I have, is a gift that my teacher made me find under the Christmas tree
* _ * Of course I've taken it to take home eheheheheh ...
As I took the other books I've ever found on the desk:
"Matthew and Grandpa" by Robert Quilts, read to elementary
"The great glass elevator" by Roald Dahl, which is a continuation of the "Factory Chocolate "I only saw the movie with Jonny DeppXD;
"Green fields, blue skies, the fairy tale you tell it .." a collection of fairy tales invented by the children of the city and neighboring towns of Casale Monferrato, on the theme of the environment and its protection;
"The Adventures of Jim Button" by Michael Ende;
"Little Women" by Louisa M. Alcott, a children's version of Rossana Guarnieri, Santa illustrated by La Bella. A book-scented fragorella .. so I wrote: D gave it to me my godmother in 1995!
"The Little Match Girl" by Hans C. Andersen;
"Around the World in Eighty Days" by Jules Verne;
"The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway .. depennerò that from my list of books .. not leggereXD sapevo lo avessi a casa della nonna :)
"La Bibbia per i ragazzi. Storie dell'Antico e Vecchio Testamento", regalatomi dal parrocco del mio paesino.
Altro che libreria, casa di mia nonna è moooooolto meglio :D
Un mesetto fa, mi sono arrivati 5 libri che avevo ordinato dal catalogo(di cui già tre li ho fatti fuoriXD), poi me ne sono comprati altri tre...e sul mio profilo facebook ho scritto: "per circa tre mesi sono a posto".
Adesso posso dire che non comprerò più alcun libro fino a quest'estate (mia cugina che mi conosce mi ha detto: robby non ce la farai mai :D...)..Non fa mai male rileggere dei libri; da bambini non sempre si colgono i diversi significati di una storia!
This time, my mother, I can not get in trouble because I did not spend a penny ehehehehe
All appertenente stuff in the past.
went home and dusted all the good books, acccendo TV to watch the news.
Seeing the images of a devastated Japan, I thought the books that I brought it home, are nothing more than lifelines, against the terrible tragedies of life.
Outside there is too much pain, inside the pages of a book is the power of hope.
while others die and suffer, we who remain alive, we only rely on something that gives us security.
There are those who pray in these cases and there are those who, like me, rely on words. Why they
help to move forward, always!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Pilladas En La Calle Online Gratis
RESOCONTO della finale di Amici 10
With a purple shawl over her shoulders, the hot water bottle on her lap (does a little chilly, decisamenteXD) I am going to spread the latest "effort" to 10 friends!
And now:)
Sunday, March 6 games have been closed.
The various competitors, who first .. who last cut the line.
This year there were two winners: one for the singing category, one for dance class! And I think also just because the song is a little bit each year to master, with rare exceptions such as for the dancers vottoria Leon and Ivan!
These days I hand-wrote a sort of guide, but now have to stand before the pc I thought, "everyone knows how they conducted the tests, who has won and my comments do not need! .. Let's do something different":
end ... we are talking about since the end!
Or rather, from the time when the three dancers, Vito, Julie and Denny in the middle of the study to await the outcome of the televoting:
Maria thank you ... and after his "good luck" three turn toward the screen. "We are the champions" by Queen .. follows the flight of the paper, breaking four times the word "Friends" .. before turning and revealing the name of the winner of the dance. Boys waiting for you say "you're ready you're ready ?".." ?"..." stain" Julia replied agitated.
card turns .. and Denny with his hands in his face then leans forward to kneel. Julia also embraces and then Vito .. while a shower of confetti fills the study (which are good for goodness sake, make a lot of "victory" in the long run .. but too many do see a worthy ahahahah nn oibò).
"I am very happy to give you this couple," says Mary's, Denny can not help but hug her and thank her.
"thank you, thank you ...".. Raise your cup to the sky, blew kisses her hand ... The teachers all stood to applaud him, Garofalo and Garrison are also pictures with the phone: D Cele never seen a smile to 36 dentiXD ..
Everyone was happy!
"thanks to all Italians really ... thanks .." .. continues Denny, at the center of the study. Lay the cup on the floor and take the applause, smiling, rubbing his hair as if to say .. "I can not believe, then runs from his teammate Anna in the running for the win against Virginia for the singing category. They hug!
Denny comes close to Mary, talk face to face, and the frame allows you to see all professional background, they also visibly pleased with the victory of Denny!
Francis, our Francis, who has danced the last Denny's choreography in the race ... "So much," tight end with hands and hug; the professional for which we each Sunday night (well mostly by eheheh) we were watching television, had a nice grin *_______*
He was so happy that he also applauded with their arms up: D. ..
He and Dennis have worked a lot together, and there's certainly a lot of mutual respect.
Two good dancers, two good guys. The
perscorso Denny reminded us in some things to include, perhaps that's why we did a little rooting for him this year ehehehehehe!
Who knows! XD
For the first time I say that this victory was just to friends !!!... WOW: D thanks
Denny, do not stop to thank ... XD
"I hope that this money, there are several hundred thousand €, .. you need to do what they most want to do .. "him .. Mary
" will surely help home "Denny replied ..." because they gave so much to me .. and I can repay them for what they have done for me ".. his voice trembling with emotion at the end!
But the show must go, there looms the song that .. and he wants his right to a winner eh eh ehXD
Anna and Virginia if the singing ": D for three final tests: Beatles song written by Mogol" The Company "and unpublished works, two of the most beautiful" With closed eyes "and" beautiful game ".
end up performances, and is the delivery of the scholarships: Francesca (this I did not expect their poiXD) wins .. Tezenis a scholarship of € 50 thousand to study two months in Nashville, in America, at the School of Renee Grant Williams. We hope to know well take advantage of this opportunity! Anna won the critics' prize of € 50 thousand (the one that won Among *_*).
I was disappointed that she did not win instead of Virginia who has caught the cup and won 100 thousand euro for the song category, but her CD by the name "Anna" is going to great. It can be considered a victory cmq no? Elvira ... now would say YES .. and me too
What matters, really, are music and dance that each has in his heart. Friends is a showcase, to be seen and where you can take part a new beginning.
Spente cameras out there is a whole new world to live, I hope for these children is as enjoyable as possible! (But what good are ?...*_* muauauaua)
Now it will light more than the TV, wanting to see what Korea between trying, wondering if they will broadcast at least for minute or two, begging for some of his art !
During the first part of the final he danced a tango, waistcoats and trousers with black blacks .. pity that he also had the face, because it was masked. But UU cmq .. .. we saw the elegance of its body move on that stage, who knows what will next year!
XD Who knows what emotions we'll live or live again thanks to Frank!
There he will be next year? ... I fought, I hope some of you .. and a little hope not (because friends, because of quarrels and exaggerations other is really heavy), although the SI spreads per hour more.
already started to miss a little anxious to see him dance
* _ * Let's hope so, whatever happens:)
May the force be with us and Francis D
I just have to wait to see him live *____*
(incrociamoci ahahahahahahaha)
"Fatigue" amiciana over.
kiss and hug to all
With a purple shawl over her shoulders, the hot water bottle on her lap (does a little chilly, decisamenteXD) I am going to spread the latest "effort" to 10 friends!
And now:)
Sunday, March 6 games have been closed.
The various competitors, who first .. who last cut the line.
This year there were two winners: one for the singing category, one for dance class! And I think also just because the song is a little bit each year to master, with rare exceptions such as for the dancers vottoria Leon and Ivan!
These days I hand-wrote a sort of guide, but now have to stand before the pc I thought, "everyone knows how they conducted the tests, who has won and my comments do not need! .. Let's do something different":
end ... we are talking about since the end!
Or rather, from the time when the three dancers, Vito, Julie and Denny in the middle of the study to await the outcome of the televoting:
from Denny's victory assurdopensare on Vimeo .
Maria thank you ... and after his "good luck" three turn toward the screen. "We are the champions" by Queen .. follows the flight of the paper, breaking four times the word "Friends" .. before turning and revealing the name of the winner of the dance. Boys waiting for you say "you're ready you're ready ?".." ?"..." stain" Julia replied agitated.
card turns .. and Denny with his hands in his face then leans forward to kneel. Julia also embraces and then Vito .. while a shower of confetti fills the study (which are good for goodness sake, make a lot of "victory" in the long run .. but too many do see a worthy ahahahah nn oibò).
"I am very happy to give you this couple," says Mary's, Denny can not help but hug her and thank her.
"thank you, thank you ...".. Raise your cup to the sky, blew kisses her hand ... The teachers all stood to applaud him, Garofalo and Garrison are also pictures with the phone: D Cele never seen a smile to 36 dentiXD ..
Everyone was happy!
"thanks to all Italians really ... thanks .." .. continues Denny, at the center of the study. Lay the cup on the floor and take the applause, smiling, rubbing his hair as if to say .. "I can not believe, then runs from his teammate Anna in the running for the win against Virginia for the singing category. They hug!
Denny comes close to Mary, talk face to face, and the frame allows you to see all professional background, they also visibly pleased with the victory of Denny!
Francis, our Francis, who has danced the last Denny's choreography in the race ... "So much," tight end with hands and hug; the professional for which we each Sunday night (well mostly by eheheh) we were watching television, had a nice grin *_______*
He was so happy that he also applauded with their arms up: D. ..
He and Dennis have worked a lot together, and there's certainly a lot of mutual respect.
Two good dancers, two good guys. The
perscorso Denny reminded us in some things to include, perhaps that's why we did a little rooting for him this year ehehehehehe!
Who knows! XD
For the first time I say that this victory was just to friends !!!... WOW: D thanks
Denny, do not stop to thank ... XD
"I hope that this money, there are several hundred thousand €, .. you need to do what they most want to do .. "him .. Mary
" will surely help home "Denny replied ..." because they gave so much to me .. and I can repay them for what they have done for me ".. his voice trembling with emotion at the end!
But the show must go, there looms the song that .. and he wants his right to a winner eh eh ehXD
Anna and Virginia if the singing ": D for three final tests: Beatles song written by Mogol" The Company "and unpublished works, two of the most beautiful" With closed eyes "and" beautiful game ".
end up performances, and is the delivery of the scholarships: Francesca (this I did not expect their poiXD) wins .. Tezenis a scholarship of € 50 thousand to study two months in Nashville, in America, at the School of Renee Grant Williams. We hope to know well take advantage of this opportunity! Anna won the critics' prize of € 50 thousand (the one that won Among *_*).
I was disappointed that she did not win instead of Virginia who has caught the cup and won 100 thousand euro for the song category, but her CD by the name "Anna" is going to great. It can be considered a victory cmq no? Elvira ... now would say YES .. and me too
What matters, really, are music and dance that each has in his heart. Friends is a showcase, to be seen and where you can take part a new beginning.
Spente cameras out there is a whole new world to live, I hope for these children is as enjoyable as possible! (But what good are ?...*_* muauauaua)
Now it will light more than the TV, wanting to see what Korea between trying, wondering if they will broadcast at least for minute or two, begging for some of his art !
During the first part of the final he danced a tango, waistcoats and trousers with black blacks .. pity that he also had the face, because it was masked. But UU cmq .. .. we saw the elegance of its body move on that stage, who knows what will next year!
XD Who knows what emotions we'll live or live again thanks to Frank!
There he will be next year? ... I fought, I hope some of you .. and a little hope not (because friends, because of quarrels and exaggerations other is really heavy), although the SI spreads per hour more.
already started to miss a little anxious to see him dance
* _ * Let's hope so, whatever happens:)
May the force be with us and Francis D
I just have to wait to see him live *____*
(incrociamoci ahahahahahahaha)
"Fatigue" amiciana over.
kiss and hug to all
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Heal Broken Capillaries Naturally
8 Marzo...una falsa giornata internazionale della donna?..
turning a little to cool a bit on the internet the memory of what happened in 1908 in respect of "Women's Day" ... I found this article de LaRepubblica of March 6, 1987, written by journalist Susanna Nirenstein
" THE YELLOW '8 March '... MA That date 'a false history.
ROMA.Abituatevi all' idea that the 'March 8th is a lie, a scam innocent, a false history. Do you believe that International Women's Day remember the famous fire that killed 129 American workers closed by the owner of a textile mill in New York (or Chicago)? No way, that 'there is no fire, there is no record that the registers. But you sure that you choose that date was Clara Zetkin in Second Conference Socialist International 1910 in Copenhagen? Missed that too. Motion of the alleged Zetkin there 'is no trace. Yet, women are ready to swear and avid readers of newspapers, that 'there are photographs and documentation episode: no, we can now answer with certainty, that fittings are not, wrong attributions, lightness of militants too enthusiastic.
March 8 is not really an invention. Dismayed and amused themselves by revealing the existence of a yellow "March 8" unexpected are two investigators, two feminist history, and Marisa Tilde Capomazza Shade, editors of a book published by Utopia and puzzling titled as duty March 8, stories, myths , rites of International Women's Day. Two days before the fateful date, and is already arming banners, megaphones are pulled out from the drawers, convene conferences and meetings, hushed by the revelation so far left more frightened and amused also conducting Now D, radio broadcast on Rai 3, who yesterday devoted an episode to the news. Yet the remarkable discovery was made almost by accident. It was the late seventies, the party was rife, it extended the participation, there was those who did not want to be aware of its historical reasons, to regain a sense of tradition as they write Capomazza and Shadow. And so the two girls get down to business. Now, however, they are faced with confusing data, handled, fabricated. As the first story of the historical background of the International Women's Day, released on 1 March to 49 out of Propaganda, Communist bulletin boards for basic as well as to attribute the authorship of the party at Clara Zetkin writes: "From this day 39 years in women around the world claim their rights because it 's March 8, 1848 the women of New York demonstrations for political rights and be able to say their word on issues of peace and work. " First confusion, the authors say, if you had to go back that far because they forget the participation of women in the French Revolution? And why is not mainly about the famous burning of the mill? The editor you will be wrong, we meet the researchers, corrige come out wrong somewhere. But the wait is in vain. Workers in New York are absent from any paper or document consulted. Marisa found the tilde and cited only three years later, the weekly of the Communist Party Fight and suddenly even on a tiny little book of 'Udi 4 cm to 6, which is 100 thousand Communist women pinned on his chest with the bouquet of mimosas (ah, even the Mimosa is a recent invention, after the war: a flower chosen by the Roman poor, and available to characterize the party). From that year history of success in a March 8 is a continuous rise: In March 1954 the story of the workers killed by the flames in the American shoe becomes a comic book published by the weekly working CGIL, in '56 is changed even in a picture story that purports to be a true reconstruction with names, dates, places. But then we now know that a corrected version could not exist because that 'fire, so as to strike' 8 March 1848 cited by Propaganda, not happened. You just have to turn to Clara Zetkin, note Capomazza stunned and Shadow, consult the text of the motion, a text that appeared on the 'newspaper of the German socialist August 29, 1910. 'S March 8 there' is no trace. For most of that resolution that the General Public on its regular Zetkin was never passed by any Socialist Conference. A march of 1917 it seems that the 'hypothesis of a day delle donne non piacesse affatto ai suoi compagni di partito che la giudicarono un' inaccettabile commistione con la borghesia internazionale. Che cosa abbiamo festeggiato allora fino ad oggi? Che cosa si preparano a ricordare le 50 manifestazioni che le ragazze della Fgci hanno indetto in altrettante città italiane sabato mattina (la loro parola d' ordine però riguarda la legge per l' introduzione dei temi della sessualità nella scuola) e le molte altre che le donne hanno indetto per il pomeriggio del 7 e la mattinata dell' 8? Forse, un corteo russo del 1917 a cui parteciparono molte rivoluzionarie, ma chissà. A questo punto ogni ipotesi è lecita. Comunque dicono le autrici, che la festa continui."
Nella mia carriera as a student I studied some of the so-called "false history" .. one more, one less that you want siaXD ... It is certain that the party who attaches a certain meaning today, reading this, perhaps, there will be a little evil .
But historically false, at times, serve to change society and the history of the world (better) ... People have to give a hand to events every now and then is not it? .. Eh eh eh
If this is the International Day created out of nothing really, (and I stress IF .. because the journalists and researchers can sometimes make mistakes), however, can not remove the high symbolic value: it is to remember the achievements of social, political and economic conditions of women, and discrimination and the violence to which they are yet declared in many parts of the world! Already
So ... ... I wish all the same!!
turning a little to cool a bit on the internet the memory of what happened in 1908 in respect of "Women's Day" ... I found this article de LaRepubblica of March 6, 1987, written by journalist Susanna Nirenstein
" THE YELLOW '8 March '... MA That date 'a false history.
ROMA.Abituatevi all' idea that the 'March 8th is a lie, a scam innocent, a false history. Do you believe that International Women's Day remember the famous fire that killed 129 American workers closed by the owner of a textile mill in New York (or Chicago)? No way, that 'there is no fire, there is no record that the registers. But you sure that you choose that date was Clara Zetkin in Second Conference Socialist International 1910 in Copenhagen? Missed that too. Motion of the alleged Zetkin there 'is no trace. Yet, women are ready to swear and avid readers of newspapers, that 'there are photographs and documentation episode: no, we can now answer with certainty, that fittings are not, wrong attributions, lightness of militants too enthusiastic.
March 8 is not really an invention. Dismayed and amused themselves by revealing the existence of a yellow "March 8" unexpected are two investigators, two feminist history, and Marisa Tilde Capomazza Shade, editors of a book published by Utopia and puzzling titled as duty March 8, stories, myths , rites of International Women's Day. Two days before the fateful date, and is already arming banners, megaphones are pulled out from the drawers, convene conferences and meetings, hushed by the revelation so far left more frightened and amused also conducting Now D, radio broadcast on Rai 3, who yesterday devoted an episode to the news. Yet the remarkable discovery was made almost by accident. It was the late seventies, the party was rife, it extended the participation, there was those who did not want to be aware of its historical reasons, to regain a sense of tradition as they write Capomazza and Shadow. And so the two girls get down to business. Now, however, they are faced with confusing data, handled, fabricated. As the first story of the historical background of the International Women's Day, released on 1 March to 49 out of Propaganda, Communist bulletin boards for basic as well as to attribute the authorship of the party at Clara Zetkin writes: "From this day 39 years in women around the world claim their rights because it 's March 8, 1848 the women of New York demonstrations for political rights and be able to say their word on issues of peace and work. " First confusion, the authors say, if you had to go back that far because they forget the participation of women in the French Revolution? And why is not mainly about the famous burning of the mill? The editor you will be wrong, we meet the researchers, corrige come out wrong somewhere. But the wait is in vain. Workers in New York are absent from any paper or document consulted. Marisa found the tilde and cited only three years later, the weekly of the Communist Party Fight and suddenly even on a tiny little book of 'Udi 4 cm to 6, which is 100 thousand Communist women pinned on his chest with the bouquet of mimosas (ah, even the Mimosa is a recent invention, after the war: a flower chosen by the Roman poor, and available to characterize the party). From that year history of success in a March 8 is a continuous rise: In March 1954 the story of the workers killed by the flames in the American shoe becomes a comic book published by the weekly working CGIL, in '56 is changed even in a picture story that purports to be a true reconstruction with names, dates, places. But then we now know that a corrected version could not exist because that 'fire, so as to strike' 8 March 1848 cited by Propaganda, not happened. You just have to turn to Clara Zetkin, note Capomazza stunned and Shadow, consult the text of the motion, a text that appeared on the 'newspaper of the German socialist August 29, 1910. 'S March 8 there' is no trace. For most of that resolution that the General Public on its regular Zetkin was never passed by any Socialist Conference. A march of 1917 it seems that the 'hypothesis of a day delle donne non piacesse affatto ai suoi compagni di partito che la giudicarono un' inaccettabile commistione con la borghesia internazionale. Che cosa abbiamo festeggiato allora fino ad oggi? Che cosa si preparano a ricordare le 50 manifestazioni che le ragazze della Fgci hanno indetto in altrettante città italiane sabato mattina (la loro parola d' ordine però riguarda la legge per l' introduzione dei temi della sessualità nella scuola) e le molte altre che le donne hanno indetto per il pomeriggio del 7 e la mattinata dell' 8? Forse, un corteo russo del 1917 a cui parteciparono molte rivoluzionarie, ma chissà. A questo punto ogni ipotesi è lecita. Comunque dicono le autrici, che la festa continui."
Nella mia carriera as a student I studied some of the so-called "false history" .. one more, one less that you want siaXD ... It is certain that the party who attaches a certain meaning today, reading this, perhaps, there will be a little evil .
But historically false, at times, serve to change society and the history of the world (better) ... People have to give a hand to events every now and then is not it? .. Eh eh eh
If this is the International Day created out of nothing really, (and I stress IF .. because the journalists and researchers can sometimes make mistakes), however, can not remove the high symbolic value: it is to remember the achievements of social, political and economic conditions of women, and discrimination and the violence to which they are yet declared in many parts of the world! Already
So ... ... I wish all the same!!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Funbrain Planetary Pinball Cheats
Cassandra De Rosa - audizione ad Amici - 4 Marzo 2011
Here are some stills of the hearing of Cassandra to Friends! Took place Saturday, February 26 but aired on Channel 5 on March 4th!
And this is the video of the exhibition. They went on the air only 24 seconds of the song "I want to dance with somebody" .. few but good * _ *
(this video was made in our Vimeo channel that saves us from copyright issues eheheh visit it ... there are other beautiful sights on video Francesco ad Amici soprattutto :) Trovate il link nella sezione in alto a sinistra dove c'è scritto "il blog è anche qui")
Baci e abbracci
Here are some stills of the hearing of Cassandra to Friends! Took place Saturday, February 26 but aired on Channel 5 on March 4th!

And this is the video of the exhibition. They went on the air only 24 seconds of the song "I want to dance with somebody" .. few but good * _ *
Cassandra - Special Friends 10 Saturday, February 26, 2011 from assurdopensare on Vimeo .
(this video was made in our Vimeo channel that saves us from copyright issues eheheh visit it ... there are other beautiful sights on video Francesco ad Amici soprattutto :) Trovate il link nella sezione in alto a sinistra dove c'è scritto "il blog è anche qui")
Baci e abbracci
How To Make Minnie Mouse Caramel Apple
06/03/2011 - Finale Amici 10 - immagini e video :)
Il link del video delle esibizioni di Fra della finale di Amici 10 :)
Il link del video delle esibizioni di Fra della finale di Amici 10 :)

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