Let's see the entries:
Personal - declared to have at least two years younger than your real age. If for some reason were to discover, you can always say that you forgot to update it. I think that at least up to 28 years will leave on 24 hp, the bizarre sight as rooted belief that creativity goes hand in hand with youth.
Objectives - It is better if you say you want to do the copywriter, instead of your real professional ambitions how to become a sommelier or porn film director.
Studies - is the diploma that the degree they have taken with very low ratings, and the second well fuoricorso. No problem, forget the vote of the diploma and then put "graduated with honors in ..." again without unnecessary numbers, specifying when the one you have started but not finished. Add that you have taken exams in various subjects such as "advertising techniques", "semiotic analysis of advertising", "principles of marketing", etc ..., even if in reality you've studied Romance languages \u200b\u200band bullshit like medieval historiography.
Work experience - this is the section where you have to really demonstrate the ability to juggle with words. Calling to the waiter in the bar downstairs gets here, "Team Manager" and have given reps Latin greenhorn high school "Former Manager", and so on for any other chore very least, the important thing is to translate it into English as the management of something. The key however is to give the idea that you are able to scribble, and you enjoy it as well, so do not forget to brag collaboration with newspapers do not exist, he had scripted a dozen short films won awards at festivals niche and have won some international literary contest Conceptual poetry.
Languages \u200b\u200b- fluent spoken and written English of course, better if supported by an elusive certificate to a learning vacation ever made in Australia. No matter if truth does not even know to translate "just do it", in practice the agency to rely on all the English, the director down, the Pakistani lavacessi speaks ten languages. Then passed off as a good knowledge of French, English and German (that there will never be a pipe), and a touch of class, boast that you are studying Chinese, demonstrating it with a doodle that should provide your name and instead it was merely a doodle.
Skills - shoot excellent skills in any program that comes to mind, especially if you do not even know how impostare il correttore ortografico di word, e anche qui non preoccupatevi che la vostra ignavia venga scoperta, ché per fare il copy basta e avanza il blocco note.
Interessi - segnalare quelli reali come film blockbuster, fumetti e videogames va bene, però dovreste aggiungere anche frottole come l'amore per i romanzieri francesi dell'800, il cinema espressionista tedesco e la musica di Mahler e Rachmaninov. Inoltre non fate l'errore di snobbare gli sport o peggio esibire la vostra miserrima passione per la partita di calcetto del venerdì con gli amici: la vostra assunzione dipenderà per il 90% che dal cv risultiate cintura nera di karate, esperto di pesca d'altura o di qualche altra boiata che possa far colpo sul creative senior who will examine you.
Finally attach a portfolio plagiarized as described in the previous post and you have the perfect resume for an aspiring copywriter. If you are very ambitious and confident you can complete it and then vomiting on to tell the interviewer that you have added your true creative sap, if not call the emergency within five minutes, a place for you to be CEO is assured.
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