In fact, the real problem is that the so-called creative myopia prevents them from grasping the immense advantages of this crisis, and hope that it continues to deteriorate even more.
First, if the average level of Advaita is so low as they say, do not bump too much to give birth to a text or graphics that look decent even if they are not, conversely, if we were surrounded by ads and creatively brilliant spot, we all copy and art of little talent we even harder time finding work - in practice would not be enough to adapt to poorly paid work experience, would we have to make good the expenses and benza Agency.
addition, the experience of finding beautiful and original idea and be so careless to propose is perhaps the most traumatic thing that can happen to a junior copywriter: seniors will be accused of having copied from an American manifesto of the year ' 60 (the same source from which they get all their ideas), the customer boccerà angry because considered too ahead of its target of lobotomized accounts are angry because you're disappointed with the customer, the creative director is disappointed because you incazzerà accounts and so on. Believe me, I've been there and I live in fear of repeating the same mistake, although, fortunately, have learned how to avoid this trap.
The safest method is to use the same words contained in the briefs with minor variations, for example if you copy jr. in brief it says there want to convey the idea that our cookies are a healthy breakfast for every child and energy, the best slogan you can propose it be Our cookies, and energy for a healthy breakfast every child : seniors look at you with fake or true compassion approval (but you evitato il pericolo mortale di essere considerato una minaccia per la loro poltroncina), il cliente gongolerà di soddisfazione per aver risposto così perfettamente alle sue esigenze (data la sua stupidità, è impossibile che si accorga che il lavoro l'ha fatto tutto lui e dunque i soldi pagati all'agenzia sono buttati nel cesso), gli account saranno felici che hai soddisfatto il cliente, il direttore sarà soddisfatto che hai reso felici gli account e via dicendo.
Applicando con costanza questo sistema, il risultato sarà che passerai le tue giornate sereno e riposato, trascorrendo la maggior parte del tempo nascosto dietro il tuo monitor a cazzeggiare su messenger o a giocare a lot , senza l'assillo having to rewrite things ten thousand times, and to inspire envy and suspicion among his colleagues.
At this point you may wonder: ok, but then what do we put in the portfolio only if I write rubbish? Simple, just fill it with fake works copied by American posters of the '60s. As everyone does, in fact.
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