theory in advertising is one of ideas and the work of people who make it is to find ideas. it follows that, if one does not find more ideas or has not ever found, it should devote to them, leaving space for those who have the ideas there: it earn anything but just people who think just to keep his seat.
in practice the system is in the baronies of the university and to see the results simply by turning down the street, open a newspaper or turn on the TV.
so, to devote himself to think of something else, are the copy and art that make the deck for 700 euro per month and every day are drunk and the idiocies of senior creative directors who believe that the world has stagnated at 1981 and force them to do work unwatchable. after a while 'spring and diverted to a call center, where it earns more and saves you a sore liver.
and so the advertising is what it is.
"between a bit 'someone in danger of losing the seat?
but maybe! would be the greatest creative revolution ever seen in Italy since the Renaissance!
Update: I have just deleted the! Do not believe the narrow mindedness of these caryatids against young minds! I had not even given the bastards! Well, I do now to who I deleted the comment.
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