Friday, September 5, 2008

Diwali Message I Sindhi

The head office of the secretary

Circa l'80% delle aziende straniere che aprono in Romania ha bisogno, fin dal primo giorno, di una segretaria che si occupi dell'ufficio e dell'amministrazione quotidiana, specialmente quando i titolari non ci sono.

Si tratta di un argomento delicato, che non sempre viene gestito nel migliore dei modi, per cui mi sento di dare alcuni consigli, spero utili per evitare danni difficilmente quantificabili.

Innanzitutto bisogna capire una cosa: la nostra segretaria in Romania non è quella persona che lavora quotidianamente nell'ufficio a fianco. Si tratta, in realtà, di una perfetta sconosciuta ( tanto più quando è l'amica romena) che vive in un'altro paese, parlando in another language and thinking in a way that we even imagine. If we add the fact that we give to this stranger the keys to the office, at least a landline and a mobile phone (which we pay), our records daily, and often the signature of the bank, then it is better that we are concerned do things right.

The recruitment

probably many foreigners face here Looking to take Romania to work and welfare and, therefore, the Romanians do line up to work for us. We were wrong. Bought the most popular magazine ads Romania ( Anuntul Telefonic - released on Monday, Wednesday and Friday - and look under "jobs" ( Oferta de Munca ) and take a look at those seeking a secretary (secretary ): I'm sure there's a hundred.

Soon you will realize that a good secretary, in Romania, worth its weight in gold, while the low efficient will make you lose a lot of time (and money).

However, inevitably, you will begin the recruitment by visiting their offices in one of the many citizens of Anuntul telefonic and inserting the classic ad "Signature Italian angajeaza secretary, studies overcome , buna cunostinta limbo anglais , cunostinte PC is MS Office, "then let's see 'how it should be that secretary:

The friends

In Romania, you will get many friends. Maybe you came here just because you have known a in Romania and Italy convinced you how easy it is to start operating in this Bengodi.

Remember one thing: the secretary must be an educated person, sociable, reliable but interchangeable. If the secretary is wrong, you change. With all due respect to those who lose money in the second and training opportunities.


Our secretary will have a college education or post-graduate (must attend at least one faculty). This is the minimum requirement to ensure that a person in a country where schools are a disaster, have a general education comparable to our high school.
During the selections you will see them and master degrees in psychology (a standard) and in various types of management. The only serious in Business Administration is awarded by ' ESA (Economic University of Bucharest), all others will serve us little use.

before deciding, however, make sure, through a test, who knows how to handle the computer and the main programs (Office suite)


I had a secretary who spoke Italian, very well: he learned watching cartoons on TV (well, had a marked emphasis on the "Vladimir and Placido "...).

Seriously, your secretary should be familiar with the Italian language, with concepts that go to the technical terms, legal and courtesy.

Often, it will be your interpreter, answering the phone to Italian customers, translating letters and documents. For this reason, it is better to have attended some progress. If, then, also has permission to translate, then I will ask a higher salary but will save you time and money.

For other languages, you will see that many here , speak and write correct English.


Everything has its downside. If you intend to take a pretty young secretary, maybe blonde, then you take it with you to give up business dinners (we will discuss in another chapter, but many Romanians suffer, for that matter).

In Romania, you know, there are lots of beautiful women. The board is to hire a secretary, aged between 25 and 35 years, good manners, who can dress modestly but elegantly.


As we said, the secretary will give the keys to the office and the signature in the bank. For the first problem, the only solution is to take it in good standing with the contributions and with a contract that will specify its duties, obligations and its responsibilities and above the limits within which it can act. Otherwise end up managing your business and take you into the ranks of those who "in Romania have lost a lot of money." However not give her anything without that has demonstrated a valid document, which you will photocopy.

For the second problem, however, are two solutions: either you give a proxy to perform simple operations with documents signed by you (the that assumes that you are regularly present in the office), or open two accounts: one, transit, where the secretary will have the maximum freedom of action and the other, the main one, where you keep the money. When collecting money, the secretary will have a delegation to pay the money on the main account, but when you have to pay the bills, we will transfer amounts up to transit through home directly from banking ' Italy.

Salary and start-up rule will speak

in another chapter of the contribution system in Romania. It is important to understand that employees are assumed on the basis of an individual contract (so-called "collective agreements" are still in-house, missing entirely those of the class). Optionally, the employee may also have the "Carta de Munca ", a document attesting to the work done previously for pension purposes.

If the employee has already made the Carta de Munca is obliged to deliver it at the time of hiring. You the earth in his file and return it to the time of termination of employment , with the power on your part, of write down the reasons for the termination.

Caution: If the employee has just been fired by another employer, then his Carta de Munca will still be at the previous employer. In this case, I recommend you to sign a declaration by the employee and contact the previous employer to verify that there have been problems in the termination.

A good secretary, with a decent education, a minimum of language skills costs at the time of writing, around 350 € / month (plus 50% of contributions). If it is authorized translator, you can pay even 450/500. Better pay every 15 days, to avoid advances continue to see each request (for the day live here ...)

The termination of employment

Ah yes, the secretaries are changed. While we, like good Italians, we (too) lenient on their mistakes, they are constantly in search of a better job and better pay.
If you're in losing the services of your secretary, you give the notice period provided in the contract, salary and pay contributions and returns the card de Munca , perhaps after having recorded the reasons for the dismissal, if severe (and should be, since it is not so easy to dismiss an employee in Romania). If you

tratta di un comune accordo, vi farete firmare una lettera di dimissioni.
Se invece, come succede spesso, avete messo la "povera" segretaria sotto pressione (magari imponendole di lavorare 8 ore e non fino a che ha finito di fare cosa le avete chiesto), allora scoprirete anche voi come, il dipendente romeno messo sotto pressione, se ne vada senza spiegazioni.

Qualche volta vi capiterà anche di leggere un preavviso e di sentirvi dire che ha trovato lavoro in una multinazionale che le dà il doppio, ma, più spesso, comincerà a prendersi delle mezze giornate "per andare dal medico" o per "assistere la mamma in punto di morte" (segno inequivocabile che sta facendo dei colloqui) and, if all goes well, one day you will say that "from tomorrow veno more because the mother is just wrong."

Very often, unfortunately, do not turn up one morning to work. You do not worry, because here if no notice has the flu. Then, after three or four days, you will begin to give chase to make the stamp with the phone's Armani that you bought the week before. So I look
acid, but too many times I checked on my skin.

In any case keep in locked drawer A BEAUTIFUL NEW LIGHT OF BLOCKS OF LOCK.

New Alpha Centauri Game

headquarters the company may be, of course, or operational convenience. In case you chose to manage your business in just those few (or many) days you spend each month in Romania, then you better be careful to indicate how shipping address for invoices, bills and notices directly to your accountant.

Warning: Romanians have a sense of privacy much less developed than ours, so the first thing to do, when you take possession of your new home, will be to munirla a sturdy mailbox with a lock so be sure you only have the keys. Even the lock on the door will be changed. The operation exchange of keys must be carried out whenever there are alternations or redundancies among staff.
As for the bills, you can choose between two options: leave them headed to the owner (you can still deduce from taxable by the lease) or payable to your company.
The first is a good solution for those who are still undecided whether to remain in that place or not, but will give you a headache if you want to amend a contract (for example, if you decide to have a meter for electricity is greatest).
The second, more definitive, is also a bit 'more expensive. Thus, we should agree on a day with the owner to read the meters and go to their offices to settle any outstanding and make the perfecting of contracts (remember to always have with you document your identity, accompanied by a couple of copies, stamp, original and photocopy of memorandum and certificate of registration of society).

A separate deserve the ' Owners Association. In fact, if you choose to open your home in a building (block), you have already had occasion to come across this body of purely communist mold that has wide powers within a building. And to authorize any activity, the association has the power to auction a flat in the case remain unpaid condominium fees of directors. The Owners Association acts on behalf of its chairman, through an administrator.

L ' administrator of a building is, in general, a character straight out of a meeting of the Communist Party: great to do the sums and divisions and to come and knock on the door in case of delays but completely deaf to all complaint. He is responsible for the costs be shared among the condominium apartment buildings. The

condo fees are not calculated, as in Italy, based on thousandths of a property but on the basis of the occupants reported for each apartment. The companies will regularly imposed a greater number of occupants than it actually is: if you only have a secretary and you go to Romania 10 days a month, you will probably be "assigned" five units per person. Also at present in a building society, has a significant stake in the maintenance of the lift.

At the end of each month, public administration, nailing the entrance of the building, the list of apartment buildings with its share to pay, present and backward.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Respiration Reptiles Cold

Forming a company in Romania Romania

This is not intended as a guide "DIY" to open a company in Romania alone. To do so, in fact, are necessary knowledge, language, legal traditions and customs of the Romanians and that only those who have worked in Romania for years.
If you want to open a company in this country without surprises, the advice is to contact the professionals of proven ability.
The Association of Italian Entrepreneurs in Romania (AIIR) has, as the main statutory purpose, to help, in fact, those who approach the market to choose the professionals best suited to your needs.
To get in touch with our association, visit

Before opening a company in Romania, one must know some things:

  • Foreigners doing business in Romania, they can only participate in the capital company, so no individual companies (hereinafter called individual authorized).

  • Foreigners, whether natural or legal person may also hold the entire share capital of Romania, there is no requirement to have partners in Romania.

  • Given that the SA (limited company) are made only for the former state industries and lead to some complications, we will talk della costituzione di una SRL (Società a Responsabilità Limitata), abbastanza simili alle nostre.

  • In Romania, i cittadini dell'Unione Europea entrano e fanno affari con la Carta d'Identità, documento emesso da uno stato membro e riconosciuto dal Governo Romeno. Diffidate di chi insiste con il Passaporto.
Fase di start-up:
  • Scelta della sede:
    Secondo la legge romena, la sede della società deve essere in un'unità abitativa. Per unità abitativa si intende un appartamento/ufficio/spazio commerciale con un indirizzo univoco. In quell'unità non potranno poi esserci più di una società, unless the companies that reside in the same location does not have at least one member in common. This rules out the clearance at the office of accountant. There is one exception to this law during the first 12 months of life of society, it can be located at the office of a lawyer who works in Romania.

    Council then pay attention to anyone who proposes a formula with the clearance including: it is always a subletting an apartment, often located in hard to reach areas (to lower costs)

    I, however, published, always on this blog, a separate article called "The Office", just to learn more.

  • Selection and reservation of the name:
    is not always a mere formality: the company name must be unique (at least in each Judet, or province), so it is often difficult to find a name not yet registered. The office of the Chamber of Commerce still provides a list of names that can be made after the one chosen to make it unique (com, impex, prod, etc ...).

    Important: name followed by the word "Romania" can be taken only from those foreign companies that open a branch in Romania. Once prepared a list of at least three names, you go to the Chamber of Commerce (or the Office Registry of Commerce), where you make the reservation of the name. It would indeed be with that name, and with confirmation of your reservation, which is called all acts (Articles of Incorporation, a lease for the direct debit, bank accounts etc ...). The reservation lasts 60 days, more than enough time to open up society.
  • analysis of codes of practice:
    Romania legislation requires the definition enshrined in the Constitution, the principal and the secondary ones.

    It 's very important to define the main one, especially for those who will be dealing with banks: to have a codice di attività principale "Agenzia immobiliare", per esempio, significa essere visti dalle banche come provvisori ed inaffidabile. Per un istituto di credito, poi, il cambio del codice principale equivale alla costituzione di una nuova società.

    Molto importante, poi, la scelta dei codici da parte di chi intende chiedere finanziamenti agevolati dai Fondi Strutturali Europei: prima di decidere, sarà, in questo caso, meglio leggere la normativa sui Fondi che si desidera chiedere.

    Tutte le attività che è possibile svolgere legalmente in Romania, sono codificate da una normativa governativa denominata CAEN. E' abbastanza facile trovare l'elenco dei codici CAEN su internet, provided you know the Romania.

    secondary activity codes, however, are free: basically trying to get them all, except those reserved to the government or that require permission (banks, insurance companies, security companies, schools ...)

  • The Articles of Incorporation The Articles of Incorporation, as for the Italian companies, is the act by which it is materially the company, defining the purpose, membership and mode of administration.

    Attention: with few exceptions, current law allows you to authenticate the Articles of Incorporation between people at a company lawyer certifying the date . therefore wary of who takes you by a notary public without a reason real or is out of date or too smart. But we must admit that I noticed the Romanians are quite cheap.

    For those unfamiliar with the language, the Articles of Incorporation can be completed and signed directly with the Registry of Commerce, which has a specific section devoted to care (for a fee, of course).

    Attention: consultants, notaries and lawyers operating in Romania have not yet upgraded to the legislation came into force when accepted the EC, still wondering why the Italian Criminal criminal, but in reality simply a declaration, under their own responsibility, made and signed at the inception of the Constitutional Act, which indicates that you have not been convicted of criminal offenses which would lead to ' prohibiting businesses from making .

    Whether you have chosen the path of the lawyer that the lawyer, unless you have a document showing that you know the Rumanian language (but often enough to talk properly with the notary to attest to your command of the language), all will sign documents that will be in two copies: one Italian and one in Romania, prepared by a translator authorized to affix its stamp. On average this will cost € 3-5 per page.

  • Lease:
    For those not lucky enough to be able to buy an apartment, the only solution for a home care company, is to rent one.

    Attention: Once you have chosen the area and the type that suit your budget, the first step will be to verify the tax authorities, that there is already a company registered at that address. As in Romania is much cheaper than "letting die" rather than a company to fulfill costly formalities settlement, the companies often do not fit are "abandoned" it stops transmitting the annual statement of income in the Trade Register, and after a couple of years, a judge declare the company liquidated. But if that company had a debt, however small, with the government, then the cancellation would remain in abeyance.
    Since I do not think anybody is interested to pay three months in advance and a guarantee and then having to chase back and forth to make administrators and public kiosks, you should make sure in advance that the apartment is free from this kind of problem.

    Warning: In order to register with the Registry of Commerce your home, if this is in a condominium, you must obtain the written approval of both the Association of Owners (which I'll discuss below), both of your future neighbors, that the occupants of the apartments above, below, right and to the left of you.

    concluded the lease, you have to go to the Office of the Financial Administration sector that owns the place (Bucharest, for example, is divided into six areas, arranged in segments, each with its own office), together with the owner to pay a small fee and register the act.

  • capital:
    The minimum share capital to open a limited company in Romania is 200 Ron (the average exchange rate, about 60 Euro).

    Warning: Many consultants push, no interest on their part, to underwrite capital above the minimum. This may make sense if the company is to be ensured against suppliers or banks, but in this case, the capital should be of particular importance: I do not see a difference to a bank, a capital of between € 60 and one of 200 ...

    The share capital must be paid before the company was formed, in an account opened in the name we reserved in the Trade Register at any Bank of Romania. In general, to custom, will open at the CEC (the state bank Romania), then the bank will give you a lot of bureaucratic headaches. The account can be a single deposit of the share capital or mixed, store / outlet.

    In any case, those who wish to collect the money paid in capital account, after 60 days of the establishment of the company.

  • The Trade Register:
    At this point, you will have prepared all documents: the 'Articles of Incorporation , photocopies of identification documents members the Lease headquarters, the reservation of the Heading dell'azienda e la ricevuta di versamento del Capitale Sociale .

    Con tutti questi documenti, vi dovrete recare all'Ufficio del Registro del Commercio del vostro Judet o Settore. Qui, vi farete consegnare il modulo per l'immatricolazione di una nuova società e lo compilerete, almeno nelle parti che si capiscono (anche qui si scrive in burocratese...). Fatto questo, vi metterete in coda ad uno dei tanti uffici che si occupano delle nuove società: qui un impiegato molto disponibile vi aiuterà nelle formalità e vi manderà a versare alla cassa centrale le tasse d'immatricolazione, qualche decina di euro.

    Attenzione: mentre state in coda, you will see that, despite prohibitions and controls, many people, in addition to documents for the registration, will also be carrying plastic bags with chocolates, flowers, boxes of coffee. This is an efficient way to accelerate your practice (reducing time from two weeks to a few days), obviously do not recommend it to those unfamiliar, although I must admit that every practice that I submitted to the Office of the Register of Bucharest, contained "accidentally" an envelope with one or two 100 bills you).

  • Withdrawal of documents:
    At this point, the date indicated da'ufficio, you just need to pick up your Certificate of Registration , To be preserved carefully as you must show it often.

    With the certificate, the first thing you do will be to go into a shop where you'll make at least a stamp (I do recommend three: a large office, a laptop for you and one that says "accounting" to allow those who keep the accounts to present the case to the government).

    We know that in fact, in Romania, the tone is more important than signature. Without the stamp documents (whether just) do not have legal effect and, above all in the bank, you will be asked at every opportunity.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How To Hack For Arceus In Soul

The costs of

Entrepreneur system that comes close to Romania, needs, of course, to quantify the costs it faces. Below I give some figures provide a guide for Bucharest.

conversion rate (for the amounts you): You 3.55 / Euro.

everyday life:

Taxi: 1.6 to 2.0 You / Km
Fast food: 20 to 40
Restaurant you mean: 40 to 100 you
Restaurant medium-high: 150 to 250 you
room in hotels (3 stars): 90 to 130 Euro / night
Miniappartamento in complexes 35 to 80 Euro / night


outside the rental office (2 / 3 rooms): 400 to 600 Euro / month
rental office in the center (2 / 3 rooms): 550 to 1000 Euro / month
average cost of building: 100 € / month

Office rental class A: 15-22 Euro / sqm / month rental showroom
Street: 70 to 120 Euro / sqm / month

fixed costs: as in Italy
phone charges Mobile generally higher than in Italy. Almost all companies have one or more phones.
Internet: in general have wired connections you about 30-60 per month. The most expensive ADSL 80-120 She / month


Minimum wage for the economy: 500 you
Secretary: 1000 you (even if 1500 speaks good Italian)
operator call center: 350 Euro (including contributions)
impact contributions about 50% of net salary.

Vintage Pin Up Dresses

Why are Italians in Romania?

I know this question will make someone smile: it is widely believed (rightly or wrongly) that prostitution contributes so substantially to the GDP in Romania. Then considered the known sensitivity of the male representatives of our people, it's easy to put two and two.

But believe me, than twenty aircraft that are flown in daily from Italy in the two airports in Bucharest, they go down too many business people, serious about producing a profit.

Just to get an idea, we try to divide the latter into categories:
  1. The small business owners who, suffocated by the Italian taxes and full of ideas, trying to understand "what can be done in Romania."
  2. entrepreneurs seeking new business opportunities and productive for their company that, in Italy, reached the highest level of development possible.
  3. Those who seek higher rents for their money, playing (and sometimes speculation) on the prices of land and buildings.
  4. The so-called "pirates", who believe land in Burundi, where people work as slaves for a pittance and the land cost a few cents per sq.
While we wonder where they have been, over the past twenty years, belonging to the last category, all of us in the industry, we look forward to the second category: in fact, made the appropriate selections, are of Italian entrepreneurs in Romania coming decades.

What Do My Wrist Bands Mean

Move Romania

During the last five years, the years when I worked as a consultant for Italian companies wishing to address the challenges of the Romanians, the phrase I heard several times, probably is, "Dr. Ghiglia, can not hold on the Italian tax system, help me move my business in Romania. "

Romania is, since the days of communism, the scales closer to Italy and Eastern Europe Italians: linguistic affinities, Latin, and good will of the people are certainly the driving forces of the continuous flow of migration of businessmen, began the days of Ceausescu and culminated with the entry of Romania into the EU.

But the picture is not as rosy as it seems. Towards the end of 2007, I have myself confirmed in an interview with the weekly Panorama, the presence Romania of about 22,000 companies with capital, even partially, Italian. For further analysis, it appears, however, as at least half of them has been set up exclusively to buy land. Until 2007, in fact, the law prevented Romania to private foreign ownership of land, therefore difficult to consider the companies formed to acquire land only for the purpose of the real production situations.

My experience also tells me that the remaining 11,000 firms "Italian" nominally present in Romania, there is only one half in this strange country because it costs less to leave a company, allowing a court to close after a few years, rather than going to the government and liquidate it.

We remain with about 5000 to 6000 companies. Some, especially banks and subsidiaries of large groups, they go very well while others are so-so.

In this blog, I will try above all to pass my experience to those entrepreneurs who want to start a business in Romania without making mistakes that could lead to rapid failure.

Why, do business (and money) in Romania, is possible!

Monday, August 18, 2008

What's Softball Bat -10?

Check-in dell'impreditore

Before attempting to undertake any kind of business in Romania, the entrepreneur Italian should do a little "check-in, responding (positively) to these questions:
  1. I am an entrepreneur?
    Or: I have a background of research and experience that allow me to start and run a business?
  2. I have a small fortune?
    Romania is a fairly expensive country, where there are strong incentives for investment. But to have incentives, you must first make the investment. Forget about coming here with ideas and build something with European funds.
  3. I can hold out for at least 5 years, even though the business initially did not go too well?
    Arrivando, ultimi, in un paese i piena evoluzione, spesso si scelgono strade che si riveleranno redditizie nel tempo. Purtroppo, però, ci si renderà presto conto di come, in Romania, il tempo sia un'entità estremamente indefinita.
  4. Possiedo le risorse per condurre i miei affari in Romania?
    Il business "pendolare", quello degli imprenditori che vengono qui quattro/cinque giorni al mese è quello con minori possibilità di riuscita. Le caratteristiche del mondo degli affari e dei rapporti interpersonali in Romania, infatti, richiede una presenza assidua dell'imprenditore o di personale, italiano, da lui delegato.
Ma la domanda principale, quella che più affect the success of your business in this country is deceptively simple: who I trust?

The most common mistake is to get some addresses from the Internet: real estate agency, an accounting firm ... all Romanians who claim to speak Italian. Over the past three years, most of my time I spent trying to make their scrapes by these companies, mired in translation errors, unreadable budgets, tax control, etc ... The Grim

fatal error is to open a company in Romania " because I have a friend of Rumanian origin who wants to return home and follow me everything." When I hear certain things mi chiedo dove siano finiti gli imprenditori veri, quelli che si scelgono i collaboratori, calcolano il breack even point , arrivano in ufficio prima dei dipendenti ed escono ultimi...

Ecco un'idea che ogni imprenditore dovrebbe prendere in considerazione: iscriversi ad un'associazione di imprenditori.

AIIR, l'Associazione Imprenditori Italiani in Romania è sata la prima di questo tipo, essendo stata fondata nel 1993. Con uffici a Bucarest, Timisoara e Alba Iulia, poi, è in grado di assistere i propri associati in ogni parte della Romania.

Per maggiori dettagli, visita il sito

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Seran Wrap An Preparation H To Lose Inches Fast


Tadàààà! For several months after the last post, the blog rises from the crypt. What happened to me in the meantime? Incredibly, a few weeks ago I was hired - even if taken is a term of imprisonment less suitable to describe the contract of shit that I find myself - in a large agency of the city.

Certainly not with this blog, which caused me to hallucinate just mail in search of advice for copy and become losers in search of buzz for their campagnucce (no friend, I'll do a post on your guerrilla war for the paper toilet with which you have held a statue of Garibaldi crapped by pigeons).

Simply, I wrote an email to a DC and then I showed up to interview with the arm il mio avveniristico portfolio A4 di campagne finte, badando bene di non metterci NULLA prodotto nella mia ex agenzia, alla quale auguro di subire un attacco terroristico nel corso di un terremoto mentre va a fuoco.

Il DC in questione doveva essere ubriaco e/o strafatto di coca e così mi ha preso a bordo. Nei giorni seguenti, però, ho notato che ha sempre lo stesso aspetto, quindi o è così di natura, o beve e si droga di continuo. Spero la seconda, almeno può nutrire una speranza di riabilitazione.

Eccitato dalla prospettiva di sputtanare il mondo dell'adv direttamente da uno dei suoi centri nevralgici, ecco quindi la decisione di riprendere in mano questa mia creatura. Per non farmi individuare, disseminerò my denunciations of crap (for example, I forgot to tell you that my agency is mega Caltanissetta), but in general, 80% will also be revealed truths you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask - and, if dare you, now you do the garbage collectors or street vendors selling roasted chestnuts.

Stay tuned.