Friday, September 5, 2008

New Alpha Centauri Game

headquarters the company may be, of course, or operational convenience. In case you chose to manage your business in just those few (or many) days you spend each month in Romania, then you better be careful to indicate how shipping address for invoices, bills and notices directly to your accountant.

Warning: Romanians have a sense of privacy much less developed than ours, so the first thing to do, when you take possession of your new home, will be to munirla a sturdy mailbox with a lock so be sure you only have the keys. Even the lock on the door will be changed. The operation exchange of keys must be carried out whenever there are alternations or redundancies among staff.
As for the bills, you can choose between two options: leave them headed to the owner (you can still deduce from taxable by the lease) or payable to your company.
The first is a good solution for those who are still undecided whether to remain in that place or not, but will give you a headache if you want to amend a contract (for example, if you decide to have a meter for electricity is greatest).
The second, more definitive, is also a bit 'more expensive. Thus, we should agree on a day with the owner to read the meters and go to their offices to settle any outstanding and make the perfecting of contracts (remember to always have with you document your identity, accompanied by a couple of copies, stamp, original and photocopy of memorandum and certificate of registration of society).

A separate deserve the ' Owners Association. In fact, if you choose to open your home in a building (block), you have already had occasion to come across this body of purely communist mold that has wide powers within a building. And to authorize any activity, the association has the power to auction a flat in the case remain unpaid condominium fees of directors. The Owners Association acts on behalf of its chairman, through an administrator.

L ' administrator of a building is, in general, a character straight out of a meeting of the Communist Party: great to do the sums and divisions and to come and knock on the door in case of delays but completely deaf to all complaint. He is responsible for the costs be shared among the condominium apartment buildings. The

condo fees are not calculated, as in Italy, based on thousandths of a property but on the basis of the occupants reported for each apartment. The companies will regularly imposed a greater number of occupants than it actually is: if you only have a secretary and you go to Romania 10 days a month, you will probably be "assigned" five units per person. Also at present in a building society, has a significant stake in the maintenance of the lift.

At the end of each month, public administration, nailing the entrance of the building, the list of apartment buildings with its share to pay, present and backward.


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