Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Vintage Pin Up Dresses

Why are Italians in Romania?

I know this question will make someone smile: it is widely believed (rightly or wrongly) that prostitution contributes so substantially to the GDP in Romania. Then considered the known sensitivity of the male representatives of our people, it's easy to put two and two.

But believe me, than twenty aircraft that are flown in daily from Italy in the two airports in Bucharest, they go down too many business people, serious about producing a profit.

Just to get an idea, we try to divide the latter into categories:
  1. The small business owners who, suffocated by the Italian taxes and full of ideas, trying to understand "what can be done in Romania."
  2. entrepreneurs seeking new business opportunities and productive for their company that, in Italy, reached the highest level of development possible.
  3. Those who seek higher rents for their money, playing (and sometimes speculation) on the prices of land and buildings.
  4. The so-called "pirates", who believe land in Burundi, where people work as slaves for a pittance and the land cost a few cents per sq.
While we wonder where they have been, over the past twenty years, belonging to the last category, all of us in the industry, we look forward to the second category: in fact, made the appropriate selections, are of Italian entrepreneurs in Romania coming decades.


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