Monday, November 1, 2010
Cky - Skeletor Vs. Beastman Free Dl
the neon in young lovers'eyes: Buddy Bradley "Buddy Bradley is a smart black man that runs the wheels (those of the brain), behind which lurks a young creative Catania d. .."
Friday, October 22, 2010
German Candles Carved

I met Thoms about two years ago at Fort Prenestino of Rome for the Crack Comics Dirompenti . I knew from his work and had also tried his style of cloning, but these are things that are said.
That first time, despite the "formalities" of the meeting, I had already realized that Diego is a fellow. Uno di quelli che nel giro di cinque minuti sono già i tuoi migliori amici, i tuoi compagni di banco, i tuoi compagni di sbronze e i futuri testimoni alle tue nozze fricchettone. E infatti, la volta successiva, a un anno di distanza, eravamo già vecchi compari a cui bastano poche parole per capirsi e che aspettano di condividere mille progetti. Così, quando mesi dopo con CocaColla abbiamo pensato a possibili collaborazioni con artisti più o meno noti (dall’urban art alla grafica, dal video alla musica), il primo a venirmi in mente non poteva che essere Mr Thoms . Neanche il tempo di spiegare che lui aveva già trovato il luogo e l’idea da proporci. Due giorni dopo stavamo già caricando l’auto con scale, falci e spray alla volta di Monterotondo. Giornata di sole, paranoie lasciate a casa, Go Do di Jonsi nel player, Kijo il suo micro cane a scodinzolare dietro, ed un muro enorme ad attenderci. Due giorni di rulli e pennelli, colori e vesciche alle mani, entusiasmo e stanchezza e l’odore dolciastro della vernice spray a sballarci.
Poco altro da dire. Le parole sono superflue. Thoms è l’omino del Venghino Signori! Venghino! Vi accompagna COLLA manina dentro a mondi degni di Tex Avery . E’ un’artista genialoide che davanti a un muro ritrova una spontaneità primitiva, un bambino davanti all’albero di natale.
Ma adesso godetevi le immagini ed il video qui sotto.
Ed abituatevi a vederne parecchie di queste cose su
Stay tuned.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Hobo International Lauren Knock Off

Monday, September 13, 2010
Ovarian Cyst And Metallic Taste In Mouth

ecco qui il secondo gig poster for the concert in September of rocker Catania Miss Apple .
Friday, August 27, 2010
Spellforce The Order Of Dawn Seriove číslo
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Camp Of Champschristian Wrestling Singlets

Everynone is a boutique production company located in NY & LA founded by Daniel Mercadante, Will Hoffman, Julius Metoyer III.
Dvd Menu In Another Language

Routines is a continuous series of short motions examining the flow of pattern and repetition, in both shared common tasks and those that are a bit more personal.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
How To Make A Homemade Rabbit Water Bottle

et voilà,
ecco a voi la locandina pel concerto della giovine rocker catanese Miss Apple . tenetela d'occhio e d'orecchio.
stay tuned.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Catchy Phrases About Marijuana

17-18-19-20 June 2010
CRACK! COMICS Disrupting
year in its sixth edition, HATELOVE, the independent festival that every year is hosted and produced entirely by the community center Prenestino Forte in Rome, his soul is totally oriented networking, business networking, to share tools and projects. _ It is not a showcase or an extension of the art market, Crack to know should be lived.
It 'a unique opportunity to meet and discuss new comic Autoconvocate the scene of international authors, publishers, collective and cultural exchange centers of production methods, stories, and pictures in the basement of the biggest squat in Europe.
companions and I are there.
stay tuned.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
How Much Is A One Week Time Share

rather than do serious things and put myself under to draw, I created another BLOG on tumblr that I wanted to try and I like how it works and how it is orderly and functional.
we set things that I find PEL web, and then sometimes even my own, so, just to confuse things and begin to suffer di patologie psichiche.
non c'ho propio un cazzo da fare.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Vba Cheats To Catch Pokemon

" Fuoribusta è un contenuto senza contenitore palpabile, come la cocaina che si respira nell’aria di Milano. Fuoribusta è una gratificazione necessaria, senza se e senza irpef, come quella parte di salario, di ricompensa che esce fuori dalla busta paga.
Fuoribusta è il troppo che non storpia, la medicina che permette di tenere la schiena dritta e superare tutte le crisi, siano esse sociali, economiche, affettive o in subaffitto. Fuoribusta è il nostro giocattolo, un premio che l’evoluzione riserva to those best able to adapt to the environment, is a refund without remorse. Fuoribusta is a bonus contract with a gigolo for the project, is the passion of Christ that becomes a job, is the resurrection of Andreotti, is the fly that enriches the squid ink.
Fuoribusta is a bad draft notice, corruptible by definition. To make this road, will web-crack laziness, this site will un'oleatina day, one of the first post-meal and then materialize in a journal before ending up in the ground where it will make new roots. "

stay tuned.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
How To Mount 2010triad Bindings
Monday, February 22, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Can Hemorrhoids Cause Frequent Urination

Here's to you, as promised, the last sturiella colored Halfhead & Menomouse, appeared on the first issue of TN , but here published with alternate ending that could suggest a second episode.
know ...
stay tuned, as usual.
buddy is watching you.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Peace Sign Bathroom Stuff

Bonsu folks, you will find a new
presterrimo avventurella of Halfhead & Menomouse in a new magazine from newborn shining minds that are part of the atelier TerraNullius . It is to be ready and nimble and hungry.

I raccomanzo, stay tuned.