Un momento particolare nella vita di un pubblicitario è quando devi cambiare agenzia. Ciò si verifica nei seguenti casi: 1) per distrazione, hai commesso l'errore di addossare una tua cazzata a un creativo che è già stato licenziato, in maternità, in galera o morto suicida da mesi, facendoti clamorosamente scoprire; 2) hai osato non ridere alla trentesima battuta idiota quotidiana del dc esecutivo; 3) la tua agenzia è talmente in bancarotta che subaffitta i propri locali ai congressi Udeur and already there is, ask the participants ideas and layouts for the events without reimbursement.
Here are the steps that are taken to find a new place:
1) upgrade the portfolio by replacing the marketing years 1991/92 to copy from the Archive with the most innovative ones, for Italy, published on the numbers released in 1998/99.
2) dc and beg on his knees any more senior creative of you to give you a shred of recommendation, coming to brag on the rump to have a paralytic father, a mother with leukemia, a brother and four grandparents closed in toxic iron lung.
3) write / phone / add as a friend on facebook dc all that is, shamelessly trying to protect them with chilling statements like: "I think your last film should win the Grand Prix at Cannes, but those of Fallon bullshit."
4) if none of the three functions, looking for a job in a neighboring field and within a short time to become a photographer to cry, a listed artist, a successful director, a renowned award-winning journalist or a novelist.
But, thanks to the effectiveness of the system spintarelle, very few come to evaluate the fourth hypothesis. And this explains why the photo, art, film, journalism and literature in Italy do shit.
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