Circa l'80% delle aziende straniere che aprono in Romania ha bisogno, fin dal primo giorno, di una segretaria che si occupi dell'ufficio e dell'amministrazione quotidiana, specialmente quando i titolari non ci sono.
Si tratta di un argomento delicato, che non sempre viene gestito nel migliore dei modi, per cui mi sento di dare alcuni consigli, spero utili per evitare danni difficilmente quantificabili.
Innanzitutto bisogna capire una cosa: la nostra segretaria in Romania non è quella persona che lavora quotidianamente nell'ufficio a fianco. Si tratta, in realtà, di una perfetta sconosciuta ( tanto più quando è l'amica romena) che vive in un'altro paese, parlando in another language and thinking in a way that we even imagine. If we add the fact that we give to this stranger the keys to the office, at least a landline and a mobile phone (which we pay), our records daily, and often the signature of the bank, then it is better that we are concerned do things right.
The recruitment
probably many foreigners face here Looking to take Romania to work and welfare and, therefore, the Romanians do line up to work for us. We were wrong. Bought the most popular magazine ads Romania ( Anuntul Telefonic - released on Monday, Wednesday and Friday - and look under "jobs" ( Oferta de Munca ) and take a look at those seeking a secretary (secretary ): I'm sure there's a hundred.
Soon you will realize that a good secretary, in Romania, worth its weight in gold, while the low efficient will make you lose a lot of time (and money).
However, inevitably, you will begin the recruitment by visiting their offices in one of the many citizens of Anuntul telefonic and inserting the classic ad "Signature Italian angajeaza secretary, studies overcome , buna cunostinta limbo anglais , cunostinte PC is MS Office, "then let's see 'how it should be that secretary:
The friends
In Romania, you will get many friends. Maybe you came here just because you have known a in Romania and Italy convinced you how easy it is to start operating in this Bengodi.
Remember one thing: the secretary must be an educated person, sociable, reliable but interchangeable. If the secretary is wrong, you change. With all due respect to those who lose money in the second and training opportunities.
Our secretary will have a college education or post-graduate (must attend at least one faculty). This is the minimum requirement to ensure that a person in a country where schools are a disaster, have a general education comparable to our high school.
During the selections you will see them and master degrees in psychology (a standard) and in various types of management. The only serious in Business Administration is awarded by ' ESA (Economic University of Bucharest), all others will serve us little use.
before deciding, however, make sure, through a test, who knows how to handle the computer and the main programs (Office suite)
I had a secretary who spoke Italian, very well: he learned watching cartoons on TV (well, had a marked emphasis on the "Vladimir and Placido "...).
Seriously, your secretary should be familiar with the Italian language, with concepts that go to the technical terms, legal and courtesy.
Often, it will be your interpreter, answering the phone to Italian customers, translating letters and documents. For this reason, it is better to have attended some progress. If, then, also has permission to translate, then I will ask a higher salary but will save you time and money.
For other languages, you will see that many here , speak and write correct English.
Everything has its downside. If you intend to take a pretty young secretary, maybe blonde, then you take it with you to give up business dinners (we will discuss in another chapter, but many Romanians suffer, for that matter).
In Romania, you know, there are lots of beautiful women. The board is to hire a secretary, aged between 25 and 35 years, good manners, who can dress modestly but elegantly.
As we said, the secretary will give the keys to the office and the signature in the bank. For the first problem, the only solution is to take it in good standing with the contributions and with a contract that will specify its duties, obligations and its responsibilities and above the limits within which it can act. Otherwise end up managing your business and take you into the ranks of those who "in Romania have lost a lot of money." However not give her anything without that has demonstrated a valid document, which you will photocopy.
For the second problem, however, are two solutions: either you give a proxy to perform simple operations with documents signed by you (the that assumes that you are regularly present in the office), or open two accounts: one, transit, where the secretary will have the maximum freedom of action and the other, the main one, where you keep the money. When collecting money, the secretary will have a delegation to pay the money on the main account, but when you have to pay the bills, we will transfer amounts up to transit through home directly from banking ' Italy.
Salary and start-up rule will speak
in another chapter of the contribution system in Romania. It is important to understand that employees are assumed on the basis of an individual contract (so-called "collective agreements" are still in-house, missing entirely those of the class). Optionally, the employee may also have the "Carta de Munca ", a document attesting to the work done previously for pension purposes.
If the employee has already made the Carta de Munca is obliged to deliver it at the time of hiring. You the earth in his file and return it to the time of termination of employment , with the power on your part, of write down the reasons for the termination.
Caution: If the employee has just been fired by another employer, then his Carta de Munca will still be at the previous employer. In this case, I recommend you to sign a declaration by the employee and contact the previous employer to verify that there have been problems in the termination.
A good secretary, with a decent education, a minimum of language skills costs at the time of writing, around 350 € / month (plus 50% of contributions). If it is authorized translator, you can pay even 450/500. Better pay every 15 days, to avoid advances continue to see each request (for the day live here ...)
The termination of employment
Ah yes, the secretaries are changed. While we, like good Italians, we (too) lenient on their mistakes, they are constantly in search of a better job and better pay.
If you're in losing the services of your secretary, you give the notice period provided in the contract, salary and pay contributions and returns the card de Munca , perhaps after having recorded the reasons for the dismissal, if severe (and should be, since it is not so easy to dismiss an employee in Romania). If you
tratta di un comune accordo, vi farete firmare una lettera di dimissioni.
Se invece, come succede spesso, avete messo la "povera" segretaria sotto pressione (magari imponendole di lavorare 8 ore e non fino a che ha finito di fare cosa le avete chiesto), allora scoprirete anche voi come, il dipendente romeno messo sotto pressione, se ne vada senza spiegazioni.
Qualche volta vi capiterà anche di leggere un preavviso e di sentirvi dire che ha trovato lavoro in una multinazionale che le dà il doppio, ma, più spesso, comincerà a prendersi delle mezze giornate "per andare dal medico" o per "assistere la mamma in punto di morte" (segno inequivocabile che sta facendo dei colloqui) and, if all goes well, one day you will say that "from tomorrow veno more because the mother is just wrong."
Very often, unfortunately, do not turn up one morning to work. You do not worry, because here if no notice has the flu. Then, after three or four days, you will begin to give chase to make the stamp with the phone's Armani that you bought the week before. So I look
acid, but too many times I checked on my skin.
In any case keep in locked drawer A BEAUTIFUL NEW LIGHT OF BLOCKS OF LOCK.
Si tratta di un argomento delicato, che non sempre viene gestito nel migliore dei modi, per cui mi sento di dare alcuni consigli, spero utili per evitare danni difficilmente quantificabili.
Innanzitutto bisogna capire una cosa: la nostra segretaria in Romania non è quella persona che lavora quotidianamente nell'ufficio a fianco. Si tratta, in realtà, di una perfetta sconosciuta ( tanto più quando è l'amica romena) che vive in un'altro paese, parlando in another language and thinking in a way that we even imagine. If we add the fact that we give to this stranger the keys to the office, at least a landline and a mobile phone (which we pay), our records daily, and often the signature of the bank, then it is better that we are concerned do things right.
The recruitment
probably many foreigners face here Looking to take Romania to work and welfare and, therefore, the Romanians do line up to work for us. We were wrong. Bought the most popular magazine ads Romania ( Anuntul Telefonic - released on Monday, Wednesday and Friday - and look under "jobs" ( Oferta de Munca ) and take a look at those seeking a secretary (secretary ): I'm sure there's a hundred.
Soon you will realize that a good secretary, in Romania, worth its weight in gold, while the low efficient will make you lose a lot of time (and money).
However, inevitably, you will begin the recruitment by visiting their offices in one of the many citizens of Anuntul telefonic and inserting the classic ad "Signature Italian angajeaza secretary, studies overcome , buna cunostinta limbo anglais , cunostinte PC is MS Office, "then let's see 'how it should be that secretary:
The friends
In Romania, you will get many friends. Maybe you came here just because you have known a in Romania and Italy convinced you how easy it is to start operating in this Bengodi.
Remember one thing: the secretary must be an educated person, sociable, reliable but interchangeable. If the secretary is wrong, you change. With all due respect to those who lose money in the second and training opportunities.
Our secretary will have a college education or post-graduate (must attend at least one faculty). This is the minimum requirement to ensure that a person in a country where schools are a disaster, have a general education comparable to our high school.
During the selections you will see them and master degrees in psychology (a standard) and in various types of management. The only serious in Business Administration is awarded by ' ESA (Economic University of Bucharest), all others will serve us little use.
before deciding, however, make sure, through a test, who knows how to handle the computer and the main programs (Office suite)
I had a secretary who spoke Italian, very well: he learned watching cartoons on TV (well, had a marked emphasis on the "Vladimir and Placido "...).
Seriously, your secretary should be familiar with the Italian language, with concepts that go to the technical terms, legal and courtesy.
Often, it will be your interpreter, answering the phone to Italian customers, translating letters and documents. For this reason, it is better to have attended some progress. If, then, also has permission to translate, then I will ask a higher salary but will save you time and money.
For other languages, you will see that many here , speak and write correct English.
Everything has its downside. If you intend to take a pretty young secretary, maybe blonde, then you take it with you to give up business dinners (we will discuss in another chapter, but many Romanians suffer, for that matter).
In Romania, you know, there are lots of beautiful women. The board is to hire a secretary, aged between 25 and 35 years, good manners, who can dress modestly but elegantly.
As we said, the secretary will give the keys to the office and the signature in the bank. For the first problem, the only solution is to take it in good standing with the contributions and with a contract that will specify its duties, obligations and its responsibilities and above the limits within which it can act. Otherwise end up managing your business and take you into the ranks of those who "in Romania have lost a lot of money." However not give her anything without that has demonstrated a valid document, which you will photocopy.
For the second problem, however, are two solutions: either you give a proxy to perform simple operations with documents signed by you (the that assumes that you are regularly present in the office), or open two accounts: one, transit, where the secretary will have the maximum freedom of action and the other, the main one, where you keep the money. When collecting money, the secretary will have a delegation to pay the money on the main account, but when you have to pay the bills, we will transfer amounts up to transit through home directly from banking ' Italy.
Salary and start-up rule will speak
in another chapter of the contribution system in Romania. It is important to understand that employees are assumed on the basis of an individual contract (so-called "collective agreements" are still in-house, missing entirely those of the class). Optionally, the employee may also have the "Carta de Munca ", a document attesting to the work done previously for pension purposes.
If the employee has already made the Carta de Munca is obliged to deliver it at the time of hiring. You the earth in his file and return it to the time of termination of employment , with the power on your part, of write down the reasons for the termination.
Caution: If the employee has just been fired by another employer, then his Carta de Munca will still be at the previous employer. In this case, I recommend you to sign a declaration by the employee and contact the previous employer to verify that there have been problems in the termination.
A good secretary, with a decent education, a minimum of language skills costs at the time of writing, around 350 € / month (plus 50% of contributions). If it is authorized translator, you can pay even 450/500. Better pay every 15 days, to avoid advances continue to see each request (for the day live here ...)
The termination of employment
Ah yes, the secretaries are changed. While we, like good Italians, we (too) lenient on their mistakes, they are constantly in search of a better job and better pay.
If you're in losing the services of your secretary, you give the notice period provided in the contract, salary and pay contributions and returns the card de Munca , perhaps after having recorded the reasons for the dismissal, if severe (and should be, since it is not so easy to dismiss an employee in Romania). If you
tratta di un comune accordo, vi farete firmare una lettera di dimissioni.
Se invece, come succede spesso, avete messo la "povera" segretaria sotto pressione (magari imponendole di lavorare 8 ore e non fino a che ha finito di fare cosa le avete chiesto), allora scoprirete anche voi come, il dipendente romeno messo sotto pressione, se ne vada senza spiegazioni.
Qualche volta vi capiterà anche di leggere un preavviso e di sentirvi dire che ha trovato lavoro in una multinazionale che le dà il doppio, ma, più spesso, comincerà a prendersi delle mezze giornate "per andare dal medico" o per "assistere la mamma in punto di morte" (segno inequivocabile che sta facendo dei colloqui) and, if all goes well, one day you will say that "from tomorrow veno more because the mother is just wrong."
Very often, unfortunately, do not turn up one morning to work. You do not worry, because here if no notice has the flu. Then, after three or four days, you will begin to give chase to make the stamp with the phone's Armani that you bought the week before. So I look
acid, but too many times I checked on my skin.
In any case keep in locked drawer A BEAUTIFUL NEW LIGHT OF BLOCKS OF LOCK.